Sunday 22 May 2011

[fic016] We Get To WHAT?!

OhKay... I'm gonna die tomorrow... tomorrow's exam is HISTORY! which doesn't really suit to my liking... oh and PJK.. humm next week's exams are readables.. no.. MUST READ... not read-ABLES any longer... =o= OH2!! last Friday's test was English.. haha on my Paper1, there was a question based on, "the last line must be written, was a wonderful day" SO! I wrote one of my fic chapters! the going-to-theme-park-chapter.. haha I was so into writing it, I forgot the time! when everyone already handed their papers, I was still checking for spelling + grammatical errors.. haha I was KINDA satisfied.. the timing was TOO SHORT! ToT anyyywhooo... one more week until my next dental check up and SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!! Today's update is REALLY long... so have patience reading it.. :p

"yeah, so, I already asked my mom, she said if I'm with u, it's okay.."
"with me? haha she gave her trust to me already? cool." he replied..
"yeah.. well, since she knows u're a nice boy,
anyway, when's the concert? night?"
"yeah.. about after maghrib.. + don't wear heels.."
"uh? why? who's concert anyway?"
"I'll tell u that later.. oh and Dilla is coming also.."
"cool.. at least I have a girlfriend to keep me company..
the ticket? u paid for it?"
"yeah, it's a backstage pass, I'll give it tomorrow.."
"uwaahhh... Dilla's also?"
"well, yeah.. all three of us.."
"that's a lot of money to withdraw..."
"it's okay, I can afford it.. dress casual kay?"
"okay.. :D c ya tmrw.."

*tomorrow* xDD
It's a Monday... and the morning was ........fresh. haha my first time waking up early on a school holiday... :D any girl would know, I wake up VERY VERY late on holidays.. excuse? "I have NOTHING to do today, why should I wake up early when I can have my rest back?" I said to my umi.. haha poor umi.. have patience on ur weird daughter.. xDD ANYWAYS! today is the day that Johan's gonna bring us to the concert!! the concert which I don't know who's.. so, I called Dilla after my breakfast and she was, too, excited like me.. We decided to keep it a secret from our other friends.. especially the freaky Kpop fans... u know ..just in case if someone goes crazy.. I don't know if that really happens.. MAJOR chaos! xDD

It's maghrib and after my prayers, I was getting ready for the concert... I wore something simple.. a bit of mixing and matching.. the funny thing was, I was asking my umi what to wear for a concert! like she knows..... right? well, at least she gave me a big help.. which was actually kinda weird.. because it's like sending off ur daughter to do 'bad things'.. I mean.. it's my first time going to a concert.. and I don't know what's gonna happen when I get there, right?
so, I wore my black hoodie with my green shirt under it.. haha Dilla was going for the same style except she was gonna wear a cardigan instead of a hoodie.. yay! same attire! we're such BFFs.. xDD
After I finished with a bit of make-up, I bid goodbye to my parents, they told me to be safe.. I ensured them with Johan's name.. xD then I start to walk outside the house.. I texted Johan...

"what are you wearing?"
he replied, "hoodie, plain blue shirt and sneakers... you?"
"almost the same but green shirt.. I'm already outside btw"
"kay2 I'll be right down.. wait a sec.."
I then texted Dilla.. "yah.. siap lom?"
"dah.. mane Johan? lama aku tggu nih xD"
"eleh.. mntg2 first time kluar mlm ngn kwn.. gi concert lak tu."
"biau le.. =P"
"jap lgi smpai.. sabau.." I replied..

Johan finally walks outside of his house, he was wearing the plain-blue-shirt literally! it says there on his shirt! Trailing behind him was his parents... Auntie Zima came towards me and holds my shoulders.. she sighs and said,

"jaga ank org ni baik2.. mne tau satu hari
nanti jdi bakal menantu mama.." while stroking my head..
"mama..!" "auntie!" we said it at the same time, shocked..
"what? u too look good together.. why not date each other?"
"auntie~" "mama~" we said it together again..

