Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Last Night's Dream 8

It's the last week of 2011, and I'm still procrastinating on that Bio folio. Nope, no more procrastination, just stopping it. Well, I never did start on it at the first place. -,-

Anyway, at the thought of starting school this 4th Jan 2012, I've been dreaming a lot about my friends lately. Some happy ones, some not-so-happy ones. Recently, I've been dreaming of a male schoolmate of mine. Maybe some of you know who this person is, some of may not. Depends on who you actually think of.

So, the dream. The place, stadium - to be precise, tennis court. Time, mid-day. Us, girls, were playing tennis, even though we suck at it, while the boys played basketball. Well, somehow our tennis ball got out of the court and went into the basketball court. I went out to fetch it.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

No More Johan T^T You're at fault

Hooooiii.... hehe my chapters are really coming late aren't it? I've been busy with another fiction lately.. also with drama watching. Easier way to put it, I was busy with other stuff than this fiction. I kinda lost interest to write about.......you know ....the fake me - daydreaming for Johan to come by ....someday.

Anyway, I'm sorry if any of you reading this are disappointed in me. I'm just sorry I lost the idea to write this. Overall, I can't really fully blame myself for stopping(to write). A part to blame is you guys yourself. You guys don't comment and give me inspiration and ideas T^T

You....you...... unproductive silent readers are such ghosts. T^T I seriously wanted to continue writing, but since NO ONE is reading, I'd better stop wasting my time on something so petty.

So, it's OFFICIAL. I'M STOPPING THE BOY I KNEW CHAPTERS. Let it be hanging till the end of time.

*whoah. so dramatic.

Jaejoong is becoming really hot in my eyes right now :) So, I wrote a fiction with Jaejoong in it at some fiction sharing website. and NO, I'm NOT gonna share it with you guys, because.....
...........I just don't want to share it with you guys.


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

[fic038] Oh, What a Day

HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO ELYZA! I sincerely wanted to hand over your present to you personally, but what can I do? I don't have Johan with me to deliver it all the way to Melbourne! :P Hope you like what you get :D *hint hint* It's something from this fiction too! (check chapter 26)


Aisyah's POV

It's Saturday and my friends decided to go to Mid Valley just for fun. It's been awhile since us, boys and girls, went on a trip together. Since there are so many of us, I suggested to go by train. Yes, the old KTM in Nilai. There's direct path to Mid Valley Megamall and the ticket is cheap.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

[fic037] Back To The Roots

OMAIGADSUN! :O I left this for soooo long, I kinda forgot what I should continue. Soooo sorry to readers, especially to whom had been intently following this boring stage of my fiction writing. Thanks to those who did intently had been following this boring stage of my fiction writing. Anyway, after around three-four(?) weeks, I wonder if I could get back on track. SPM 'training' is in around two months. So, I need to wrap this up fast. T^T 

Oh yeah. I guess I'll be leaving this one unattended because I'm out in my dad's home town this weekend. So, read till you get bored of it okay? Thanks :)


Johan's POV

It's pot-luck night. The residents around of my house brought so many food for the pot-luck. My parents brought marinated meats they got from my older cousin's restaurant in KL. They said the meats are marinated the Korean way. A special concoction of spices and fruits? I dunno. If I ask Aisyah, she would probably know. Too bad she's not coming down. She wasn't feeling well. We met Maya earlier. She probably wanted to rest after the tiresome meeting.

Friday, 4 November 2011

[fic036] A Headache Source

SOOO sorry for the long wait! Final year exams were on. :P

Johan's POV

We waited for Maya until it was late noon. We already had lunch and still don't see her coming to the bakery. I was getting very annoyed. Seriously. I thought she already promised to come, meet and talk. I guess she's the one dropping out - not Aisyah. Now I feel bad making Aisyah go through this. Anyway, did Aisyah do something SO bad to her, that made her hate Aisyah? I don't think Aisyah meant to do anything to her.

We're about to finish up for the day, the bakery goods were sold out and we were waiting for some other customers who bought the last pieces of goods to walk out of the bakery. Aisyah escorted the customers with a smile, closes the door and turned the 'open' sign to 'close'. 

Credits: Google
She pulled the drapes for the door and some of the windows down. Then she walked back to the counter and looked at me.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Not everyone has patience. Some may lose patience even when a slight bad thing happens. Some may endure the 'pain' and have patience. As for me, I have patience. But at times, I can lose my patience. For example, hanging around with people that has bad attitudes, or just too weird. I can hang around and follow their pace(attitude) for some bit, but if they do cross the line, I will not just stand there and let them play me. I'm a human too, you know.

Why did I even start talking about patience? WHY? BECAUSE I never felt watching a drama can be sooooo challenging, it's knocking on my patience. Yeah. Shocking ay? You probably thought I had a fight with someone or something. Well, actually I had a 'fight' with a video sharing website from France =_= 

Friday, 28 October 2011

Last Night's Dream! 7

So, any of u, readers, might and should have read my recent spazz on my crush right? Well, the almost-exact scene came into my dream last night. Most of you might know that I'm a prefect at school. In the dream, it was an assembly day. So, I had to call out the 'kids' to the assembly hall. 

"Pergi kat dataran. Semua ke dataran pengetua!" I called out to the girls and boys who were lazing around at the open hall. 

The boys reacted pretty late though. Boys and their lazy bums. I had to hit them on the shoulder or pulled them up so that they stand up and start walking to the assembly hall. The girls wasn't that half better either. They are the same as the boys. Especially the ones in groups. I hate calling out girls in groups. They would talk and talk and talk like there's no end. =_=

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

[fic035] ayaM's Problem (+extra things to know)

OMG OMG OMG OMG. I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS! Earlier today, at school, I was getting my water bottle and tidying up my bag. I saw HIM talking with his friends while holding onto a Math exam paper. I noticed he wanted to walk through behind me, so, I scooted sideways. He walked through and said, "Hai, Raja.." and he smiled... OMGOMGOMOMGOHMGOMGOMGOH OK.

