Thursday 6 October 2011

[fic033] I Had A GREAT time

Oh oh! I made something, three days ago! :D

Vanilla ice cream, orange cake dough and cinnamon waffles :D
So, I was actually playing with the flavours of the cake. As u might know, I made chocolate cake in a mug before and I tested with orange flavoured concentration that my mom usually use to make beverages. I half-en the actual measurements of the recipe and made my own modifications. The batch ended up being too sweet. A bit too sweet to eat just like that. So, I squished the fudge-like cake into a ball, like when u squish a piece of white bread with ur fingers and it'll clump together, and disintegrate the ball into pieces. In the end, I ate the cake 'dough' with vanilla ice cream. I thought the texture would be like ice cream and cookie dough, AND IT WAS! The taste is just DAMN lovely :D

Orange cake's original form :D
Oh yeah, I actually tried the actual recipe for the choc cake. I mean, the one which used flour instead of oats. It was a fail. I mean seriously! The cake ended up being rubbery and well, it tasted like hard tasteless agar-agar. In the end, I ate it with the orange cake dough and vanilla ice cream. At least that saved the cake.

Aisyah's POV

We arrived back at the dance studio after tired of playing the games. Exactly 2:30p.m., we continued our dance combinations that we did earlier. I actually forgot some of the combinations because I just ate lunch :P Anyway, when we stopped for a short rest, I noticed Hairi kept glancing at Adlin. That's I mean, Hairi is sweating and all. His sweat is dripping from his jaw line to his perfectly lined neck. Oh. My. God. O_O I sense a Korean drama scene where the hero just finished exercising and he's checking the heroin out. OMG OMG OMG. Think of Johan. Think of Jonghyun. Think of SHINee. :|

Well, eventually Adlin became aware of Hairi's actions somehow, then she ran and hid behind me. At first I found it cute, but then I found it's kinda irritating. I couldn't practise my dance because of her. She doesn't want any eye-contact at all with Hairi. I thought Hairi was scaring her a bit. Or is it?

"What's with u, Adlin?" I asked her.
"Hairi. He's looking at me."
"So? What's wrong with that?"
"I don't know. I want to talk to him, but I feel slightly insecure." She explained.
"You know what? Why don't u try and bravely talk to him?" I told Adlin.
"B-but.. he looks kinda...*sigh*.... I'm scared." She said diffidently.
"Oh come on.. It doesn't hurt you to try.."
"But still.." She fiddled with her fingers.
"Hmm... Wait here for a sec." She smiled as I said that. =_=
"Thanks Raja :D" So, I eventually walked over to Hairi. Johan saw me walking up to Hairi and I saw his expression changed. Stop being jealous will ya? I'm helping my friends here! xD

I tugged the back of Hairi's shirt and he turned around. I swear to God I almost swooned over him. SERIOUSLY. His eyes glimmered in front of mine, saying "Be mine~" OKAY. Think of Johan. Think of Jonghyun. Think of SHINee. Think of Zac Efron. ......Where the heck did that came from? O_o

"What's up, Aisyah?" He greeted.
"Hey, do you wanna now something REALLY REAAALLY important?"
"Huh? What is it?" He asked me. I pursued my lips to his ears. Whispering my words out.
"I know u like her. I know u like Adlin." He jerked back as he heard that.
"How...did you-" He stuttered.
"I'm a girl, I know things. Anyway, don't you wanna ask her out or something?" I smiled sneakily. :D
"Should I really? But she looks hard to approach ....and ....and we'll be awkward." He complained.
"Oh come on.. You helped her dance before. Where's the awkwardness?" I said.
"I don't know, Aisyah." He rubbed the back of his head, feeling slightly timid.
"Come on, just try." I encouraged him. He nodded timidly. He's so cute being nervous. :D

Hairi walked across the room to Adlin's spot and he sat in front of her, folding his legs together. I just watched closely and sat next to jealous Johan. "Oii Jealous Juara."


Johan's POV

I wonder what Aisyah whispered to him. She smiled as she speaks to Hairi. URGH I'm feeling jealous again. Wait! If I'm jealous, I LOSE! No, I'm not jealous! I'm not jealous! Anyway, she finished talking to him and Hairi went to Adlin. OH I see. She's helping them get together. Nice. Hairi won't interact much with Aisyah later! YESS! >:D

Aisyah walked to my sitting spot and she sat next to me. "Oii Jealous Juara." She said. What the...?
"Jealous Juara?" I looked at her. She chuckled. I swear, her smile is SOO sweet, I need to see my dentist.(A/N: Get it? too sweet. dentist. don't get it? nvm =_=)
"Figure it out yourself." She smiled. Hurmm... I wonder what that could mean? O_o
Anyway, Aisyah sat with me while hanging a white towel on her neck. She wiped her forehead and fanned her neck with her towel. Then she said, "It's SO hot in here! AAHHH..." while looking up the ceiling.

Yes it is hot in here. I saw her sweat dripping down her neck and to her cleavage. I gulped down my saliva. What the heck am I thinking?! I'm not a pervert! I AM NOT! Stop looking at her URGH! I need to get out of here before I do anything weird. Yes a guy can't control himself unless they prevent it early. So, I need to get out of here fast.

I stood up and walked out of the room. I heard her footsteps behind me. I start to jog my way to the lift. As the lift door opens, I went in. "Johan, wait!" She shouted. I pressed the button for the rooftop of the building. When she arrived, the door closes and I went up first. The door opens and I walked out. AHH the wind is so nice. I can finally breathe right. The dance studio was so stuffy.

