Friday 30 September 2011

Chocolate Cake in a MUG !!


This post is not related to updating my fiction story. You can go back and do whatever you just did, OR you can always stay and read till the end of this post. Your choice. :P

Anyway, I wanted to share a recipe that I just made earlier this evening to you guys and I really really recommend you to try this! :D Well firstly, the title says it all. I just made a chocolate cake in a mug. Just to make you guys drool....

Just came out of the ..... umm.... cake maker :P

Tell me, did u drool over your keyboards? xD So, a bit of review on the cake, it was dense and slightly fudge or pudding like, as u can see. The taste of the chocolate was just HEAVENLY. I made two batches of these and gave one to my brother. He said, the cake tasted like Secret Recipe's. Well, that's what HE said. :P

At first, I thought the cake was possible to be eaten for ONE person only, BUT I was TOTALLY wrong. This is for at least TWO persons servings. The  cup  mug in the picture looked small, but it was kinda big. It wasn't really like a mug, it was like a small soup bowl with handle. :P Also like I just said, the cake was dense, so it was VERY VERY filling. Ooh ooh! I also recommend u to eat this with ice cream or whipping cream, if u have any. :D ANYWAYS! Here is the recipe for one batch of the cake! 

You will need:
  • 5-6 tbsp oat (YES OAT! I used instant oat. Any kind of oat will do. I found plain flour is just too plain or sometimes tasted like medicine, so, I altered the original recipe for OAT :D Yay much healthier!  NOT. )
  • 3 and a half tbsp Milo (I didn't have any REAL cocoa in the kitchen currently, so I used Milo. There wasn't much difference with the chocolatey taste. If u have REAL cocoa, one heaping tbsp would do.)
  • 2 tsp condensed milk 
  • 2 tbsp of lukewarm water. (If u used milk, skip the condensed milk and water.)
  • 1 medium egg
  • 2 tbsp oil (I used palm oil, u know, the oil which ur mom used to cook almost EVERYTHING.)
  • 2 and a half tbsp sugar (Again, if u used REAL cocoa, u might want to put more sugar in this. Around 3 and a half tbsp would do.)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence (I didn't have any, but if u put it in, would be nice :D)
  • a pinch of salt (optional)
You will also need:
a microwaveable big mug(any thick ceramic mug would do,  I think ), a smaller cup, a blender, spoon and fork, and a microwave oven.

Method of making :
  1. Place the oat in a blender and pulse twice. Put in the Milo with the halfway blended oat and pulse for a few more times till the oat is like normal flour. Put the dry mix into your HUGE mug.
  2. In a another cup, mix in your condensed milk, lukewarm water, sugar and vanilla essence. (Just mix in milk, sugar and vanilla essence if u used milk.) Beat in the egg in the same cup.
  3. Pour in the oil and the sugary egg mix in the dry mix mug and mix well.
  4. When the mixture is well combined, put it in your microwave and set it to medium high for 2 minutes. 
  5. The results depends on your microwave. If your cake mix is about to overflow, pause the microwave and check whether it is ready or not. The top should be slightly runny and the inside is set.
  6. Cool the cake for a couple of minutes and serve. You can also add any flavour-matching ice cream to the cake. ENJOY!

To make the cake lighter tasting, u can reduce the amount of oat, cocoa and sugar and then put in half a tsp of baking powder. The cake is VERY easy to make and I ensure you TOTAL satisfaction!  I hope u try and make the cake and tell me if u actually made it! :D



Tehee Ad LOL said...

GRRR nak try sangat2 :D

Aisyah Zahira said...

dah tuh? try laaa~ :D

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