Well, I didn't spazz on the spot, I replied his 'Hi', and my desk partner smirked at me. OK That was definitely the time for me to spazz! Anyway, we didn't have much learning time today, so I went to ST1 and stayed there. Jay even came to school today. So, today was pretty fun NGEEEEEEEE :B


Aisyah's POV

It's around lunch now. Johan and I already had our lunch and YES we got free breads :D The other workers took over our work while we were eating. Finished eating, I saw people coming in and out of the bakery. Seeing all of those people rushing in and out makes me slightly uncomfortable. I was actually kinda afraid if any of my classmates or schoolmates come to the bakery and saw us together. Haiissshhh.. I'm especially afraid if that dreadful Maya came. HUH. Just saying her name gives me the chills.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

[fic034] Another 'Date' at Clouds Above

Did u like the new header? ahaks. :P
oh yeah, PLEASE PLEASE comment below!! 
I need to know what you guys think! THANKS! :D

Aisyah's POV

It's Tuesday and I woke up very early this morning. I mean, around 5 something. Johan told me last night that we'll be part-timing at Juhairi oppa's bakery, Clouds Above. I was so excited, I woke up a bit too early. :B I absolutely LOVE bakeries. The smell of freshly baked goods just fills me up. Thinking about it just makes me hungry! I wonder if we get free breads for lunch.. Hmm... I'll ask Johan or Juhairi oppa on that. :P

Anyway, I finished showering and ate a piece of Massimo wheat germ bread from the kitchen. My whole family is still sleeping. I told my mom I will be out early in the morning, so, hopefully they won't be worried about my absence. I walked out of the house and locked the door by 6:55 am. As I opened  up the gate, I saw Johan was beside his Cooper, leaning his back while crossing his arms. He was looking at me. I smiled and waved. He smiled back.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Last Night's Dream! 6 ^^

So, we, Form 4s, had Malay Language paper yesterday for our final exams and the night before was ......frustrating. I couldn't sleep well at first. I guess I was too excited in wanting to answer my papers. ANYWAY, I had to sleep in early last night, around 11? Is that considered early to u guys? I guess so. So, the dream goes...

On a school holiday, Elyza and I was at Dilla's front gate waiting for our parents to pick us up. We were chatting and laughing with ourselves and then a familiar girl walked across the street. It was Farah Afiqah. I haven't seen her for around 4 years now! I called her name aloud and she just smiled. I knew she didn't know it's me. I've changed COMPLETELY ever since Form 1. I went to her and told her it's me, Raja Aisyah. She didn't believe me. (btw, my braces were already off at the time) We hugged and asked for our health reports. She was supposed to go and buy groceries that her mom made her do, so I accompanied her to the grocery store near Dilla's house. I bought some pop-sickles for the girls and asked Fara if she wants one too.  So, I bought one for her. We walked back to the girls and I asked if she could join us for window shopping at Mid Valley on the week's Saturday. She gladly said yes and so we were there.

'Malaysianized' Okonomiyaki

Okono~ Okonomiyakiiii~ I love this thing. To me, it's somewhat a mix between a meal and a snack. I used to make this whenever I reach home after a hard day at school. Actually, if you search for the real Japanese pancake recipe, it is sooo far off the recipe. WHY? Because they use so much of their local foodstuff which we, Malaysian, find it hard to get. So, it's not REALLY typically Japanese.

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Red Velvet. I know it's a trend now in Malaysia. Next to overly priced macarons. ANYWAY, this is not a macaron recipe. This is a red velvet recipe. I know you guys saw the pic. Tempting, I know.

My recipe is adapted from a famous YouTube chef. Chef John from Foodwishes.  His recipes are AMAZING. Well, not that I tried all of them, I just found it delicious, by the looks of it. Somehow like how Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver does on TV. Oh yeah, if you don't know these two other worldly celebrity chefs, you are missing something great in your poor life! FOOD PORN that is.

Carrot Cupcake with Orange Cheese Frosting

This is my mother's recipe she adapted after a TV show somewhere. I've made my modifications also. Us, females in my family, have a thing for experiments in the kitchen. We'd add in a slight unexpected ingredient in our recipes. Bravery in the kitchen HAHA. Anyway, hope you guys aren't afraid to do so yourselves!

Cream Cheese Frostings

There two types of cream cheese frostings that I like. The oozy and creamy kind and the meringue buttercream kind. The basic cream cheese recipe is a lot sweeter and melts faster than the meringue buttercream due to our country's hot weather. The meringue buttercream is light and it holds it shape. Perfect for piping with different piping tip shapes. I'll compile both recipes for you, so you can choose which you'd want :D

Thursday, 6 October 2011

[fic033] I Had A GREAT time

Oh oh! I made something, three days ago! :D

Vanilla ice cream, orange cake dough and cinnamon waffles :D
So, I was actually playing with the flavours of the cake. As u might know, I made chocolate cake in a mug before and I tested with orange flavoured concentration that my mom usually use to make beverages. I half-en the actual measurements of the recipe and made my own modifications. The batch ended up being too sweet. A bit too sweet to eat just like that. So, I squished the fudge-like cake into a ball, like when u squish a piece of white bread with ur fingers and it'll clump together, and disintegrate the ball into pieces. In the end, I ate the cake 'dough' with vanilla ice cream. I thought the texture would be like ice cream and cookie dough, AND IT WAS! The taste is just DAMN lovely :D

Friday, 30 September 2011

Chocolate Cake in a MUG !!


This post is not related to updating my fiction story. You can go back and do whatever you just did, OR you can always stay and read till the end of this post. Your choice. :P

Anyway, I wanted to share a recipe that I just made earlier this evening to you guys and I really really recommend you to try this! :D Well firstly, the title says it all. I just made a chocolate cake in a mug. Just to make you guys drool....

Just came out of the ..... umm.... cake maker :P

Monday, 26 September 2011

[fic032] Reason Why He Doesn't Cook

Short update? :D

Aisyah's POV

We had finished our lunch and then we went to a game arcade near to the restaurant. It was an Asian kind of game arcade. The games are mostly in Korean and Japanese. So, I had to help out the girls with some of the game instructions. The dance crew attacked the dance machine while the girls went car racing. I was helping the girls with the gear shifting, then Johan pulled me to this typical Japanese drum game.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

[fic031] Hairi and Dubu Are COOL People

Author's comment is after u read all of this!