We walked to Johan's car, they followed again.. Johan starts the engine and Auntie Zima waves at us.. "drive safely~" and we're finally off.. oh yeah, I sat next to Johan again.. Auntie Zima made me.. =o= It's about 7:50pm when we picked Dilla up.. Johan drove and we listened to the radio.. the atmosphere was kinda quiet.. then I suddenly remembered who's concert are we going to anyway? while waiting for the traffic light, I asked Johan,

"yah.. u didn't tell us who's concert we're going.. who's is it anyway?"
"oh.. yeah I" he gave us the tickets..
I gave one to Dilla without looking at it..
I read the details.. and I looked at Dilla, she was looking at me too..
"SHINee's?!!! but why didn't we get
any infos about this?! :O" I said excitedly..
"well, u've been busy with the exams..
I bought this even before I came here.." and he continues,
"besides, the concert was postponed millions of times..
so, the news of it to be confirmed was never real.."
"oh.. so this is the concert we were waiting for years?" I asked..
"yeah.. the actual plan was to held it on the 23rd May,
two days before their 4th anniversary"
"ohh... it got pushed till June I see..
anyways! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
u don't know how I really want to hug u right now, Johan...!"
I said holding the ticket tight to my chest..
he opens up his left arm, "here.. hug me.. :P"
"eww.. I didn't mean that literally.." I said backing up..

"oh2! and we get backstage passes.... that means......
DPT JMPE SHINee?!!" Dilla partially screamed...
"aish... my ear.. yes u're meeting SHINee..
this is the reason I'm giving it to u a bit later..
I'm afraid u'll be over-excited and can't sleep..
like before....." Johan looks at me..
"like before?" Dilla asked curiously..
"ahahaha xde bnde..." I said hitting him..
"ape? cakap laa.... aq sorg je pon!" Dilla begged..
"xleh! nnt ko blackmail aq seumur hidup!" I squawked at her..
"cakap laa~! Johan! ape bnde?"
he was about to open his mouth,
"we-" I put my hand over his mouth..
"korang...?" Dilla said trying to figure out..
"YAH! ko.. klu ko ckp, aq xnk kwn ngn mak ko..!" I warned Johan..
"oh okay2.. haha sorry Dilla.."
"ahh korg nih... =o=" she leaned hard..
I can't let her know what happened on that day..
(A/N: it's Chapter 6 'scenario' xD)

We finally arrived at Stadium Bukit Jalil.. the ones who get backstage passes apparently have their own parking lots.. COOL! so, the guards for the back door asked for our passes which was hanged to our necks with a sky blue strap.. when we got in, the first door on the right was a store room ....apparently.. haha Dilla and I was crazy to find SHINee's make up room xD Johan was walking slow and 'chicly' behind us.. until I pulled him to walk faster.. xD I asked one of the staffs and he guided us to SHINee's make up room.. sadly, SHINee wasn't there.. ahh where could they be? I thought.. when it was time for the concert, we were instructed to go to the rock pit (the standing part of the concert)..

the concert starts with SHINee popping out from under the stage.. they started singing Noona neomu yeppo(remix) and Shawols sang along... after that, they stopped and gave a big greeting.. I mean BIG! they practically shouted ANNYEONGHASEYO!!! yeah I was at the rock pit with Johan and Dilla beside me(I'm in the middle, AGAIN!=o=).. SHINee then sang a few other ballads from their old and new albums.. we were having loads of fun! the only thing bothering us was this fangirl jumping up and down, screaming her lungs out screaming "ONEW!! ONEW!!" I was like, "will u calm down? u'll gonna make someone hurt with that.." I said to her nicely.. After an hour or so, it was rest time, I start to massage my left knee.. Johan saw my action and asked me,

"does it hurt a lot?" he looks worried..
"not really, just a bit.. haha no worries..
I always have this when standing for too long.."
he doesn't know that I'm highly risky
to have rheumatoid arthritis..
keep it cool Aisyah.. u can handle it.. I said to myself..

In 10 mins, SHINee came back again.. and this time they are singing Juliette and they start to pull fans on stage.. waahh so lucky, I thought.. our place of standing was a bit far from the stage.. I mean who wants to look up and hurt their necks just to watch SHINee up close? definitely not us..

