Sunday 21 August 2011

[fic026] Leaving Is Hard on Him

I'm back! Wow, these days I'm getting excited to update~ I was actually pretty depressed with the exams, so.. I decided to find something that'll keep me out of depression. So, updating this sure keeps me out of that depression range! ANYWAY, I promised Elyza I'd make a romantic scene between Onew and her, so.. I hope this is enough to fill your satisfaction, Elyza! ;]


Aisyah's POV

Johan and I are back in good terms again and we're okay. Except that I'm still slightly disappointed that my precious precious SHINee vacation was about to over. I mean it's a once in a life time chance that I can actually hang out with SHINee!! My all time favourite band EVER! *sigh* oh well, at least I get to meet them and mingle with them.. Even though it was a tiny part of it T^T
Anyway, Johan brought me after-dinner snacking around the hotel area. He said to try their ddeokbokki and jeon (Korean pancakes). The jeons were like those cucur udang batter but pan fried with spring onions and some seafood.

It was actually really really good. The ahjumma treated us a bit more than we bought, because she said we looked so good together :D I couldn't help but smile while eating. Johan was doing lip wipings... AGAIN. Am I really that clumsy at eating? Everyone seems to like to touch my lip area and wipe off something from it == There was Jonghyun, Hairi and Johan. ALL of them were GUYS! =.=

After eating, we went back to the hotel and a hotel employee told us to go somewhere. We found the door, leading to the outdoor deck, was topped with a banner wrote,"WE'RE SORRY!"... I asked Johan, what was this? He didn't answer. But instead, I later found that SHINee and the girls were apologizing to me because they accidentally forgot about me before. They also were celebrating the last day of the vacation. Even though it was slightly disappointing that the vacation is coming to its end, but I need to come back to real life, right? SHINee isn't mine to own. Besides, they need to work for the other Shawols in this world. Who am I to stop the circle of their life?

We played around with some games like spinning bottles and playing truth or dare. Then Jonghyun showed his newly bought guitar. He asked who can play the guitar so, Johan, Elyza and I raised our hands and Jonghyun asked any of us to play something for the group. Johan asked Elyza to play first. So, she took the guitar and played Sarah Mclachlan's I Will Remember You. It was her favourite song, so, she played it gracefully. Onew was looking slightly down somehow when she was singing and playing. I saw him getting more disappointed as she sings towards the end. Something is definite up between these two. Hmmm... :|

When Elyza finished playing, Johan asked me to play something. He bragged about my vocals are getting better and all. I was like, "Would u just STOP? u're making them wait for something amazing ==" I didn't say it. I just stayed there not receiving the guitar and eyeing on Johan. At the end SHINee chanted, "BOYOJWO! BOYOJWO! BOYOJWO!(show it!)" while clapping their hands together. WELL, I just had to sing and play the guitar THANKS to Johan ==. So, there's this song I worked on lately and the song is a bit last season. Even so, I did sang it. It was Mi's I Love You, My Baby. I totally LOVE this song! So does the music arrangements and such.

When I sang one of the verses which went, "But each time, you pretended to lose and said to me, Shall we do what my princess wants?" I looked at Johan and he was bowing "royally" to me. I bowed back with my head. From the moment I started to open my mouth, they were gaping. What never saw a female sing before?

Elyza was like, "Raja! You have improved A LOT!"
"hehehe all thanks to Johan. He taught me the vocal exercises. :P" I said to her.
"Waahhh~! After this, teach ME next!" She exclaimed to Johan. Everyone laughed at her.
Then Jonghyun took the guitar and played Alex's Saying Goodbye With A Smile. It was one of my favourite song. Even so, the meaning is a bit sad. When he sang, "Saranghaeyo, gomawoyo...." part, he was looking, smiling, showing his cute-straight-white teeth to me. Of course, I had to smile back :D Johan was eyeing on me while I was smiling to Jonghyun. I sensed his "eyeing aura".

After Jonghyun's show, Johan just HAD to play too. He was like, "Pfftt... I can play better than you~" I giggled to see him do that eyeroll he did. Gladly, Jonghyun didn't see him do that xD Johan played Lee Jung's Do It Tomorrow. That song was ALSO one of my favourites, because G.O from MBLAQ used to sing it in Idol Army and I literally fell in love with the song AND G.O himself :D So, everybody was enjoying his singing, including me. We swung our heads left to right and I lipsynced the song together with Johan. aahhh... happy memories.. :)

The night was very nice. Everyone went to their rooms after all of us finished singing and playing around. I was too sad to confront the truth, that I have to leave SHINee by tomorrow. I cried my way to sleep. Dilla didn't hear me cry though, gladfully.

The next morning, we had our luggage packed and ready to go to the airport and straight back to Gimpo airport. In the plane, I sat with Elyza. This time, I sat on a double seater instead of a triple seater like when I first boarded the plane to Jeju. So, when we took off, Elyza asked me what I did while I was away from them. I told her about Hairi and such. Then, I asked her what she did during the vacation. I mean, I missed a lot of precious "bonding" time with SHINee, so, I wanted to know what they did while I was gone.


