"안녕~ 뭐해?" eh? it's from a non-Malaysian number..
waitt.... I start rummaging my bag.. the paper..
the paper Key gave me.. where is it?!
ah here it is! 010-4437-6785... the number on my phone,
*paper* 010-4437-6785... it's .......I can't believe it...
it's JONGHYUN's number! :O I quickly replied back...
[Dialogues are Korean] "oh.. annyeonghaseyo..
I'm just packing up for tomorrow's flight..
what are u(oppa) doing?"
"u know who I am, right?"
"of course... it's Jonghyun oppa right?"
"yeah.. :D I thought u would mistaken me for Key..
I just finished packing up.."
"oohh.. have the others finished too?"
"they're still packing.. hey, don't u wanna
know why I'm texting u?"
"ㅋㅋ yes, I do.. why are u texting me?"
"I wanted to ask u about
what u're gonna wear tomorrow.."
"ㅋㅋㅋ what? xD why?"
"I wanted us to look like a couple..
u know, since we are going for a vacation :)"
"ㅋㅋㅋ oppa, it's a 4d3n vacation.. not a 4d3n date.. xD"
"I know that.. well, I couldn't get the chance
to have a proper date in my life time..
so, I wanted to make this opportunity meaningful.. :)"
"okay... if u want to.. I'm going to wear a
blue-green plaid shirt.. u(oppa)?"
"hmm.. I think I have something similar..
okay then, c ya tomorrow night :D"
"see you.."
*Wednesday night 7:45pm*
I was at the airport with my family, except my father, who was in Cape Town.. Umi was checking the time and my brothers, who studied in a boarding school each, were here standing with my little sister, who was licking some lollipop she cried for.. SHINee haven't arrived yet.. traffic problems I guess..
After a few minutes, Dilla came with her family.. her father.. hmm.. my first time seeing him, her mother, whom I met lots of times xD and her brother, who was listening to his mp3 player.. Dilla then stood next to me as my umi shook hands with her mom.. A bit after that, SHINee came.. some were wearing masks.. haha like that's gonna hide u from fans.. they saw us from afar and walked towards us.. suddenly the fans swarmed them.. thankfully there weren't many of them, which was actually surprising o.O.. the fans finished asking for photos and autographs, then their manager walked SHINee back to us.. Jonghyun took off his mask and said,
"yay! u're wearing it! :D" *trying to hug me*
*I avoided* "yes I'm wearing it.."
his attire was about the same, but u know it's SHINee... of course their's are farrrr better.. :DD

mine was, same old-same old.. Key was the most unique.. his attire was....unique... xD I don't know what to comment about his attire.. he's just Key.. it's Key style.. Minho and Onew was wearing like normal people would wear.... I think o.O.. shirt, jeans, and baseball cap.. Taemin was wearing jeans and a green shirt with a frog picture on it..

Dilla saw it and she spazzed, "baju Taemin! baju Taemin!"... I think Taemin's shirt was fanmade.. the cartoon was super cute :D
when everyone was ready, I hugged my umi and she said to be careful.. u know because I'm a girl and leaving for a 4d3n vacation with 5 guys.. Dilla was getting the same lecture and then her father shook hands with SHINee's manager giving a warning if anything happens to us, he will sue their company.. "cool :D" I said..
we were about to give our tickets for scanning before going down the escalator which leads us to the migration gate... I looked back, trying to find Johan.. why isn't he here? didn't he said he will be here when I'm going.. where is he? Dilla asked me,
"ko cari sape?"
"ah? xde sape la.. aq tgk adk aq kt sna tu.."
"dah la jom.."
"*sigh* o..kay.."