SO, a bit after SHINee sang for the fans individually(5 fans were picked, they sat on a chair each and SHINee sang, circling them), the fans were sent off backstage.. I dunno what happened to them.. SHINee still continued singing... I thought the concert was about to end.. SHINee then announced about a lucky draw.. "lucky draw?" Dilla and I looked at each other.. Key explained that the number on the tickets are the numbers for the lucky draw.. I start to look at my ticket number,1675, Dilla's was 1876, and Johan's was 1804.. yeah the numbers were random..

the lucky draw was for the ones sitting for the rock pit and the backstage passers ONLY.. when Key announced that, the fans sitting at the chair areas (1st and 2nd floor) whined LOUD.. Onew then said that there will be only TWO lucky ones... he also said that the prize will be a 4 day 3 night trip to Jeju Island in South Korea with SHINee.. the fans on the floors whined LOUDER..

Then, Jonghyun said to keep quiet because they wanted to pick the numbers.. 2 out of 4 lucky ones will be chosen by them.. Minho picks one, Key picks one, Onew picks one and Taemin picks one also... Jonghyun was ready to read the first numbers, so he took Minho's number and read it... "il-yuk-chil-o" he accidentally said it in Korean.. Key laughed at him and said "Englrish pleasee.." hahah JongKey moment.. the fans laughed.. Jonghyun continued "1675! won-siks-seben-fibe(A/N: haha engrish)" everybody looked around.. Dilla then screamed at me, "YAH! ko lah!!" "huh?" I looked at mine.. "ME?!" Dilla pulled my arm(raise/waving my arm like a maniac) and the guard made way for me to come through the crowd.. then when I was at the stairs, Jonghyun came and greeted me with pulling me up.. I looked below, behind(trying to find Dilla) and placed my right hand(curling it) to my mouth, trying to cover my overly HUGE gums.. I was then pulled to the centre of SHINee.. I mean Minho and Onew are right beside me! beside Onew was Key waving at me.. I smiled and waved back.. (A/N: u know how I wave at u guys.. like a kid :p)

Taemin then read the number he picked... "won-eite-seben-siks" the fans laughed at his engrish.. Jonghyun placed his finger at his lips.. I looked at the crowd.. wait.. 1876?! DILLA?!
I then walked towards and pointed at Dilla.. Jonghyun looked back because the fans below the stage pointed at me.. he asked me, "eodi..? ah where? where?" I said to him, "cheoui chinguyo(my friend)!" he then gave me his mic,(he's still holding) "Dilla! neo janha!! (Dilla it's YOU!)" I said while pointing at her.. she then look at her number.. she nodded or should I say a little head banging(?) xD then the guard made way again.. she was pulled by Taemin this time.. xD coincidence much? Key and Onew announced theirs and the fans we're pulled on stage too..

So, I'm with Dilla on the stage, in a separate line from SHINee.. Key start to interview us by asking our names and age.. "I'm Aisyah and I'm 17.." I said nervously.. "I'm Dilla and I'm also 17.." Taemin who was next to Dilla didn't quite hear what we said.. he whispered to Onew.. "(korean)how old?" .. Onew gestured one and seven on his hand.. we saw them.. :D so cute..

then, the other two fans introduced themselves too.. and Key continued asking, "who's ur favourite member?" he asked the other girls first, they both answered Minho.. then Minho came between them and placed his arms on their shoulders.. me, of course I answered Jonghyun... right after he heard it, he went over and held my left hand.. I blushed and placed my right hand to my mouth.. I bet Johan's jealous.. xD Dilla, she answered Taemin.. he made a shocked look and pointed to himself.. Taemin walked over her and stood awkwardly next to her.. ahaha so cute!

Jonghyun then continued.. "(Korean) Before we directly give them the tickets to Jeju, we'll have to see their skills to win the tickets.." Key then translates them.. then the fans chanted "AEGYO! AEGYO! AEGYO!" They(SHINee) continued without further ado.. when the music start to play, Key then pulled the Minho fan to centre stage, she then start to dance.. stiffly... some fans booed and some cheered.. next was the other fan... she too was stiff.. no flow laa... when it was my turn, the music changed to SNSD's Gee.. out of all songs... why must it be Gee? and I was like, ":O they changed the song!" I was nervous, the song was about to start.. so, I pulled Dilla to dance together with me.. we started with the intro part..

