Saturday 17 September 2011

[fic028] I'm Back Home!

Author's comment is after u read all of this!

Aisyah's POV

I was in the bus waiting to arrive at Jonghyun's house. I just realized at the time. It's Jonghyun's house. Which only means, either he's with his parents or he's home alone. Both situations are uninviting. I mean, I'm a girl, which had NO relation whatsoever with Jonghyun except that I'm the lucky fan who got to spend a little time with him before. I hope he's home alone. It's not that the situation is better than the other, it's just, at least his parents doesn't have to worry about his love life. His SCANDAL life not his LOVE life =___=

Anyway, I was already in front of his apartment. I was hesitating whether to push the doorbell or not. I was scared if his parents would come up and open the door, so I didn't push the bell. After fidgeting and fighting with myself, the door opens up. I heard someone asked, "*chuckles* Do you want to come in?" I turned my back and saw Jonghyun smiling at the door. I nodded and went inside his house.

His apartment wasn't that half bad than Johan's villa. It has a Korean traditional touch meets contemporary designs. The true Korean parts of the house was this old Korean cupboard near to the dining table I saw.

"Over here." Jonghyun instructed me to sit on the couch. I sat alone at first, then he later came with a tray, which had two glasses of orange juice on it.
"You're alone in this house right?" I asked nervously. Wondering if his parents were inside the bedroom or something. I don't want any trouble involving his parents.
"Yeah. My parents are not here for 2 weeks. They are on a vacation right now." I nodded to his statement. THANK GOD. *sigh*
"So, about your action earlier....." I tried to conduct the actual topic of our meeting.
"Oh yeah, here." Jonghyun handed me an A4 sized envelope. I opened it up and took out some papers. All of them were empty forms.
"What's this?" I asked him, confused.
"Your school transferring forms. Just fill all of this up and u can live here with me! :D" said Jonghyun smiling happily.
"WHAT?! You're not serious are you?!" I said, shocked.
"Of course I'm serious! I truly want us to look like we are really dat-"
"NO!" I cut in. "I'm never going to make this work! Oppa! You know I'm with Johan. Why do u make this more complicated for me?" I threw the paper on the coffee table. I was clearly having my tears hanging on my eyes, waiting for me to blink and fall out. I was afraid of what people around me might say about this. I was afraid my parents might hate me and leave me out of the house, like in those melodramatic dramas.

"Come on Aisyah. Other girls would break up with their boyfriends just to date me. Why won't you do the same for me?" Jonghyun asked. What the- WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! 
"I won't because I have Johan with me and I love him. Nothing except our parents can do us part." GOD I sound like I just came out of a Romeo and Juliet play or something. =__=
"I'm not rushing u to break up with him. Try and ask for his opinion on this and play out this relationship with me for some while. It's for my company. I'm doing this for them." Jonghyun explained. I'm still not convinced that his action earlier was for his company. He's just using his company's name for his huge mistake.
"Never in any world that I'm going to tell Johan about this. Just let me go and pray for people to forget about your action. Now, I'm going home!" I stood up and swung my bag over my shoulder.
"No, Aisyah wait!" Jonghyun took hold of my arm, making me stop.
"WHAT?!" I turned my face to him and he pulled me into a hug.
"LET ME GO, u pervert! Let me go!!" I shouted at him.
"Stop shouting. Calm down. There's a paparazzi on the opposite building." Jonghyun whispered.
"What. Do. I. CARE?!" I break off his linking arms around me and I ran to the door.
"YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS AISYAH!" Jonghyun shouted before I ran out of the door.

I was running down the stairs as fast as I could and when I got out of the main entrance, tens of paparazzies were swarming me with their huge cameras, huge lights and huge recording mics.

"Miss, may we know ur name?" "Did u get into a fight with Jonghyun-ssi?" "How long have u met with Jonghyun-ssi?" I heard them shooting me questions like they're bullets. I tried to block off and run away, but there were too many of them.
"Please get off of her!" I heard Jonghyun's voice storming this way. Now I get what he meant by I'll regret this. The securities told off all the paparazzies away and I was finally able to breathe. Well, for awhile.

Jonghyun then pulled my arm and he brought me back to his apartment. I didn't say anything. He didn't either. When we reached in front of his door, he turned himself to me.
"I told you, didn't I? You can die just from being in the middle of that!"
"..I..umm..." I couldn't say a thing. It wasn't really my fault. He lured me to them. I mean, he's the one who told me to come to his place. Not me. I didn't do anything wrong.
"All of this will go up by tomorrow morning or, even faster, late tonight." Jonghyun furrowed his forehead, looking worried and nervous about what just happened.
"I didn't mean to do that. I was just-"
"No. I asked for your cooperation in this, and u're just being childish and stubborn!" Jonghyun cut me off and scolded me. Who is he to scold me for something I didn't do?
"You know what? Any of this wouldn't have happened if you just didn't have to take your stupid revenge on me at the airport earlier!" I pushed him off and walked out on him. I was mad. I seriously have NO idea why he does this to me.

Anyway, I got on the bus back to Johan's villa. Luckily, there was no paparazzies following me around and I got to the villa safely. I arrived at the villa after 30 minutes on the bus, which constantly stops for every 5 minutes. It wasn't that really far anyway. I opened up the door and kicked off my shoes. The auto-sensor light turned on and I heard a person audibly snoring on the couch. I nudged the person softly and the person woke up.

