Monday 26 September 2011

[fic032] Reason Why He Doesn't Cook

Short update? :D

Aisyah's POV

We had finished our lunch and then we went to a game arcade near to the restaurant. It was an Asian kind of game arcade. The games are mostly in Korean and Japanese. So, I had to help out the girls with some of the game instructions. The dance crew attacked the dance machine while the girls went car racing. I was helping the girls with the gear shifting, then Johan pulled me to this typical Japanese drum game.

I once played this drum game, but I failed to understand how to play the game. It seemed fun though, when seeing the other Chinese kids playing this game. The game was in Japanese. Those Chinese kids I saw playing the game probably understands what the game said. But now, what I didn't know is, Johan can read, speak and understand Japanese. YEAH! I was like, "What are you doing?" when he stopped for a moment when, I think, he was picking the songs.

"I'm reading the song titles." said Johan.
"Wait. What? You're reading the titles?" I asked, shocked to hear that he can read Japanese.
"Yeah. Oh, I never told u, did I? I used to live in Japan for some months because dad got transferred to one of the Samsung's factory there." He explained.
"Really? So, u can speak Japanese huh? WOW."
"What's with the shock?" He chuckled.
"I don't know. I think u can do TOO many things. But, the funny thing is, out of ALL the things you can't do, u can't cook. xD" I laughed.
"Stop it. It's not funny." He sounded serious, but I was still laughing lightly.
"Somehow, it is funny to me. I thought u lived alone when ur parents are working. You never tried cooking for yourself?" I asked, curious of his cooking past.
"I did, but I got a traumatic accident that lead me to the hospital." He explained while still picking the song.
"You got into the hospital because you tried cooking alone?" Seriously? o.O
"Yup." He answered short.
"Well, what happened?"
"I tried to cut a carrot with a meat knife. I was 10, if I could remember." (A/N: FYI, meat knives are VERY VERY sharp.)
"Then what happened?" I listened to him attentively.
"The carrot was wrongly aligned, so the knife slipped out of my hands and fell on my feet. The knife cut through my skin, almost half way through."
"HOMG." I furrowed my forehead, putting myself in his shoes. That happened to him? No wonder he never sets foot in the kitchen.
"Yeah, luckily mom came home a few moments after that. She put LOADS of minyak gamat on the wound, and then brought me to the hospital. I had like 20 sews on my left foot alone and 8 sews on my right foot." He gave me the drum sticks of the game.
"Wow, and to think that I made fun of u can't cook. I'm sorry. :(" I really felt guilty. I never knew he had that kind of trauma. We started playing the game.
"Naahh.. It's okay. You didn't know." He smiled. That made me felt better :D  
"But, Johan, why I never saw the scars on your feet?" Well, yeah I saw his feet before, I get tutors from him remember? and we don't wear shoes in the house.
"Because my mom made me go through their first laser treatment a year later." Their first as in her mom's Seoul clinic just got a laser machine that year. Well, that made sense. His mom IS a dermatologist. He is her guinea pig. xD
"Oh. No wonder." I laughed.
"What? Why are u laughing?" He asked.
"You are the clinic's first guinea pig xDD"
"So what? I'm proud I was the first, and thankfully the machine works well. Talking about lasers, I think u might want to go for a treatment too." He said to me.
"Huh? Why is that?" I asked naively, while trying to hit the drum on the right pace.
"Because your legs are full with flowers." He laughed. Flowers, my fugly scars =__=
"SHUT UP. I know my legs are ugly. " =_= Damn u, Johan. I'll get u next time. You're lucky I'm sympathizing u today.
"Oh, come on. Don't worry, I still love u for that. :D" He swept my chin and smirked. Sweet talker. =_=''

So, we played the game. As usual, I suck at games. In the end, I just watched Johan played solo and some other people coming to the arcade stopped and watched him play the game :D He is so awesome, I forgot he's my boyfriend :P The dance crew finished up their money and decided to go back to the studio. The girls too. So, Johan stopped playing and people applauded for him. I'm SO proud to have him as a boyfriend :)
To Be Continued.... :DDD
A/N: I'm getting lazier to do my homework these days. (Pffftttt... since when did I ever get diligent on doing it anyway?) OH yeah, PLEASE 'like' this and comment below!! ^_^v
next chapter ---> :DD

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