We took turns at the gate and I was still looking back.. my heart sank when he really didn't came to bid me off.. my family waved their hands before I was going through the gate.. I waved back and we went in.. all of us didn't have our dinner yet, so SHINee brought us to the Korean Air lounge for business class passengers.. It wasn't a real dinner, it's some snacks, refreshments.. seriously they don't prepare good food here.. =o= I hope the flight food is better..
we finished our snacks and walked for a while at the waiting area, which was full of high-end shops.. Key was practically match me and Dilla with all sorts of things! handbags, shoes, shirts, EVERYTHING! well, we didn't buy anything though.. After about 30 mins later, we walked to the gate for the Jeju flight.. right after the final ticket check up was done, we boarded the plane, placed our small luggages at the top compartment and sat in our seats... mine was in the middle of two seats.. my left, Dilla, my right, Key.. :DD

Jonghyun sat between Minho and Taemin while Onew sat next to their manager.. when we boarded, there were other people sitting in their seats before us.. I didn't saw any of their faces but still, I know there are other people there.. we boarded kinda late.. so, the plane was about 10 mins to take off.. before the take off, all of us put on our seatbelts and then the plane took off.. after the seatbelt light turned off, meaning it's free to move around, Jonghyun looked back (kneeling on his seat - looking at Key) and said.. "this is going to be a loooonggg flight.." I look to my right and saw Key already sleeping.. I chuckled.. "he must've been VERY tired.."
then the captain spoke, saying that the flight will have a stop in Seoul and continue to Jeju. The flight from K. Lumpur to Seoul is about 6 hours and 40 mins.. meaning we will be arriving at Seoul VERY early in the morning.. "about 4:40 am?" Dilla and I look at each other.. "we'll be staying at a hotel there for a few hours and continue to Jeju by 10:20 am" Jonghyun said.. he continued,
*still kneeling on his seat*
"flight number 1215.."
"flight number 1215?" I asked,
"the flight from Seoul to Jeju.."
"from Gimpo airport or Incheon?"
"Gimpo of course.. :D"
the captain continued, Seoul weather is okay.. it's a bit cloudy and the temperature is about 24oC in the morning.. "almost the same as night time in Malaysia.." Dilla said.. while in Jeju is about 22oC.. bla bla bla..... when the captain stopped talking, I saw Jonghyun looking at something.. I asked him,
"why? what's wrong?"
"ahh nothing.. I thought I saw someone.."
he sat down, tapped Taemin's shoulder and asked him something..
I heard him talking about the person who looks like him(?)
"hmm? some....one....?"
I looked at the back of my seat..
"J-JO...HAN?!" I mentally slapped myself..
"Hi.....!" he waved at me..
I turned back and said to Dilla,
"why is he here? *sigh hard*"
"J-Jo..han..." *looking down*
"Johan? ko biar betul.."
She looked behind and Johan waved at her..
I looked back again and asked him..
"what are you doing here?! I thought u said,
'I'll be waiting for u to come home over here..' in the message"
"well, I thought, why should I sit at home doing
nothing while I could go for a vacation too?"
"a vacation, alone?(!)"
"nope, my mom and bro is there.."
he pointed at them..
his mom and bro was sitting at the double seater,
a-seat-row-skip behind Onew and SHINee's manager..
"ur dad? what about him?"
"him? he's already in Seoul.. we told him
we're 'visiting' him yesterday.."
"=o= I seriously can't believe u.."
"don't then.."
"fine...!" I 'angrily' sat back at my rightful position..
Key jerked up.. "what's that about?" *rubbing his eyes*
"huh?" I said..
"the sighing and 'fine..!' thingy"
"oh that.. look behind if u(oppa) wanna know.."
he looked back and waved at Johan..
"it's just Johan.. so?"
"he's... ugghhh..=o="
"he's what?"
"NOTHING.. =o="
*after an hour*
It's refreshments time and the stewardess came over to our row.. she came from the front asking for Minho's order.. she obviously knew who SHINee was and she was fangirling in front of the other passengers.. not to mention US..! I mean seriously... when she came over to my row, she went, "chht.. what do u want?" in an annoying tone(+ pose!) and an eye roll.. I mean SERIOUSLY! and then I went, "Kimbap.. oh and also, one sweet attitude that I deserved for boarding this plane, please..*smiled*" Dilla and Key was holding their laughs under their breath.. She was gaping her mouth a bit after I said that.. she closed her mouth, sighed and gave our meals..