"Where did you go? I was worried." said Johan, rubbing his eyes and yawning while covering his mouth.
"I was out to settle something. Why didn't you sleep inside your room? It's cold out here." I told him to get up and to his room. He was still sleepy and I really felt like I was his mom, or something.
"I was waiting for you to *yawn* come back home." said Johan. Aww.. that's sweet of him, but I'm afraid if he finds out what I did outside and whom I met with might hurt his heart.
"Come on. Let's get you into bed." I pulled him up to stand. He placed his right arm over my shoulders.
"Haha. You sound like my mom." He laughed at me, slightly tipsy and nasal sounding.
"Well son, I babysit you while your mom is not here, okay?" I look up to see him smiling. I was scared I might take that smile away from him forever. I feel like I'm cheating on him.
"You make me laugh, Aisyah." said Johan sleepily.

I took Johan to his room and I went to mine. Dilla and Elyza was already sleeping. I quietly sneaked to the bathroom, changed my clothes and washed up a bit before going into bed. It was a long night and I was really tired thinking about the rumour Jonghyun made up. I hoped nothing goes wrong by morning.


Johan's POV

It was around 6 in the morning and the sun was already up. I was helping Sanghee nuna cooking the breakfast and the girls was packing up for the flight back to Malaysia. Kangmin hyung was getting the luggage from the girls, and mine also, and putting them in the van's boot. Breakfast was finally ready and I called out the girls. When we finished eating and Aisyah & I was washing the dishes, Kangmin hyung suddenly called for me. There was someone at the door. I went out to see the person. It was Jonghyun. What the heck is he doing here and how does he know my house?

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Hey, I'm looking for Aisyah. Can I see her for a sec?" Jonghyun looked anxious. I wonder what's up.
"Sure. Let me just call her for you. Oh, and come in." I went back to the kitchen and called Aisyah. She walked to the living room and she was shocked to see Jonghyun there.
"What are you doing here and how did you know I was here?" She sounded shocked at some point.
"That's not the question u should be asking. You would want to see this." Jonghyun handed a newspaper to her and the header was titled, "Anyone know who is this girl?" 

What the...- It was a picture of Aisyah surrounded by a swarm of paparazzies and there was Jonghyun by her side, putting his arm over Aisyah's shoulders. I recognize her by the clothes she wore last night. So, this is what she did last night, huh? She's not cheating on me, right? I mean after all the 'Hairi drama' before, I became slightly concious. Aisyah held the paper and gulped her saliva. Her expression changed from shocked to worried. I think she was afraid of what people might do to her later.

"N-No-.." She stuttered. Her hands were trembling when holding the papers.
"You know what? I'm thinking this is WAY off our reach and I think it's better if we leave it as it is. No more pushing her to make her pretend she's your girlfriend. Just stop this madness and let her be Jonghyun." I spoke up, standing up for Aisyah.
"B-But.. What am I supposed to do after THIS *points at the paper* is pasted ALL OVER the papers and magazines?" said Jonghyun, getting worked up.
"Do it like how you handled your scandal with Shin Sekyung then. I see you had no problems with that. Why is there any difference with Aisyah?" I crossed my arms. Aisyah was still at shock, looking at the papers, slowly reading off what was said in the article.
"Sekyung was different. People knew her and they didn't care as much. Aisyah is someone no one knew. People who wanted to know will do ANYTHING to find out more about her." said Jonghyun, worried about his' and Aisyah's situation.
"I'm more worried if my fans are affected by her presence. I hope they don't do anything stupid like making up an anti-club for Aisyah or bullying her if they probably saw her." He continued while biting the tip of his lower lip.
"How about we go back to Malaysia and meet back in about two weeks? Right here. In my house. Because our school holidays is about over and we are still studying as u can see." I explained to Jonghyun.
"Okay then. Deal. Two weeks, Saturday." Jonghyun reached out to shake my hand.
"Deal. Now, we need to catch a flight. See ya in two weeks! Aisyah, come on." I pulled Aisyah into the van and the others followed.

*Gimpo International Airport*

So far, the airport was fine. No paparazzies following Aisyah around. Or maybe I said it too soon? When we went inside, the paparazzies were waiting before the immigration gate, making us having a little trouble going through the gate. Like always, they ask all sorts of questions to Aisyah. I can see she was irritated by the people who kept following her around. We were having a bit of a problem at the gate. Thankfully, the securities held the paparazzies up and we were able to walk through. I saw Jonghyun from afar, waving goodbye to us. I told Aisyah he waved, but she didn't even turned to him. She must've been too upset at him.

*K.Lumpur International Airport*

After five hours and a half of back-straining flight pain, we arrived at KLIA. Our parents were already there waiting at the arrivals hall. We hugged each other and went back home. On the way home, my family and Aisyah's family stopped at McDonald's and ate lunch. We had this long table arranged and I was sitting in front of Aisyah. She looked slightly better than before. I'm glad she went over it fast. :D The other family members were checking us out as we ate. Aisyah is soo clumsy. She always get something by her lips. Well, me? I'm just the lip wiper. :P

To Be Continued.... :DDD

A/N: Annyeong~ Finally the new chapter! It was slightly awkward and fuzzy to write in this chapter. So, try to understand, even if u couldn't. :P Yes, this was slightly shorter than the previous chapters.. OR IS IT? OH and PLEASE 'like' this and comment below!! ^_^v ( actual time finished = 1:11 am)
next chapter -----> :DD

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