Wednesday 27 July 2011

Is it Girly Day today?


Oh yeah.. my first non-fiction post after a few months... haaaaaaaaaa.... the fiction was kinda burdensome at some reasons.. so, I'm going to take a break from writing from now onwards.. I'm not sure when I'll continue.. so, don't get ur hopes too high waiting for a new update..

SO, about the title of this post.. *Voldemort's laugh* ehehehehehe... I was having those days where a girl feels extra girly than normal... I know all u girl readers out there had at least ONCE taken a selca and said "wow. I. am. cute." to yourself.. don't lie to me.. admit it.. I think everyone does that a lot.. EVEN BOYS! so, I didn't became extra girly in a flick of my finger.. I gradually became like that after my shower right after I came back from school... hehe wanna know what I did just after I came back from school today?

Ok. first, I shower.. then I wear a huge "Mount Kinabalu" t-shirt that used to belong to my dad years ago.. -- turn on my family's "universal" laptop -- wait for it to load up and comb my hair -- let my hair dry on its own -- hang the laundry -- put in new laudry in the washing machine -- went back to laptop -- suddenly felt hungry even though I ate on the bus already -- found raw chicken breast, mushroom, some carrots and mixed herbs in the kitchen -- look up chicken pot pie recipe by Nigella Lawson -- make the chicken pot pie w/o the pastry -- called my bro to eat together -- ate the pie filling while it was piping hot with some crackers -- finished eating -- wished I've taken a picture of my food before I ate it -- suddenly felt like continuing fiction but with NO ideas -- wanted to post something up -- ran into my room and took selcas and a LOT of them -- went back to laptop -- edit the pictures -- upload on image sharer -- copy HTML code and paste together with blog post -- continue typing and I'm still typing............ :D

So? how's my day? NICE. ^0^

*my GIRLY selcas*

and actually this wasn't all of them :P


Saiyuki said...

Ya know, even though I don't think you'll believe me, but I've never took a selca of myself and thought that it was cute or such.. Well, from what I remembered, probably, keke.. Anyway, nice hair Raja :D Take good care of it, keke..

Aisyah Zahira said...

ngehehe :D I will take care of it~

janah said...

wow man... REALLLLYYYY CUTE!!! that rabby is soooo cute. dilla and i have fingers for picking presents. kekeke

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