"ooh whoa oh.. ooh whoa oh yeah..
my angels, and my girls, my sunshine oh oh let's go!
Neomu neomu meotjyeo nooni nooni busyeo
Sumeul moht shigesseo tteollineun geol
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Oh neomu bukkeureoweo chyeodabol su eobseo
Saranghae ppajyeosseo sujubeun geol
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Eotteoke hajyo (eotteokhajyo)
Ddeollineun maeum (ddeoleeneun maeum)
(Dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun) dugeundugeun georyeo
bamen jamdo mot eerujyo
Naneun naneun babongabwayo
Geudae geudae bakke moreuneun babo
Geulaeyo geudael boneun nan
Neomu banjjak banjjak nooni busyeo no no no no no
Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun oh oh oh oh oh
Neomu jjarit jjarit momi ddeullyuh gee gee gee gee gee
Oh juhjeun nunbit (oh yeah)
oh joeun hyanggi (oh yeah yeah yeah)"
we did it exactly like the dance version! :DD

We finished the dance with a bit of accompany from Key and Taemin.. the fans cheered..! huh.. I did it without any mistakes.. good2 :D then we went back to the line of fan.. aahhh that was embarrassing...! well, at least they didn't made us do Sistar19's Ma Boy right? haha that will be a disaster! so, Key applauded us and they pushed us forward, making a line of 4... Dilla and I was at separate ends of the line.. the middle was the Minho fans..

it's time for them to choose.. we couldn't see who was behind so... the only hints are from the fans below.. it was a suspense hanger.. Minho came forward.. and walked over to his fans... but then Taemin and Jonghyun walked over too... Minho gestured to back hug his fans but Taemin and Jonghyun turned out to be the ones who gave the back hugs... the fans screamed! Jonghyun gave me a BACK HUG!! Dilla and I covered our faces.. they gave us a pretty long hug.. 15secs? xD yeah long! My mind had gone blank and then all sorts of thoughts came.. I'm gonna be beaten by the fans if he does this... but then, I feel comfortable.. somehow Jonghyun's cologne smells like Johan's.. like the time he kissed my cheeks on my birthday.. that cologne.. aahh Johan's watching this... I'm dead.. O.O

the back hugging ended.. and SHINee congratulated us for winning the Jeju trip.. then we were guided to the backstage, to their make up room to be precise.. :D then SHINee gave their goodbyes and made a small speech for each member.. as they spoke, the song Life was on.. instrumental version.. JongKey cried.. sad of leaving the fans I guess... then when SHINee walked out the stage(going backstage), the fans screamed "don't go! don't go!"... the staff greeted them, us too, "(korean)well done.. good job.." those phrases came out from the staffs' mouths.. we bowed at them and we headed to the waiting room, inputting our personal data into piece of form paper as the staff asked us.. it's for the Jeju trip..

meanwhile, SHINee was getting out of their wet clothes and changed into something more comfortable to wear.. when they came out, we were still writing and checking our phones (A/N: Samsung Galaxy Tablet? :D) in case our parents called.. well, it's like 11:30pm.. I asked one of the staffs if Johan could enter this place, and he said okay.. I texted Johan to come to the waiting room backstage.. then Key came and asked me,

"Aisyah and Dilla right? *we nodded*
u guys speak Korean?"
"a bit.. :)" we said..
"didn't I saw u guys with a boy?
he looks like Jonghyun from afar.."
Jonghyun turned to look as he heard Key said his name..
"u saw us? when?" I asked..
"when u guys came out of the make up room..
we were getting ready under the stage.."
"(Korean)who looked like me?" Jonghyun asked..
"him.." I pointed at Johan who just came in..
They looked at him..
"uwahhh u really look like Jjong!" Key said in shocked..
Jonghyun was like, :O he looks like me!
hahaxD so, we introduced Johan
to SHINee and they were okay..

then the staff gave us infos about the flight.. which was a day after the concert.. we will get our tickets on the flight day.. I asked if SHINee was going anywhere in that day, their manager said they will be on a 'vacation'.. a bit of shopping in KL I guess.. when it was time for us to go, Key gave us a piece of paper containing Jonghyun's and his' number.. and made a calling gesture to us.. "call us when u're at the airport.." "okay.. :D"

So, we were on our way home.. Dilla was so content of getting the prize.. (I mean who wouldn't?! a 4day 3night trip to Jeju with SHINee!!) she fell asleep at the back seat.. I sat next to Johan again to keep him company.. He had this disappointed look.. I asked,