Adlin's POV

SO, Raja brought her long lost friend to the dance studio we were staying at earlier this morning. He's cute. I kept watching him as he shook hands with the dancing oppas. Raja told us how she first met him and how she found him the next. I was concentrating listening at her story, but then..

"Aisyah! Jom!" That guy called Raja, that cute Hairi guy. My heart fluttered listening to his voice. WHY? what now, heart?!
"Jom? To where?" She asked him back as she sat on the floor.
"No where silly. Let's dance!" He smiled. His smile is melting my heart. He tried pulling Raja off the floor. She won't budge. He looked very close to Raja. Stop it, Hairi, I'm jealous already. =_=
"How about u, Raja's friend? What's your name, again?" He asked me. HE ASKED ME!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

[fic030] He's Back!

Author's comment is after u read all of this!

Adlin's POV

Raja called me earlier this morning and luckily I was available. She offered me a trip to a dance studio in Putrajaya. I was excited to receive the offer. I asked my mom and she approved of me joining her trip so, I confirmed to her I'll be going. Elyza, Nicky and Nadia also confirmed of joining. We decided to gather at the Pusat Penjaja to ease Johan, since he'll be driving us there. Raja and Johan picked us up by 9:30a.m. so, we arrived at the place by 9:15.

It's my first outing with my friends here in Sepang. It's also my first to go to a dance studio. I wonder what is like there. I mean, is it like those Korean stars' dance studio? They usually have those HUGE speakers around the corners of the room. Do the studio Johan's Korean friends own, have those things too? Hmm.. Can't wait to go and see for myself! ^_^

Monday, 19 September 2011

[fic029] Sunbae-nims?

Author's comment is after u read all of this!

Elyza's POV

All of us just arrived yesterday at noon. It's Sunday and we're just relaxing and finishing up our school homework at the same time. It's kinda new right? For me to DO my school holiday's homework. But this time, it's fun! Because Johan offered to tutor us via video chatting :D Us, as in me, Dilla and Raja. I was actually excited to do this, even though this 'new way' is actually an 'old way'. We were suppose to study on Add Maths. URGH. I HATE ADD MATHS. *sigh* Oh what the heck, at least we can tease Raja and Johan online :P

So, first we start on the Add Maths textbook, page 187, practice 4. Johan told us to open the thick book. The book was SOO far away from me. Far, as in I have to stand up from the laptop and take it to the table I'm sitting.
But it's too far! :( I whined.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

[fic028] I'm Back Home!

Author's comment is after u read all of this!

Aisyah's POV

I was in the bus waiting to arrive at Jonghyun's house. I just realized at the time. It's Jonghyun's house. Which only means, either he's with his parents or he's home alone. Both situations are uninviting. I mean, I'm a girl, which had NO relation whatsoever with Jonghyun except that I'm the lucky fan who got to spend a little time with him before. I hope he's home alone. It's not that the situation is better than the other, it's just, at least his parents doesn't have to worry about his love life. His SCANDAL life not his LOVE life =___=

Anyway, I was already in front of his apartment. I was hesitating whether to push the doorbell or not. I was scared if his parents would come up and open the door,

Sunday, 11 September 2011

[fic027] It's Complicated Right Now

I'm SO SO SO SO sorry for my very long absence. I've been in Raya mode for awhile now, and I did procrastinate a bit (well, I AM a teenager). well, AT LAST! I'm finished and I'm NOT here presenting this chapter to you readers! Some of the girls are holding open houses and I'm going.. so.. see ya next week? :P


Aisyah's POV

A few minutes past after Elyza finished telling me the activities while I was gone and I was listening to my iPod while the stewardess brings my cup of water. Now I feel like I'm the KING. So, about Elyza, I felt like she's hiding something from me. I swear there's definitely something up between Onew oppa and her. I wonder if they really are seeing each other. I mean, REALLY seeing each other. HOHO Elyza will make into allkpop!

Anyway, there's some time before we touch down at Gimpo, so, I went to SHINee's seats and played around. I was being told off to sit down by the stewardess but I kept standing in the narrow-one-way-lane they used. In the end, Jonghyun oppa pulled me

Friday, 9 September 2011


Can I really say this? I don't really sure of it, but here goes. I miss him. Truly. THERE I SAID IT. No, seriously.. 2 years without fighting. 2 years without the 'eye-contact to kill'. It's colourful  less and it's just....too logic. It feels like I want him back? Yeah, I guess I want him back to being annoying and being a b****. I know, I just cursed.. So what? It's not like I really said it, right? Anyway, I guess I just definitely can can't have him back, right........? or can I? URGH.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

[fic026] Leaving Is Hard on Him

I'm back! Wow, these days I'm getting excited to update~ I was actually pretty depressed with the exams, so.. I decided to find something that'll keep me out of depression. So, updating this sure keeps me out of that depression range! ANYWAY, I promised Elyza I'd make a romantic scene between Onew and her, so.. I hope this is enough to fill your satisfaction, Elyza! ;]


Aisyah's POV

Johan and I are back in good terms again and we're okay. Except that I'm still slightly disappointed that my precious precious SHINee vacation was about to over. I mean it's a once in a life time chance that I can actually hang out with SHINee!! My all time favourite band EVER! *sigh* oh well, at least I get to meet them and mingle with them.. Even though it was a tiny part of it T^T
Anyway, Johan brought me after-dinner snacking around the hotel area. He said to try their ddeokbokki and jeon (Korean pancakes). The jeons were like those cucur udang batter but pan fried with spring onions and some seafood.

Friday, 19 August 2011

[fic025] Ice Cream To The Rescue!