Elyza's POV

I sat with Raja on the plane back to Gimpo. She told me what she did while she was away and then she asked me what I did. Honestly, A LOT happened when she was away. All of us were playing games and SHINee's manager took videos that he said will be posted on SHINee's page on SMTown. During the short breaks, Onew and I were bonding and we had fun keeping each other company. He's really nice and romantic. Especially when we were taking a 30 minute break from playing.


"So, u like to play the guitar?" Onew asked me.
"Yeah. You know, just for fun." I smiled.
"Hmm.. Since I play the piano, we should make a duet sometimes. :)" Onew suggested. Waaahhh a DUET with Onew....! It'll be a dream come true! :D
"THAT would be COOL~! Call me whenever u are ready, oppa! :D" I placed a phone like figure with my hand next to my ear. He smiled and caressed my face with his hand.
"I'm going to miss you." He said almost whispering. EXCUSE ME, Mr. Jinki, can u speak louder so that I can record everything u say, in my brain?
"....w-what?" I said because I didn't hear it quite right.
"Today is the last day for the vacation and I'm going to miss you badly. I know I just met u, *chuckles* but I felt like I've known u for years." said Onew sounded hurt and sad. First he smiled then the smile died as he finishes his sentence.

I've never seen him like this. After all the fan spazzing and stalking through the "all universal" YouTube, I swear this is my first to see Onew so sad and not smiling like I always see him. Then, he held my hands tightly, like he never wanted to let it go. I didn't say a thing. I wasn't smiling. I wasn't sad. I wasn't spazzing nor fangirling. I was just frozen. Then, it struck to me that I'm supposed to leave him for the other people who needed him more, his other fans.

"You know, ever since I saw u, I felt slightly awkward since it was my first being so close with a fan after a VERY VERY VERY long time. But then I became fond of ur smiles and laughs throughout these days. I felt very happy and I finally felt relaxed ever since I first debuted with the other SHINee members. I truly liked u and I hope u like me as me and not just because u are my fan." said Onew with his soft soothing voice while holding my hands tight. Honestly, I was glad he said he finally felt relaxed with me around :) But, I was a bit shocked to hear that he likes me. I MEAN A SHINEE MEMBER! LIKES ME! an ordinary girl who's a fan of Onew apparently.

When I was about to say something, he pulls his index finger to his lips and pulled me to a nearby balcony by a cliff. We looked out the balcony to see the amazing scenery of the wide sea. The soft sea breeze was blowing towards us. It was very refreshing. I took long deep breaths as Onew accompany me by my side, which I thought he was by my side. Then I hear him sing. Onew was singing behind me. I looked back only to see him holding out a bouquet of daisies while he was singing one my favourite songs sang by him, Now and Forever.

I almost cried to see him act like this. I've never felt sooo appreciated and loved. He sang the whole song with my hand in his' as the soft windy breeze blowing on us by the balcony. His sweet soft voice just made me hypnotized and I swear I melted before he even finished the song. I loved the when lyrics goes, "Now and forever, I will be your man." As the sun was about to set, the colour of the sky matched with the colour of the flowers he gave to me. All of this was just too good to be true. I felt like I'm swinging through clouds trying to land on them but eventually I fell on Onew's arms. So dreamy yet so true.

When he finished singing, I heard a small applause behind us. We looked back and saw the others standing there, clapping for us. Key was taking pictures with his DSLR, and Jonghyun pretended to cry. Dilla was like, "Aawwww so sweet.." Then she nudged Taemin. Taemin was like, "What? I can do that too!" I swear both of them look-alike and they look so cute together. Minho was missing though. Then all of us went back to the lobby and Dilla and I saw Johan. We called for him, he smiled to see us and asked how we were doing. We asked if he cared to join us for dinner. He said yes but only if Raja was around. That's when I remembered of Raja. No one seemed to be bothered of Raja's absence. We stuttered when we tried to answer to Johan.

"Why are u guys like this? *chuckles* Come on, don't play around. Where Aisyah?" he was smiling, making us feel more guilty than ever.
"Johan, don't be mad at us and please understand." said Dilla.
"Understand what?" He raised a brow.
"I think we left Raja behind during the tour earlier. There were a crowd of SHINee fans crushing us and all, and all of us seemed to forgot about her. PLEASE DON'T KILL US!" Both of us gathered our hands to show our apologies to Johan, who was just about to explode.
"WHAT?! U LEFT AISYAH BEHIND?!! and NO ONE knew?!! WTH?!" Johan stormed off to see his mom and seem to ask for his phone.

He got his phone and start to speed dial Raja's number. She wasn't answering. Her phone probably died because she said to Dilla that her phone needs to be charged while we were on the tour before. Johan was freaking out and started to get VERY worried. We were SOO guilty for not realising this earlier and we truly truly felt sorry for Raja and the worrying Johan.

