Thursday, 13 October 2011

Last Night's Dream! 6 ^^

So, we, Form 4s, had Malay Language paper yesterday for our final exams and the night before was ......frustrating. I couldn't sleep well at first. I guess I was too excited in wanting to answer my papers. ANYWAY, I had to sleep in early last night, around 11? Is that considered early to u guys? I guess so. So, the dream goes...

On a school holiday, Elyza and I was at Dilla's front gate waiting for our parents to pick us up. We were chatting and laughing with ourselves and then a familiar girl walked across the street. It was Farah Afiqah. I haven't seen her for around 4 years now! I called her name aloud and she just smiled. I knew she didn't know it's me. I've changed COMPLETELY ever since Form 1. I went to her and told her it's me, Raja Aisyah. She didn't believe me. (btw, my braces were already off at the time) We hugged and asked for our health reports. She was supposed to go and buy groceries that her mom made her do, so I accompanied her to the grocery store near Dilla's house. I bought some pop-sickles for the girls and asked Fara if she wants one too.  So, I bought one for her. We walked back to the girls and I asked if she could join us for window shopping at Mid Valley on the week's Saturday. She gladly said yes and so we were there.

At Mid Valley, I went to the Swatch shop and sent my 2007 watch for a repair. The shop keeper said the repairing might take some time, so, we went out and decided to go to a shop that Dilla likes. The shop was having a sale. On the way to the shop, I noticed another familiar person sitting on a bench near the shop. It was Mr. Z with his girlfriend by his side. Dilla and Elyza knew I had a crush on him, so, they tried to pull me and "show" myself to him and greet him somewhat. Fara catch on pretty quick. She knew exactly what was happening. She only asked what was his name to Dilla. So, Fara pulled me too. In the end, they made me walk in front of him. I saw him, he saw me. I smiled, he greeted me.

"Oii lama tak jumpe, no.1." (A/N: Seriously, he calls me that in real life.) He was standing and his girlfriend was sitting.
"Heh. Hai." I waved at him and his girlfriend. She stood up and shook my hands.
"So, ni la Raja Aisyah yg *Mr. Z* selalu sebut2 tuh? Hai, nice to meet u." Mr. Z talks about me? Even with his girlfriend? WOW.
"Hai. Nice to meet u too. :)" I smiled.
"So, buat ape kat sini? Shopping?" He asked me.
"Takde lah. Tengok2 je. Kteorg bukan cm ko, anak orang kaya. Shopping je memanjang." I chuckled.
"Ye la, Raja. Aku selalu shopping." He said sarcastically and smiled. I swear his smile is SOOO sweet. His half-dimples are so adorable. :D
"Umm... Ok la. Kteorg pegi dulu. Dorg ni nak sgt pegi tgk sale kt kedai tu.. Bye." I waved at the couple. They waved back as I walked away.

When I was around 5 metres away, he called me.
"OH. Raja! Raja! Kejap!" I looked back and found his skipping his way to me.
"Aku ade something nak bagi kt ko. Aku ingt nk bagi time bukak sekola nnt, tapi since da jumpe ko kt sni, baik aku bagi je kan?" He said while pulling out an small folded A4 sized paper out of his wallet. I opened the paper. It was a formal paper. The title read, Program Pertukaran Pelajar ke Seoul, Korea Selatan. I widened my eyes reading the title.
"Exchange student programme? Kenapa bagi kt aku?" I asked him.

"Actually, aku pernah mohon masuk program nih mase form 1. Die baru bagi tahun ni. So, dlm syarat die, ade tulis *pointing at the paper* bawa seorang rakan yg boleh dipercayai. Since ko kan terer Korea2 nih, aku ingat baik ajak ko je. Lagipon aku tau ko mmg nak sgt pegi kan?" He said smiling.
"K-Ko nak ajak aku? SERIOUSLY?!"
"Ye la serious!" He exclaimed.
"Sebulan. Sebulan program tu jalan. 23 Januari 2012 sampai 23 Februari."
"Ah. Tu lagi satu. Program tu kan start bulan 1 kan? Kita da start sekolah. Kita mungkin ketinggalan pelajaran. TAPI sebab ko kan pandai, apa kata ko ajar aku nnt? :)"
"Ambooii amboii.. Senangnye hidup dia..." I placed my hands to my waist.
"Hehe. So? Nak pegi ke tak?"
"Tengoklah, nnt aku tanya parents aku. Oh ye. Aku kena tunjuk surat ni kt parents aku lah kalau camtu. Boleh aku bawak balik?"
"Oh, amek je la. Aku da ade copy kt rumah. OH ye, lagi satu. *scribbles on paper with a pen* Call aku bile ade ape2. TAU! Call aku!" He made a call sign next to his ear.
"Yee nnt aku call. Thanks tau! :D" I waved and smiled at him. He smiled back.

~A week later~

"Hello, Raja. Weh, aku kat Giant nih. Aku ingat nk beli brg utk sebulan tuh. Mak aku ckp suh beli kt sini, murah sikit. So, nk beli ape nih?" He called me in the afternoon. 

I was in front of the computer, chatting with an instructor who was in charge of our activities while in Seoul. The female instructor named, Park Jisoon, said some of the kitchen wares like, rice cooker, vege baskets are reused. They changed the pans, plates, bowls and the knife for our use.

"Aku baru je ckp ngan instructor nih. Die kata sume bnde selain rice cooker ngan penapis sayur sume baru. Sebab die tau kita Islam. So, beli brg mkn je lah. Also, die kta beras disediakan."
"Okeh. So, ko nak makan ape?" I swear that line supposed to be used by couples. :P
"Hmm... ape kata ko beli brgn bilik air? bnde2 msk nnt aku yg beli. Boleh?" I suggested.
"Aku okay je. so, brg bilik air? Ko pkai shampoo ape?"
and we continued on and on with the groceries. That night, I went to Giant Nilai and bought the kitchen utensils. Things needed for cooking, I mean.