U guys wanna know?!! My crush called my name this morning and I was like, all sparkly eyes and go, "yeeeeee?" and he was like, "oh.kay. I wanna ask about this....bla bla bla.." I was so into thinking that his right eyebrow was so cute, I didn't hear out his question. I had to ask him back what was the question he asked me. It was one of my most embarrassing moments EVER! (and YES I know I'm weird, thinking eyebrows are cute.. APPARENTLY, his' were cute!! ;D) OH YEAH! this WHOLE update is Johan's POV! :DD


We arrived at the hotel.. in silence.. We saw the whole group gathering at the lobby, going to the outdoor deck for dinner. Elyza wasn't with any of them. We walked in the lobby and they saw us coming in and the guys hugged Aisyah and asked her where she went and stayed. They apologized and promised to make up to her. She didn't speak, just smiled and went straight to the lift, going to her room.
"What's up with her? Did u guys fight?" Key asked us.

Monday, 15 August 2011

[fic024] To Forgive or Not?

So, Hairi was the knight in shining armour? I was getting ideas of some sort at the time, so, that happened. umm, sorry for the late update guys.. I had my PKS2 (exams =.= I HATE YOU, M'sia's education system) last week and I was "busy studying".. ANYWAY, I hope u guys enjoy reading this update!

Aisyah's POV

It was morning, and I was eating breakfast with Hairi.. While we were eating, Johan called me and scolded me over a small thing.. I mean, I didn't come home last night because I had my reasons. He didn't even stop and listen. He just kept scolding and scolding at me. He even cursed at me! I eventually had to raised my voice at him so, I can explain to him what REALLY happened. Well, after all the shouting in the MORNING, I cried. Like any other girlfriends would do if they were to fight with their boyfriends. I cried in the bathroom for about 2 hours and Hairi comforted me. He was nice enough to let me cry for some bit and let me come back on my own. He gave a tight comforting hug for me after I came out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, I cried even more. I'm those kind of people. Those kind where u can't be comforted, or u'll cry more. YUP, I am weak.

So, I was in Hairi's arms for some while now, and I believe we're in the living room. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV, he's making me calm down. I gradually got up and wiped my dried tears away.

"u okay now?" Hairi spoke.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

[fic023] Trust Is All We Need

so, last chapter was............... a LONG time ago right? I actually wonder if u guys actually read, and fully understand the story flow.. coz, some parts of the fiction is practically based on my daydreams.. so, some parts may become unclear to u readers.. I mean, some parts may be IN the fiction.. and some parts may NOT be in the fiction... and might become confusing... SO to avoid confusion, read the chapter detailed-ly.. :P heh my words are confusing enough isn't it? xD I'll just cut my crap and YOU readers, READ IT! (P/S: WARNING for harsh language)


Ok. Hairi and I were sitting on the bed side, flipping over an old photo album that Hairi found beside the bed while he was cleaning it up for me.. and guess what? I found a page full of pictures of him and ME playing around in the playground.. I MEAN SERIOUSLY! I was there with those curly hair of mine, in my red and dark-blue kindergarten uniform,

Thursday, 28 July 2011

I'm Back.........?


OK! I'm back! BUT not with the fiction..... I'm back .....with the crushing mode.... YES I admit.... I'm back in the "monkey-love" line.. how do I know this? well, the symptoms are as follow,
  1. I eat WAAAAYYYYY too much... even when I'm not hungry.. I eat FAR too much.. and YES I have to admit, I ate A LOT when I first liked Izzat before.. (YES! I FINALLY SAID HIS NAME WITH EASE! T_T) and I seem to be eating, pretty much, everything.. and I get hungry fast too =o="
  2. I become extra sensitive to young people... I mean.. even to

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Is it Girly Day today?


Oh yeah.. my first non-fiction post after a few months... haaaaaaaaaa.... the fiction was kinda burdensome at some reasons.. so, I'm going to take a break from writing from now onwards.. I'm not sure when I'll continue.. so, don't get ur hopes too high waiting for a new update..

SO, about the title of this post.. *Voldemort's laugh* ehehehehehe... I was having those days where a girl feels extra girly than normal... I know all u girl readers out there had at least ONCE taken a selca and said "wow. I. am. cute." to yourself.. don't lie to me.. admit it.. I think everyone does that a lot.. EVEN BOYS!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

[fic022] Blast To The Past :O

I am here, FINALLY! did u guys hate the latest chapter? yeah I worked kinda last minute on that.. sorry if it's not as good as my early creations.. :( ANYWAY I watched SM Town in Paris at YT recently.. and I cheered for SHINee like I was in the concert myself.. :D don't worry.. I was home alone at the time, my family don't hear me screaming Jonghyun's name all the time :P so, today's chapter is scary for me to post.. because u guys gave me the silent reader treatment and didn't like my last post.. :'( I'm sad.. anyway hope this one didn't have the same fate as before..
A/N: excuse the minor errors :P

Aisyah's POV

I was still kinda scared of Johan.. who knows what he might do next.. laugh his heart out because I cried? whoa there.. my boyfriend is NOT crazy.. anyway, after Johan calmed me down with him hugging me, I said sorry to him.. Since I didn't tell the others yet about us being together.. well, who would?! he just 'proposed' to me LAST NIGHT! so, Johan apologized me of being a 'slut' for a moment before.. and he said to tell the others about us already... I was like,

Monday, 11 July 2011

[fic021] Bipolar Boyfriend

Oh yeah.. again, I didn't have the time and energy to write in this week.. I bet u guys are pretty busy yourselves.. so, I kinda procrastinate the fic writing a bit (mian :P).. AAANYWAAYY.. Elyza was soooo 'lucky' to get featured in the fic.. I meant, lucky to get KISSED by ONEW.. xD okay2 she didn't really got kissed for real, but still she blushed a lot this week, and I wanted to let her suffer for a few weeks since I'll be putting up HER and DILLA's chapter after a few(?) chapters of Johan & Aisyah's.. so, watcha doing? GO AHEAD AND READ! :D


"call spe tdi?" my mom asked me..
"Dilla.." I answered..
"npe xcall Aisyah?"
"die xangkat phone.. lgipon dorg kt luar.."