As she went to Johan's row, he then said, "u've been struck huh?" and she was pissed again.. haha nice one Johan :D ... so, the stewardess went away from us and we ate our meals.. u know since Key is sitting next to me.. he gave me his kimchi and such.. Jonghyun almost finished his meal and check up on me.. He saw Key's action and squawked.."yah! she's my fan! not yours..!" he was kinda loud since everybody else was busy eating.. "then why didn't u sit here in the first place?" Key replied coolly while munching on some pickled radish.. "when u've finished eating gimme ur seat!" "fine~" Key said continue to eat his meal..
It just so happen that Johan was listening clearly to their conversation.. He was sneaking his head in the middle of the two seats(my seat and Key's).. I saw him doing that, as I turned my head to take a glance of Key, and I laughed at him.. HARD! xDD he must've been REALLY curious to do something pretty stupid like that... xD
so after all of our (ex-)meals were taken away from our seats, Jonghyun exchanged seats with Key.. as he sits, I can hear the person behind me, mumbling something like he's cursing or something.. and I said to myself, "and that's for following me! muahahaha :D" "huh? what did u say?" Jonghyun asked me.. "ah.. nothing.. :)" I smiled to him..
It has only been about 3 hours since our departure and it became quiet.. everybody was sleeping except for me and Johan.. under the silence, I quietly asked Johan,
"hey, u sleeping?"
"nope. are u?"
"not yet.. yah, tell me something.."
"what?" he moves forward..
"what's ur real reason to Jeju?"
"to visit my dad of course.."
"seriously man.. =o="
"well, I couldn't let u go with 5 guys alone..
so, I decided to tag along.."
"u liar.. =o="
"Am not! besides,
I asked Key before we went home from the concert.."
"u asked him what?"
"I asked him whether I could go together with u.."
"and he let u?"
"yeah.. they were a bit suspicious too..
leaving two girls with them..
who knows what would happen.."
"hmm.. I guess so.. so, u're going to the same hotel as us?"
"yeah.. I asked the manager if I could follow the exact
schedule of ur activities... but he said all the
expenses are with my own money,
well, that's for sure right?"
"Aisyah? Aisyah? ahh u slept already.."
he chuckles and smiles..
*my head flops to Jonghyun's shoulders*
"이 바보(this fool)... how could u sleep on someone just like that?"
he tries to reposition my head, but Jonghyun moves..
so, he leant back quickly and act to be sleeping..
*after 2hours*
Jonghyun's POV
(A/N : use ur imagination...! SLOWLY..)
*blink blink*
"emm... *stretching* something is warm.."
*looks at left shoulder*
"oh? Aisyah? hmmmm... *smiles*"

*slowly pulling the blanket over her shoulders*
"u're tired aren't you?"
*leans head on her head and went back to sleep*
*an hour and 20 mins later*
Aisyah's POV
*blink blink*
"mmm.. *stretch* what's this heavy thing on my head....?"
*touching something on my head*
"mm? it's Jonghyun~"
*trying to move Jonghyun's head*
"ufff.. why is ur head sssooo heavy Jonghyun~....?"
*Jonghyun moved his head*
"uhh.. finally..!"
*massaging neck*
"seriously, has he been drinking
to much milk or something? ouuuch.."
*more stretching*
"aahhh that's more like it.."
*pushing the cup button on my seat's arm rest*
*a minute later*
"here u go.. :))" the stewardess came with a cup of water..
"thank you.. :)"
*the sound of the captain's mic turning on*
"we will be landing in 15 minutes, please be ready before touchdown.."
so, I woke up Dilla and Jonghyun.. they stretched and Jonghyun woke up Taemin and Taemin continues waking up others.. I looked back and blew air from my seat to Johan's forehead.. which made his hair moved upwards and finally woke him up.. ahaa.. cute :) the stewardess came and woke other passengers next to him.. the seatbelt light turned on and we put our seatbelts in unison..