At dinner, we told SHINee about the missing Raja and all of them looked towards Jonghyun, who was supposed to take care of her. He said he also forgot about her, what can he do? Then all of us had to meet Johan and apologize. Johan was still trying to call Raja. We really felt like Johan was going to kill us if he finds out that MAYBE something might happened to Raja. We really thought we were dead by that time.

The next morning, we met Johan again at the hotel's cafe and saw him dozing off bit by bit in front of his food. We were actually waiting for his head to flop on his breakfast. But that never happened. His mom told him to go back to his room and get some sleep. He probably didn't sleep last night because he was too worried of Raja. He then dragged his sleepy butt to his room. Around 10am, we met him again at the veranda and he was calling someone. I think he was calling Raja at that time. Of course we didn't hear what the other person said, but we did hear what HE said.

"(the other person on the phone)"
"I said where are you?! Dilla said, u didn't come home last night!"
"(the other person on the phone)"
"WHY is that?! the others are already here, and u are where?! do u know what could've happened to u?!"
"(the other person on the phone)"
"then?! why didn't u called them?!"
"(the other person on the phone)"
"is that so? u think I'm going to believe that?! I know u left behind to NOT tell them about us! I was right, wasn't I? u're really that embarrassed of us?! HUH DUMB*SS!"
OMG he said a curse word. :O
"(the other person on the phone)"
Then he stayed quiet. I think the other person, who I strongly think is Raja, was scolding him back and he was cut off. Then the call ended. We had to run away to avoid mishaps.

During lunch, we didn't see Johan around, so, all of us decided to group together and discuss about the missing Raja. Minho suggested that we should plan a small party to apologize to Raja. All of us agreed, and we went shopping for stuffs. Some of us went to the sign shop and asked for a "we're sorry" banner. Some of us went to the supermarket and bought some food and fizzy drinks. Jonghyun and Minho went to a music shop and bought a new guitar. When all of us gathered back, Key set up all the stuff except for the banner. Dilla and I went to the see the manager and asked permission to use the outdoor deck for a small gathering for us and we gave information on Raja and Johan. We told the employees to lead them to the outdoor deck when we finished putting up the banner.

When we were about to go for dinner, Johan brought Raja back. I didn't know this until Dilla told me while we were having the dinner buffet outdoors. During dinner, Johan asked me what to do to console Raja. So, I gave him ideas for him to work on. He even asked for my voice recording for the consoling plan. After an hour or so, we put up the banner and Raja came back from the stroll Johan brought her. We had the small party and enjoyed our last day even though it was a bit disappointing and sad.

When everyone went back to their rooms, Onew asked me to stay and keep company him for awhile at the deck. He was looking very sad and he held my hands again. He said not to leave him alone. He didn't want to feel lonely by the day we separate. Then he sang again, this time, it was Please Don't Go. The part he sang to me was a cut of the song. He sang the song while holding my hands and he cried. He was crying. Was it too hard for him to leave me? I felt guilty even though I think I've never did anything to him. I dropped a few tears of my own, as I see him crying. I wiped his tears and smiled at him.

"Don't worry. I'll always be watching over you, even though I'm no where near u, oppa. :')"
"Ah! That reminds me. *sniff* Give me ur phone number.. *sniff* so that I can watch over u." Onew said sniffling and clumsily took out his phone from his back pocket. I laughed at him.
"You are so funny, oppa! :'D" I said sniffling myself. He smiled and I smiled back. Eventually, I gave him my number but never asked for his'. Safety reasons. Just in case, if any of my friends browse through my contacts in my phone, they might find his number and annoy him. So, I didn't asked for his'. It's for his sake.

The next morning, I woke up early and met Onew again, just like he said to meet up early the night before. He gave me a small bag containing a cute pink dubu(tofu) phone strap/chain.
I thanked him and I gave him something too that I found and bought while I was shopping for the party items for the night before. I gave him a bitten chicken drumstick. The keychain reminded me so much of Onew, so, I bought it. At first, I thought I'll be using it for myself, but then I decided to give it to Onew as a farewell present.
It turns out that we had the same idea of giving phone chains to each other :P Onew laughed at our coincidence and I followed laughing. But after a few seconds, both of us shouted, "Jinx! HEY!" and we laughed again. At last Onew hugged me and I hugged him back. "See ya whenever I'll ever be able to see u." "See u too oppa :)"

*end of flashback*

And now I'm telling a few of these flashbacks to Raja in the plane. Of course I can't really tell her about what really happened between Onew and me. So, I'll just let that be a secret until she finds out about it on her own. :)
To Be Continued.... :DDD
A/N: Happy Elyza? :DD It was fun searching for songs, and connecting them with the story~ :D (actual time finished = 4:20am)
next chapter-----> :DD

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