Sunday, 3 July 2011

[fic020] Surprise Surprise....! 2

have u read on allkpop like two(?) weeks ago?! JUNHYUNG my all-time-fav rapper is dating Hara! huhu T.T there goes my fangirlness again.. Before it was Jonghyun, who was with Sekyung, (oh yeah they broke up now! like how I said in my previous chapter.. which was wayy before the official break up! :D), and NOW it's JUNHYUNG?! man, I have excellent choices of hot guys.. the girls just won't lay off their filthy fingers on them!! ANYWAY! it has been long since my last update hasn't it readers? yeah.. I'm sorry.. my internet(ALSO to my fb... =o=) and my busy schedule sucks.. I had a bit of a technical prob, so, I had to draft AGAIN in my phone.. so, forgive me for being late with the fiction updating.. so, this update is VERY LONG (to pay back my two weeks absence in the blogging world).. soo... ready yourselves for fiction reading breaks....!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

[fic019] Surprise Surprise....!

well, it's been a week since school has been re-opened due to school holidays.. and I was showered with more gifts on that very Monday!! :DD
yeah I was kinda surprised coz, Hajar, who gave me a BIG 'FRIENDS' frame, actually GAVE me a gift :D which I like :DD and I got others too.. mostly from my 4ICT friends : Elyza, Biha, Nicky, Syasya, Naz and also Farhana.. :D they gave me a card, a bracelet and a teddy phone chain.. :DD the phone chain actually flashes and blinks.. but I don't know.. I probably broke it since it won't flash anymore.. Biha.. mian.. T^T Iman & Sam gave me a foot bracelet.. which was my first to get.. since I RARELY/NEVER wore foot bracelets before.. I try to wear it because of u guys :D ANYWAYS, continue on the fiction!!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

[fic018] Awesome First Vacation-day..

so, I went to my mom's home town TWICE in these two weeks of school holiday.. and I actually just got back from Segamat+Muar yesterday.. and AGAIN ideas flow in like waterfall when I'm particularly away from the computer.. THANKFULLY! I have my phone to draft it down.. SO!

I was washing my hands and I heard laughter from the living area... hmm that sounds like Key.. is that Key oppa? I walked out of the bathroom only to find SHINee members crawling around in the bed and lying on the floor..

"what are you guys doing?"
"oh Aisyah! u're out.. come on let's go.."
Jonghyun said standing up from lying..
"go where?" I said putting down my hand drying towel..
"just somewhere... come on!"
"uff!" Jonghyun pulled my hands..

Saturday, 4 June 2011

[fic017] And Where are We Going Again..?

Yeah, it has been awhile since our school holidays... and I'm VERY VERY VERY sorry that I didn't post up a new chapter earlier.. I was kinda out of idea(+ interest :P) and my bros kept using the computer like their own.. =o= ANYWAY, three days ago was my bday, my REAL bday.. and Dilla + Jay was with me.. we went to Mid Valley.. I got a white-stitch-mouthed-bunny :DD
OMG that box..!! seriously! it was hard enough getting ourselves inside the train and getting THAT BOX in was HARDER! the trip was fun.. just three girls walking around in the mall, getting blisters and body aches.. (also! I got to taste kimchi :DD for the first time :DD) so, that was three days ago~ TODAY? this chapter! :DD

Sunday, 22 May 2011

[fic016] We Get To WHAT?!

OhKay... I'm gonna die tomorrow... tomorrow's exam is HISTORY! which doesn't really suit to my liking... oh and PJK.. humm next week's exams are readables.. no.. MUST READ... not read-ABLES any longer... =o= OH2!! last Friday's test was English.. haha on my Paper1, there was a question based on, "the last line must be written, ...today was a wonderful day" SO! I wrote one of my fic chapters! the going-to-theme-park-chapter.. haha I was so into writing it, I forgot the time! when everyone already handed their papers, I was still checking for spelling + grammatical errors.. haha I was KINDA satisfied.. the timing was TOO SHORT! ToT anyyywhooo... one more week until my next dental check up and SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!! Today's update is REALLY long... so have patience reading it.. :p

Sunday, 15 May 2011

[fic015] Who's Concert? O.o

Yay! I got time with me today! well, actually I wrote this up yesterday, but since my bro conquered the laptop for the WHOLE day yesterday, I only get to use it a bit later today.. =o= damn that lazy boy.. ANYWAYS!

"college admission? I didn't apply for any college admission..
when did this happened?"
I said while looking at her.. she slowly sat next to me..
"well, I've been talking to ur parents,
and they agreed that u can study abroad
if I pay for ur study expenses..
well, actually I offered to pay, so, I made a deal with them.."
she said while looking at me attentively..
"u w-what? pay for my study expenses?
u mean the hundred thousands of studying expenses?!"
I said in a shocked tone..
"yeah... my husband and I agreed to pay separately..
he pays for Johan, and I'll pay for u.." she said calmly and smiling..
"wha-..how..why...?" I said lost of words..

Saturday, 7 May 2011

[fic014] She did WHAT?!

aahh... my mid term exams are coming to get me!! help!! it's next week... starting on May 11th.. Wednesday with Physics(3) and Chemistry(3).... huhu.. I better get this chapter done by today or I'll have to postpone until this school holidays... soo..

It's exam week... after much hard work of studying, I managed to answer my papers confidently and I'm satisfied with it.... Every time I finished a paper, Johan was always there to ask me whether I was okay... We never discussed the answers, unless I'm really not sure about it... which I always check the books and not ask him.. but he's always there to ask what am I doing, he wants to help and such... nevertheless, the exams were a bit difficult than I expected... the teachers did say something about it being much much harder than the SPM... so it really was! I wonder that's the reason Johan ALWAYS asks me whether I was okay... haha he was more nervous than I am.... I guess.. xDD

Sunday, 24 April 2011

[fic013] When is His Birthday?

Yay! I'm back! I know it's a bit late... I've been VERY busy with school, so, I didn't have the time to update.. I did get the time today~ so HAPPY READING!! ;DD

*Johan's house* (A/N:room to be exact!)