The plane landed at Gimpo Airport at 4:35 a.m.. a bit early due to the wind pushing the plane.. SHINee, Dilla and I walked out of the plane and start to walk towards the baggage pick up area and took our bags.. After that, we started walking towards the immigration gate.. We were taking turns and I can hear fans chatting on about Dilla and I being too close to SHINee.. When a girl went close to Jonghyun to take a picture and about to push me away, Jonghyun placed his arm over my shoulders.. which made the fans even more annoyed.. "who's that ugly girl?!" "are they dating?" "no, it can't be! Jonghyun just broke up with Sekyung! (A/N: did u heard the news? xD IT BECAME TRUE! FINALLY!!)"
all sorts of comments were heard and I looked down and closed my eyes trying to 'hide' from them.. and then Jonghyun whispered, "don't worry about them.. I'm here.." the action of him whispering close to my ears made the shutters of the camera sounded louder... I thought, "This is going to be a BIG problem..!" I tried to hide by looking back but I saw Dilla being escorted by Minho.. "Taemin u baby.." I said to myself..
After all the fan-chasing and 'star'-running, we finally got into the van... We were pushed and pulled and finally I ended up on Jonghyun's lap for awhile.. when the van drove away from the fans, I reposition myself to be more comfortable.. surprisingly, the small van fitted all 8 of us including the manager, me and Dilla.. well, someone had to sit on top of someone, for example.. me... =o= thank God the hotel wasn't far away.. it was getting uncomfortable for me to sit on Jonghyun's lap.. he probably suffered hard for the 10 mins of drive.. xDD
when we arrived at the hotel, all of us group together in front of the reception counter and the manager checked us in.. Then, he gave us our room key.. of course my room is the same with Dilla.. SHINee's room was next to ours and the room is big.. it was more like an apartment kind of hotel.. there was two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, dining area and had three bedrooms.. one of the rooms was the master bedroom which had a king sized bed, another room had a queen sized bed and the other one had a single bed which was the manager's... mine and Dilla's room was okay.. wasn't that big, but enough for us.. a room with two single beds, a bathroom, living area, a small kitchen or pantry area.. it was okay :D Johan and his family? I don't know.. I didn't see him since we walked out of the plane earlier.. he said the hotel will be the same.. so, I don't know about that..
"yah.." Dilla called me..
"what?" I said while taking off my socks..
"tadi kn, time Jonghyun tarik ko kan.."
"hmm..? nape?"
"hmm..? nape?"
"ko xnmpak Johan?"
"x nmpak langsung.. fans semak je depan mata aku
ngn kamera dorg.. oh sakit mata aku.."
I said while rubbing my eyes..
"nape ngn Johan?" I continued..
"before Jonghyun nk tarik ko tu kan,
die bru nk lari kt ko,
aq rsa nk tarik ko away kot.. *she titled her head*
tpi sbb Jonghyun da tarik dlu, die back off.."
"really?" I made a face..
"a'ah.. sian die.. bile ko da kne tarik ngn Jonghyun tu kn,
muke die, muke merajuk..."
"yeah..? hmm...." that's it! I'm guilty..
I turned my head to look at the door..
the doorbell was ringing.. I wonder who was at the door.. Dilla went to fetch the door as I went into the bathroom washing up.. I heard sounds of the door and shoes coming in... shoessssss.... SHINee I guess.. I was washing my hands and I heard laughter from the living area... hmm that sounds like Key.. is that Key? I walk out of the bathroom only to find them crawling around in the bed and lying on the floor..
"what are you guys doing?"
"oh Aisyah! u're out.. come on let's go.."
Jonghyun said standing up from lying..
"go where?"
"just somewhere... come on!"
"uff!" Jonghyun pulled my hands..

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