[fic001] The Day I Met ...Him
(At my new house in Desa Bestari)
I was washing my school shoes, suddenly a lorry comes in RIGHT in front of my house.. the driver parked it, so I asked him..
"Ni untuk ape?"
"oh. sori, silap rumah.. ni utk rumah sblah.." "ok... park betul2 eh, nnt bapak saya balik nak park kete depan rumah.." "okay2"soo.. the lorry was parked next to my house, which used to be occupied with a different family. After I finished washing my shoes, I went inside my house, and asked my umi,
"umi, orang sebelah gi mana?" "org sblah? kan dorg da pindah.." "eh? bile lak?" "tu la ko.. dok lagi depan laptop tu xpnah nk amek tau dunia sebenar.. hidup la ko ngn dunia siber ko tuh..(lecture2)""yelah2 bile dorg pindah cikk?" ".....(40 secs - proven bcos I've once counted it! FOR REAL!=0='')....minggu lepas lah" (in real life, my mom replies answers VERY late.. it's like registering for a bank account, take a number first.. wait for the counter number,which is LONG.. theennn u get there..XD)"ouhh...eh?"
so, I only got to know that my ex-neighbour moved to Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan a week late =0=''.. the husband's mother died and such, so they had to move back... SO the lorry that came in was for a new family.. I bravely asked the driver once again,
"bang, org baru nih dari mane?""oh, dorg? dari luar negara..""bukan org malaysia?""melayu, tapi dorg da lama dok kt luar negara..""ade tau dorg dok kt ner sblum nih?""Korea Selatan klu xsilap..""(*OMO! they're from Korea!) oh ye ke..? terima kasih! ^0^"
I went back inside grinning by myself.. umi asked who/what was outside.. time for revenge! I kept quiet for 40 secs.."AISYAH! ape kt luar tu?""eleh, tdi jwb lambat.. taupun xsuke......NEW NEIGHBOUR, see? now I'm updated before u! >:D"muahahaha I'm so evil~ >:D
I looked out from my room window, the workers was opening the lorry's back door(?) then came 2 cars.. before the workers start unloading the lorry, the driver from one of the cars came out and unlocked the door(more like the HUGE grill) to the house.. ah.. my neighbours are here.. then came out two boys from another car, the driver was wearing a red polo shirt with jeans, even though he seemed simple yet he looked cool.. his hair made him stand out.. it was styled like Zac Efron's hair:P 
The other boy was somehow familiar.... He was wearing simple black T-shirt drawn, a silver star, dark denim jeans.. He has broad shoulders, very manly looking.. I saw him picking up a box.. the box looked big and heavy.. he picked it up simply! when I saw the back view of him, I could clearly see his back muscles formed under the shirt he wore...
He SERIOUSLY seemed familiar to me... I tried to remember where I saw his face.. I'm pretty sure I met him somewhere.. GOD WHERE DID I SAW YOU BEFORE?! knocking my head around with a pillow, covering my face with it, breathed in it.... I was practically struggling with myself trying to remember the face.. .....then came an MMS from a friend of mine, I read it in front of the window with the pillow in my arms.. it was a pic of Jonghyun... under the pic wrote, I thought u might want this heheh=D.......
"OMO!!" I grabbed my pillow, covered my mouth and looked back at the pic, and I looked back at the boy outside.. "Oh My Momma's Goat U MUST BE KIDDING ME! h-he ...looked. like. JONGHYUN!!" I practically screamed (silently) when I realised he had looked like Jonghyun AND HE'S MY NEIGHBOUR!!! OMO! OMO ! OMO !!! I was rolling on the bed - covering my face, excitedly, I fell on the floor, still rolling - TOO excited!GOD HE'S SUPER HOT!! EOTTEOKHAE?!
then umi called me from the kitchen, I got down,
"Aisyah, gi la tolong org sblah.. bljr bersosial ngn org.. karang da xkenal org dah (lecture2)"
tired of listening, I anxiously walked out and made my step to their fence.. (my other family members went for my father's badminton event btw:P there was only my mom and I at home..)
"A-assalamualaikumm.. a-ade ape bleh saya t-tolong?" I stuttered... aahh.. that was stupid! now they see me as a stuttering girl. Aishh..Jjong Jr. answered, "haha you're cute.. sure, why not?" he said I'm cute! ME! Jjong Jr. said I'm cute! stuttering is not a bad thing after all! ^0^
so, I obviously went over and help them... swept the newly washed floor(they somehow washed it before they got here).. helped with other things too. Moved the sofa, coffee table, additional chairs and such... rearrange it in the living room, the wife ordered us which goes where.. she was an expert I TELL U! AN EXPERT! the furnitures were modern looking and seemed to be hard to find around here... on my mind, Seoul furnitures... haha:DD
after a few hours of sweat excreted and energy used.. we sat at the dining table and had some cold iced ...water.. (yeah I asked for water:P.. at least better than drinking tea after all the hard work) the wife (Auntie Zima, is what I call her) then asked me,
"sekolah mana umm......?""Aisyah.. haha SMK BBST :D""ouuhh yg tersorok dekat blkg tu?""a'ah :P ""Johan pon sekolah situ jgak""Johan......?""ni ha anak auntie yg hensem nih... haha" She said while pointing at Jjong Jr.. *uuu.. his name is Johan.... now I know :D*
"form berapa?", I asked him.Johan,"form 5, u?""dokkattda (same in Korean) ahh.. sama2 :P"*I accidentally blurted out in Korean.. oh well, they understood:D*He looked surprised.. the others too.."ouh, u speak Korean?" - auntie"a bit... I don't take classes though.""oh? wae?""no Korean classes available kt kawasan nih... yg paling dekat pon kat Damansara.. sape nak hantar? yuran lgi..""laa yeker? da tu bljr kt mne?""Internet... drama, variety shows.. hehe :P""uwahh rajin plak nak tgk..""ade mase tu bukak2 je la.. lgi pon aritu bljr mse form 2 so.. byk mse la gak time tuu..""oohhh..."
and we continued on and on until I told them about my family and my umi is actually at home.. ah! I forgot that umi was at home! so, I asked permission to go first.. So I went out.. following behind me was Johan, he was thanking me for helping and such... we bid goodbye...(omaiii rumah sblah2 je pon..=0='')
He said "S-see u at school t-tomorrow.." I don't get it if it was him teasing me back or it's really him, stuttering... that was weird.. I gave a sheepish smile and went inside... "UMMIIIII!!!" she was in the shower...... I went to my room, showered, rolled around my bed ...again. ahhh he was ....cute :D
next chapter(click)--> :D
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