We were doing our homework given by the teachers earlier this morning.. Modern Math, Add Math, History, Chemistry, Physics... aahh so many...O.O glad-fully the due dates weren't close to each other.. so we managed to do the homework by sequence.. starting from the nearest due dated homework, Add Math... =o= I suck in add math even though my mod math is excellent.. (A/N: ngeh3 :D) anyway, doing add math with Johan nearby is a relief.. it's because I can't find a solution to the problem given without someone guiding me and points me my mistakes...

Friday, 8 April 2011

[fic012] Old friend?! :O

I won't be free for like 2 weeks, cause of the schedules I have.. - kenduri=this weekend, kem kepimpinan=next weekends.. hhuuu no rest~ =o='' anyway, HAPPY READING!! ;DD

"okay, first of all, the word of me liking u never came out of my mouth, secondly, when did I became ur girlfriend? and thirdly, are u jealous that Hairi is somehow protecting me?" I answered uprightly.
"Of course I'm not...! why would I- ..tch ..get jealous of him?" His tone got softer and he looked down..

Friday, 1 April 2011

[fic011] She's MY Girlfriend!

sorry... I didn't update for like a MONTH(?)! I was busy with my choral speaking practices and didn't get the chance to continue... So.. I hope this covers my a-month-hiatus!

"Johan~" I called to him.. he answered,"yeah?"
I gave a look to him.. he said,"what?"
"...pricey stuff again?"
"my mom said not to come home with your hands empty.."
"MY hands? It's okay really.. I don't really need anything.."
"It's not something u need... It's something u want.. so, anything u want?"

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

[fic010] Find Something In Silver..


FINAALLYYY!!!! we got on the roller coaster, after 25 mins of standing in the line.. we finally got to sit! I was actually relieved that we finally got on board, but then... I was scared too... I never rode a roller coaster before, and I think it's gonna be SCARYY.....O.O sooo.... As I sat, my hands start to sweat, my legs were trembling... Johan looked at me,

"u okay over there?" He looked at me worriedly,
"....*blankly answered*...m-my f-first roller coaster..*gulp* ride..."
"don't worry, I'm here" He reached my hand and held it tight.
I looked at him and then looked at my hands. I blushed.

Monday, 14 March 2011


okayy... it turns out that I could actually write a decent story..
and u guys are actually willing enough to read and follow it..

just wanted to say that,
this is how I love u guys -->

Sunday, 13 March 2011

[fic009] Who The HECK is HER?!


"u sure u wanna ride this Johan?"
"YEAH! oh come on... the line will shorten up... just wait kay3?"
"okay... we could've just went for the other games first u know.."
"I know.. but I want to go on this one first..:)"
aaww.. how can I reject his smile?
without noticing, I was smiling to myself like a crazy person...

Friday, 11 March 2011

[fic008] Too Sweet To Be True? :D

The time sure flies with us chatting, laughing, listening to K-pop in the car... We sang along the songs together like we're in a reunion or something... It's not like we haven't met for weeks nor months.. It's just us being..US :DD so..... after about an-hour-long-drive(thanks to the traffic =.=), we finally arrived at the place Johan wanted to make a 'surprise' of...

Saturday, 5 March 2011

[fic007] My Birthday 'Gift' :DD

"What will u do if I'll tell the WHOOLLEE world that u, Raja Aisyah Zahira, likes a boy named, Muhammad Johan bin Mohd Dahari, and was tickled by him on her birthday?"
Birthday...? today's my birthday?!
".....w-whatt...h-how...d-did u..." said me, stuttering..

Thursday, 3 March 2011

[fic006] When A Girl and Boy 'Stuck' In A Room..

It's been a week since Johan came here and we're getting to know each other better everyday... AH! and I get tutors from him... :DD yeah he made me cook lunch for him.. =0= oh well, it's far better to study with a HOTTIE like Johan himself.. :DD beats paying hundreds to a no good tuition centre too.. :DD

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

[fic005] PRIVATE TUTOR?! :DD

It's Tuesday and it's a to-the-lab-do-an-experiment-chemistry-day.... I got all the books and guides ready for the experiment that we're going to do for today... It's like Johan's second day at school and he's already getting ready for an experiment.. so lucky.. well, no surprise... he did came to this school in the middle of the year.. ....why did he came here in the first place and in all of the dates in this world, why in the middle of the year? to escape the scorching summer sun of South Korea? I dunno... I'd like to ask him about that.....someday.

Monday, 28 February 2011

[fic004] Oh I'm SO Lucky~

The trip to the mysterious place was fun.. We talked about our pasts(well, mostly his' :P) and I knew that he used to have a gf and other things... We arrived at the place after 30 mins of driving... It was a modern looking restaurant, named 'Cream Light',which I didn't know existed for the long years I've been living here....

Sunday, 27 February 2011

[fic003] A 'Date' At Clouds Above

Outside the house.... I saw him up from my room window... there's him, putting his thumb in his pocket, looking at his watch with his other hand, leaning against his blue mini-cooper, wearing a simple horizontal-blue-striped shirt, deep blue jeans and his high tops sneakers.. looking cool and stylish...

Saturday, 26 February 2011

[fic002] New Kid In Class...


It was Monday... Everyone was at the assembly... Snoozing while the principal have his long-same-old speech... The teachers at the sides seemed bored too.. haha and they said they're better than us students at assemblies... yeah right~

when the assembly ended, the prefects were to stay behind and were to give briefing about the duties that were given earlier the month.. I'm a prefect, so, I had to stay behind... aahh.. there goes my physics class..

Friday, 25 February 2011

[fic001] The Day I Met ...Him

(At my new house in Desa Bestari)
I was washing my school shoes, suddenly a lorry comes in RIGHT in front of my house.. the driver parked it, so I asked him..
"Ni untuk ape?"
"oh. sori, silap rumah.. ni utk rumah sblah.."
"ok... park betul2 eh, nnt bapak saya balik nak park kete depan rumah.."