~A Monday, the next week~

I taught him how to write and read Korean. I told him it took me around a week or so to at least know and read the Korean characters. So, he was determined to study, more than I could see him study Chemistry and Add Maths. I catch on pretty quick and at night, we would practise some more on fb chat.

~Saturday, the same week~

I called him and asked where he was. "Oh. Aku kat Cyberjaya, makan nasi Arab. Kenapa?" He answered.
"OK. Bagus dekat. Aku on the way nk pegi Alamanda nih. Nak kena beli baju sejuk sebab pagi tdi aku check temperature Seoul utk minggu nih, bwh 10 Celsius. So, baik beli. Nak join?"
"Bleh gak. Aku pon belum beli lgi baju sejuk."
"Ok then. Dalam pukul 3.30 aku sampai Alamanda."
"Okeh. See you."

At the store, we met our parents and greeted them properly. Then, we went inside the shop. I asked the shop keeper what will be needed  for winter-spring attire. She showed us the clothes. There was a sale at the time, clearance sale. There was a package for the coat, scarf, beanie and mitts. I chose a brown coat with black buttons and Mr. Z chose a black coat with brown buttons. Matching colours. As for the knitted items, I chose baby blue and he chose red. We took our things to the counter and my dad was about to pay. But his dad told my dad that he'll pay for the clothes. "Advance for tutors' pay nnt :)" He said. I knew exactly what he meant. I'm sure Mr. Z told his dad he'll be receiving tutors from me because we'll miss a lot in school. I just smiled. Thankful I'm in the exact position to receive his father's kindness.

~Two days before programme launch~

We were already at the airport. My friends were at the depart gate, accompanying me before I leave for the whole month. His friends were there too. They were jealous of me. The girls were jealous too. I could only smile and laugh about it. :D After that, we bid goodbye and head towards the immigration gate. We slide in our passports and walked in the place my dad and other airport operators calls "the Satellite". 

When we walked inside, Mr. Z found a few candy shops. He looked at me and said,
"Nak beli coklat? Stok utk sebulan."
"Haha. Stok sebulan. Ape2 lah ko nih. Belilah kalau ko nak. Duit ko." I said.
"Jom, pilihkan coklat utk aku." So, I followed him.

While he was at the pick and mix bar, I was looking at the other chocolates there. I held up a bagful of Daim. I looked at the price and it was on sale.

"DAIM! Kenapa lah aku tak nampak tadi? Ko nak?" He asked.
"Dah banyaklah tu *Mr. Z*."
"Alah. Aku gila Daim! Amek je lah." He took the bag in my hands and paid for both bagfuls of candies.

Honestly, I'm a Daim fan too. I guess it wasn't that bad buying a bagful. While walking out the store, he opened up the bag of Daim and offered me some. I took around 5 of them and put all of it except one in my bag.
"Kata tak suka Daim. Tipu." He said.
"Mana ade aku cakap aku tak suka. Tadi aku ckp ko beli byk sgt.."
"tchh.." He hissed and then smiled. I smiled with a Daim in my mouth.

~On the plane~

Our seat was next to the window, so, Mr. Z offered me the seat exactly next to the window. He sat next to me. Economy class, I'm glad u existed. :) The seats were so close together, so, our legs (or should I say, knees?) kept touching each other. I smiled looking outside of the window. Trying to keep composed.

~After three hours of flying~

"Sedap tido." He said. I just woke up only to realise my head was on his shoulder.
"Oh. Sorry! Aku tak sedar."
"Takpe. Ko nmpk penat pon. Ko buat ape smlm?" He asked. Let's see... what I did last night..?
"Semalam? Bukak fb and blog smpai 2:30 pgi :P" I answered.
"Sampai 2:30?! Wah wah.. Ko buat ape?"
"Update fiction kt blog aku. Takut tak sempat nk update.. ye la.. sebulan takde kt M'sia."
"Eleh, mcm kt Seoul xde internet."
"Ye la ade, but leceh sbb keyboard die tulis bhse Korea. :P"
"Ade2 je. Ko cite psal ape, fiction tu?"

and we chat till we arrived at Gimpo Airport. When we arrived, we were told that 2 instructors, one is Jisoon unni and the other one is a guy, unknown name. When we walked out of the arrivals gate, we saw two people holding up a piece of paper with our names on it. It wrote, "*Mr. Z* + Aisyah" hehe kinda looks like a carving at a tree :P We met and they took our luggage to the car. They load up and were off.

We chatted and then arrived. I thought the programme would prepare two different apartments or officetels. They were only ONE spacious apartment. I repeat, ONE. The instructor said there were some difficulties with the budgeted cost for both of us, so the organizer reduced the cost and made us use ONE apartment. LUCKILY, there were two bedrooms with individual bathrooms. I was thinking what'll would've happened if we shared the same bathroom. O_O

So, in the whole month, Jisoon unnie taught me how to cook Korean meals. I knew some, so it was easier for me to learn. Mr. Z however, learnt on Korean culture and traditions. I told him a few gestures that we should NEVER use in Korea, so he was doing well. At night, we would sit on the couch and watch Korean TV channels or movies. I brought some just in case he got bored of Korean things.

There was this day, the instructors were off duty. So, he and I decided to go for a walk in the neighbourhood. We went to a convenience store and the female cashier said.. 

"You look very matching with each other. A handsome boyfriend, a beautiful girlfriend." She smiled.
"We're not a couple. :)" I said, waving my hands. Mr. Z paid for the things and said, 
"Yes, we are a couple." and grabbed my hand and went out of the store. :D

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