"oii.. what's with the face?"
"nothing.." he said changing the gear after a stop..
"oh come on.. are u jealous or something?"
"I guess so.."
"and why would u get jealous?"
"because u're spending 4d3n with SHINee.. and it's overseas.."
"so? it's not like we're going forever.. =o="
"I know, it's just.. I've already made plans to go
somewhere with u this school holiday.. I guess it can wait.."
"aww.. August.."
"huh?" he said didn't understand what I said..
"August school holidays.. u can do it by then.. :D"
"fine...." he stil had that face.. aishh..=o=

The way home was......tiring. After sending Dilla, who was walking like a zombie, sleepily, we went home.. I went inside and start to write something on a piece of sticky note paper.. "kakak pegi Jeju Island, S.K. lusa.. menang lucky draw SHINee.. :D" and I stuck the paper on the fridge.. they are SOO gonna freak tomorrow morning.. xDD I was getting ready for bed and a message came..
"hope u have fun otw to Jeju..
I'll be waiting for u to come home over here.."
Johan sent me the message..
I replied, "thanks.. I'm still here tomorrow u know.."
"but u'll be busy buying stuffs for the next day.."
"wht should I buy? it's June..
it's about the same temp. like in M'sia."
"oh yeah.. I forgot.. :p" he replied..
did he really live in Seoul or not? xDD
I thought to myself.. then, he sent another one..
"oh yeah.. be careful, Jeju is much hotter than Seoul..
which means, wear LOTS of sunscreen!"
"much hotter? oh yeah, it's like about our climate right?
since it's down south.."
"yeah.. I've been there before around this time..
and I regret going without one.. sunburns EVERYWHERE!"
"haha.. help me to pack up tmrw..
I'll make sure I'll leave nothing behind.."
"okay.. see ya tmrw then.. :D"
"c ya.. nite.."

I went to sleep.. and the next morning, my umi asked me if I really am going.. I said yes.. and Dilla is coming too.. :D then, I said I wanted to buy sunscreens for the trip.. and she said we'll go shopping later.. I went to Johan's house, for fun, after that.. Auntie Zima was watching her fish eating..
"hai Auntie Zima..."
"oh hey Aisyah.. What brings u here?"
"did Johan tell u what happened last night?"
"no he didn't.. what happened?"
then Johan came out of the kitchen..
"hey.." Johan said to me.. I waved at him..
"last night, I won a lucky draw..!"
"u what? lucky draw? what's the prize?"
"a 4d3n trip to Jeju.. with SHINee!!"
"waahh!! when's the flight?"
"tomorrow night"
"at night? when did u know that?" Johan asked..
"their manager called me this morning..
tomorrow at 10pm.."
"what airline?" Auntie Zima asked..
"Korean Air of course.."
"did u pack up already?" she asked again..
"naahh not yet.. help me? I wanted to buy stuffs
like sunscreens, hats.. u know Jeju.."
"yeah.. it's super HOT there.. I'll go with u if u want.."
"now?" I said..
"yeah.. is ur mom going with u?"
"nope, she's busy.. she said to go by evening.."
"now go tell her were going.. now.."

I went back home, told umi I'm going shopping with Auntie Zima and I went out again.. Johan drove for us and I bought sunscreens... huge hats.. I called Dilla if she wanted the same things.. she said yes, so... I bought two of each.. I bought it with my own money.. then Auntie Zima treated me with buying some loose T-shirts.. she's so nice.. then we went home.. umi told me to email abah about me going to Jeju.. so I did.. he replied, "take care.. nnt abah bank in duit.. buat belanja kt sna.." I said okay, then umi and I went out again.. this time to the bank.. abah texted that he banked in already to my umi's account.. and we changed the money to Korean Won.. he gave me about RM1000 that's about KRW 359,804 = about 331.71 USD.. well, it's for 4days.. it's okay.. besides... Auntie Zima gave some money to me too.. :p I'm so lucky.. :DD well, she said to share some with Dilla.. :D I went back home after that.. I was packing my stuff, and then a message came..

"안녕~ 뭐해?" eh? it's from a non-Malaysian number..
waitt.... I start rummaging my bag.. the paper..
the paper Key gave me.. where is it?!
ah here it is! 010-4437-6785... the number on the my phone
010-4437-6785... it's ........'s number! :O

To Be Continued.... :DDD
next chapter ---> :DD
please 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^

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