M.I.P (Mysterious Imaginary Person?)

haha have I ever told any dream of mine that's related to a new MIP? I don't think so, right?

sooo about this character... I've actually dreamt about this person quite a few times(say from last school holidays? yeah a FEW ;P), who is my (HOT!) neighbour, newly transferred student, my classmate, AND the person likes me? XDD

so, this person is a HE.. the name that was given is Johan..
(I guess the name revolves around Jonghyun? AND he looks like him!! >,<)

back to the story, I had dreams of this MIP a 'few' times before.. the 'series' of the dream really connects together like in reality...
the series started with me knowing him as my neighbour of course.. then, the story continues with me seeing him at my school, being my classmate.. of course like any other drama-like stories, we got close...

his background? okay.. he's family is rich... scratch that! he's FILTHY rich!
his mom(dermatologist! my dream job! ^0^) has spa branches around Seoul and Malaysia..
his dad(computer technician), well, he works with computers.. (he sells computers in BIG quantities for various BIG companies)..
He has an older bro(pastry&culinary graduate), no other sibling except them two.. his bro works in a small bakery in Nilai which he developed himself with his friends (guess what?! His bakery is named as 'Clouds Above'! my blog's name!! ^0^).. so as u can see, most of his family members are working, so, money comes around them..

back to Johan.. okay like I said, his mom has spa branches in Seoul(also because his dad was still studying for computers in Seoul with Samsung), so
->he used to study in Seoul for 6 years since he's 11.. (Yes, 17.. In my dream we're the same age) so, he didn't have UPSR / PMR in his life... since he's studying back in Malaysia, he's going to take SPM of course (with ME! ^0^)
->he does music, sports AND BOOKS! (+he sings!^0^) music instruments that he plays? just to name a few; piano, violin, guitar, drums, er hu(chinese violin) + others.. sports? he does basketball, tennis and dancing! (YAY!^0^).. books? he used to rank 3rd in his school AND THAT'S FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL RANKING! AND HE'S NOT EVEN KOREAN! yeah he's a smexy smarty alright! :DD
->he's quite popular with girls AND boys in his ex-high school(I meant boys as in even boys are comfortable around him), he even has a fanclub! not a surprise, he IS HOT.. ;P
->he's SUPER SWEET! any boy-haters would really right away fall for him...! ^0^
->what else....? ah! he's has a sense of fashion.. NO not the diva one (=.=KEY).. the cool-sexy-hunk-next-door kinda style:DD AND his style is LEGAL in school:D
->he NEVER had any other female in his house EXCEPT his mom and his (late) grandmother.. his mom however, always wanted a girl but she has problems with her womb so, she can't reproduce after Johan.. (WHOA such detailed dreams O.O)
->he's been in a relationship once in his middle school days(13-15years old).. but he broke up since the girl cheated on him.. (HOW CAN SHE DO THAT WITH THIS PERFECT BOY AS UR BF?!=0='') he went into depression but came back after realising the girl was stupid enough to cheat on him with his PE teacher(old man-in his 30's XDD)..
->after a few months, he requests something he NEVER thought he'd ask his parents for that is to ....................................................................................................................................

just to name a few 'snippets' from the dreams I've had since the last December school holidays..
Full story? read next post please.... click--> :DD

Thursday, 24 February 2011

can I call it a DILEMMA?

can I really call it a dilemma?
well, the story behind this is actually about
a person I know seemed to be liking(?) me.....

OKAY I know it's sound cheesy and brag-gy..
I felt scared somehow....
firstly because it's a boy following me around...
secondly, I just wanted to be friends with him
(well,more like just an acquaintance),
I don't want any misunderstandings...
I don't want to hurt him(If I reject(?) him)... T.T
I don't even like him...T.T
I don't want anything RELATED to him! T.T

how do I know about him liking me?
I know this because when I pretended to be
staring blankly at something...
when I looked up, I saw him look at me with
a weird feel to his eyes..
YOU KNOW, the drama kind of eyes,
the what do you call it?
"I'm-in-love" kind of eyes..(?)

I can see it through the way he looks at me..
It's SERIOUSLY scary..
have u ever felt like someone is watching u
when u're alone in the dark?

so now I know what MIR must have felt...
I didn't know that u felt like this..
I finally felt it.. T.T


Tuesday, 22 February 2011



yes, I've gone crazy~
well only because MBLAQ won over SHINee in
YesAsia.com's Bestsellers List!

Don't believe it?!

ooohhhh yyyeaaaahhhhhh!!!

but still, it's surprising that SHINee is still in the best-sellers list
they started selling their repackage album
since October 6th, 2010!

waaaaa..... then,
mission 1 - ACCOMPLISHED!
that is for MBLAQ to beat SHINee in a way...
no offence Shawols, I'm a Shawol too...=0=
(actually I'm a Blinger! :DD)
mission 2 - buy their album!
ever since they debuted, I never bought their album!
I wanted to buy BLAQ Style...
but since they came up with a repackaged album,
I wanted to buy this one!
because in it, contains a private DVD
which I think is the making-of their music video(s)...
I read it somewhere in ABM (MBLAQ's International fansite) :P

mission 3 - to see MBLAQ to have they second win..!
they only won ONCE!
so, as an A+ of course I wanted to see them
have their second win or MORE! :DDD
mission 4 (?) - not yet confirmed :P

Monday, 21 February 2011

Last night's dream! 5

haha it was rather short BUT gave quite an impact to my sleep =0=''
the dream goes like this...

there was us, angklung kids, in the music room..
everybody was getting ready with their own notes,
fighting who gets which notes,
people who held double notes wanted more,
the ones without any notes fought to gets their notes
(at least each person get one note...)
the fight resolved when Teacher Chuah
(I missed your classes!! TT0TT) came in,
then teacher said to me to give a slight briefing
about the attire for the performance,
as i said to them to bring their own
black vest, slack trousers and such,
suddenly 'MIR' came to me,
brushed my arm and said aegyo like,

I woke up(NO sit up straight!), shocked O.O, couldn't sleep well after that..
the effect?
today's class was hard.. i couldn't keep my eyelids open...
even though it's like 10:50p.m right now,
i'm SOOOOO sleepy....

i guess i better go to sleep now...
Nite nite.. :DD

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Monday sucks..=0=''

aahhh..... tomorrow is a school day..
GOD I hate Monday mornings...

i wanted to do back the ice treatment for my eyebags,
but i SERIOUSLY have NO time to do it..
well, i just have to live with it, do i?
Allah made Monday for something right?

SEE YA TOMORROW~! with the eyebags... =0=''

The OWO I-Seem-To-Know said....


OWO is Only Wise One...
thus the title,
"The Only-Wise-One-I-Seem-To-Know said..."

the person I said to be wise is none other than Mr. Naim Muhammad...

like Naim said at his notes section in facebook :
ummm zaman skrg ni kalo nak awek2 ni blaja dlu la or kalo nak jgak kene ushaha dlu la sape2 je la kalau nak awek usaha dlu la dpt keje barulah bleh sume ni bagai kan nak seribu daye xnak seribu dalih.utk memberi isteri (sape2) senang bile da besar n dapat keje sblom nak buat sume2 ni. yg lain pon same jgn nak buat sume2 ni jehh. mcm ade $ ni sgt je duit parents pon yg tanggung nak sume ni. so ikotla ckp aq ni kalo (sape2) nak isteri (sape2) sng , kalo nak bermesra tu xyah ar sampai public brutal n kalo da xthn nak awek pon pendidikan diutamakan dlu ar bagi parents sejuk hati . sape trase makan cili dier la trase pedas nye.

come on u guys, you're still in school..
learn by the books first THEN learn love...
it kinda disgust me seeing my friends being all lovey dovey
uuwweekkkk =0=''

please please please find a way to 'repel' yourselves
from each other in public areas....
it sickens me.. SERIOUSLY....!

UWAH!! ^0^

hehehehe.. it's like 5:15a.m. right now...
and i just finished making my blog layout...

so? what do u think of it?
nice enough?
i like what i did, so
it doesn't really matter if YOU like it or not..

hope i can keep up with the posting~
getting busy at school..
with the 'new-facebook-monitoring rule' the school just made up,
i couldn't be as open there..
so, my beloved blog is the only existing option other than
wasting ink and write in my dusty diary.. :P


Friday, 11 February 2011

hahahaha:DD sorry~

it has been like a month(?) ever since the last post...
AND guess WHAT?!!
I actually made the account.. HAHA :DD
i made it right after i posted the last post! XDD
i know i'm a hypocrite~ :P

NO, i didn't write any fanfics
just read the ones that are good enough to read~
some.. are.. just... bleh
but some makes my heart thumps and jumps and ALL!
the suspension they made for the fics are AWESOME!!
and i said to myself, "wow, i can't make one up~" :P

SOO... it's just me, reading fanfics on the Net,
and improving my English..
(eventhough my Malay is going down the drain~ =.= sorry cikgu)
REALLY need someone to write a fanfic in Malay.. can i really find any of those? XD
or should i make one? booolleeehhhhh .......blah~
NO WAYYY i'm gonna do that..
with the school works mounting like Everest in front of me, making one fic is just crazy~

oh well... i just have to find newspapers to read then.......online

Friday, 21 January 2011

should I? should I NOT?......help

okayy.. my friends have been offered to other schools, and they already confirmed it~ (*Jay-Kepala Batas,Penang... Syera-Jasin,Melaka... nuriz-seri puteri,KL)

SO i'm going to be VERY VERY lonely (like i haven't been lonely enough~=.=)..
THUS! i made a little decision to make myself amused by making my own fanfic... i dunno if i even have the time to write... hmm... it's getting pretty lonelier than before, so i guess it's a nice thing for me to do... since, i might not be able to talk/interact with them much...
as u might know, i'm a follower of shinee fanfics at SFI... i remember they said, posting their fics on asianfanfics.com(?) i'm not sure myself, if the website is actually open/available or not~

if there is such website, should i make a new ID(register laa..)? should i? aaaaa.... getting ready for the future is tough~ =o=

i know it's kinda childish to be thinking about what to do when everybody leaves.... i know it's not matured to be making these childish decisions where, there's me, asking myself whether i should make a fanfic or not.. yeahh... i'm not that matured yet.. (i am, though, more matured than my friends... hahaha:DD not that i want to brag about it.. but yeah... i think WAAYYYY differently than them... again, not bragging.. just saying~)

so, last decision?

wait until who's leaving, and who's staying....
(wow MBLAQ made a song just right for my situation i guess?
:: stay with me~ nae gyeotae man isseo~ jwo niga nae jeonbu yeotan marya~ ::)
dunno the meaning~ ;P

we'll see whether i register for it or not...
(i don't think i can keep up with the fanfic..)
if i do start one, just see if anyone's reading it~
if there are followers, i'll just continue for the fanfics readers:DD
wow! i'm nice..:PP

Monday, 10 January 2011

4 Sains Tulen 2 (4 Pure Science 2)

aah yes.... as u can read above.. it's my class for 2011...

i'm not sure how it will turn out.. it has only been a week since we've started schooling again~

so.. hopefully this year would be more exciting and more fun than before or just as before! ^0^

most of my friends aren't in the same class as me..

yeah, i'm fine.. it's not like i'm following them for the rest of my life(vice versa) =.=''

but still, i’m SOOO LONELY!!! most of them ended up being in 4 ST 1…

(HAHAXD and i don’t even dream of being in THEIR class*SEMPIT like in a sardine can!!!

hmm… oh well, tough luck i guess:( study harder next time and show them u are better than them Aisyah!! FIGHTING!!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Welcoming 2011!!!!


uwwwaaahhhh.. It's 2011 already~! still can't believe that all of us been through a YEAR! and I'm actually 16 this year.. a bit worried though, what will be my future with school, friends(ah! what will happen to us? ToT), family, K-pop addiction(will it fade away? just like that?).. hmm... well, we don't know until we go through this year too,right? same like last year:D hopefully all of us will go through 2011 with full success and beautiful memories like we did in 2010..:D


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