The lift door opens as I rested my arms at the railings of the rooftop. I heard a sigh audibly next to me.
"Why did u run away from me?" I heard her low tone.
"I just felt that I had to." I said.
"What do u mean u had to? What? I made u jealous again?" She asked curiously.
"Haha, no. That wasn't it. It's .........more of a guy's thing. You wouldn't get it. So, I better keep to myself." I explained.
"Okay, whatever. Just don't surprise me with those bipolarity of yours again." She stretched her arms in the air then rested them at the railings.
"I won't. I thought I told u that already." I said keeping my eye contact away from her.
"Just asking again. Guys around me don't really keep their promises, so, I better ask before it happens again."
"Haha, yeah... sure.. I guess." I chuckled while looking down at my feet.
"What's with u today? You seemed ....different." She asked while resting her fist to her chin.
"Nothing's up with me. It's just..... I dunno." I sighed.
"Come on, tell me. There's definitely something's up with u. You act differently with me today. Are u afraid that I'll go to Hairi again?"
"No. Not that." I swayed my body back and forth.
"Then?" She stopped me swaying.
"I'm trying to....*sigh*.. I'm trying to resist you."
"Resist me? What does that suppose to mean?"
"See? Like I said, it's a guy's thing."
"Ah. You mean.............. Oh." Her facial expression changed. She looked funny and cute. HAHA.
"Haha. I told you, didn't I?"
"You're not.... anything to me right?" She stepped back.
"Of course not! That's why I'm resisting!"
"Oh. Okay. I'm just gonna go now." She walked backwards. I pulled her left hand with my right while my back is fronting her.
"Stay here with me for awhile." I pulled her to my side and placed my arm over her shoulders. She didn't say anything. Nothing. No pushing my arm away. No whining the others would come looking for us. Nothing.
"Eeeeww.. You're sweating! and I'm sweating!" Maybe I spoke too soon.
"Okay.. Okay.." I put down my arm. But then, she pulled my hands to her waist. I looked at her, surprised. She just smiled. Haha. Cute. :)

Hairi's POV

So, I went to Adlin like Aisyah told me. I was feeling really nervous. It's the first time for me to feel this nervous! Okay. Calm down. Just start a small conversation with her, right? Start small. Start small. URGH WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO START WITH?! Where is Aisyah by the way? I need her right now!

"Hey." Adlin greeted me.
"Oh. Hi." I replied.
"So, what are you doing here?" Oh yeah. I'm the one who came over to her spot. And now I'm sitting in front of her like an idiotic person. I'm so stupid.
"Just hanging around." Just hanging around? What the heck was that?!
"Oh. So... umm... where did you come from again?" She asked while fiddling with her water bottle.
"Oh. I'm from around BBST. Not far from your place, I guess." Great. Now she'll think that I'm a pervert and a flirt. Nice. =__=
"Really? If that's so, where do u study at?" She doesn't seem bothered by my statement before. Niiiiiiccceee :)
"Oh. At your school. I'm in 5PP1 by the way." I smiled, slightly feeling more comfortable than before.
"Eh? But why have I never saw u before?" She asked.
"I was .....silent. I mean, if u should have known. I used to like Aisyah, and I pretty much stalk her at school. Even she never knew where I study at before."
"Oh. I see. *her expression changed* No wonder I never saw u." She chuckled. Sweet. Her smile is sweet. I see her eyes are shimmering. I'm blinded by it. I can't help but stare at it.
"Ehem. Hello? Are u still there?" She waved her hand in front of me.
"Uh? *chuckles* I'm still here. Sorry."
"Why did u spaced out?" She chuckled again.
"Nothing." I smiled.

Adlin's POV

Hairi seemed sweet. He sat in front of me without me noticing and he seemed kinda lost too. Pretty cute. I liked how he answered my questions without stuttering or talking too fast. Maybe I was the only one feeling nervous. I'm pretty glad our conversation went well. I succeeded not to stutter in front of him. I'm really thankful to Raja. If she didn't helped me with Hairi earlier, I wouldn't have the chance to talk to him. Thanks Raja :)

On the other hand,
Aisyah's POV

So, Johan and I finished our moment together before the others found out we were gone. I saw Hairi and Adlin chatting near the bean bags and CDs area. 
I sat with Elyza who just finished dancing. She said she trained with Junki oppa and found he was slightly similar to Onew.

"So, Junki is more of the mental riddles. Onew is more physical." She explained to me.
"Hmm... so, which is better to you?" I asked sarcastically.
"What kind of question is that? Of course Onew comes first! :D"
"Typical MVP. xD" I laughed. "So, anyway, when are you going to spill?" I asked her, knowing that she would panic later.
"Spill what?" She gulped down some water.
"You know, your chatting with Onew thing." I gave her a sleazy look. She almost choked on water when I said that.
"How did you-" She wiped the spurted water and looked at me, surprised.
"I'm a genius remember? Muahahaha >:D"
"Ppffftttt... I'm not gonna tell." She screwed the cap for her water bottle.
"Pppppfffttttt back at ya. Almost everybody knows now." I said to threaten her.
"So?" She placed the water in her bag.
"SO! You need to tell me! When did you start it? Right after we left Jeju?" I asked.
"Urmm......yeah. " She smiled.
"I knew it! So, did u guys like, promised to meet up or something?"
"Nope. Not yet. He only offered me to do a duet and that's all."
"So, what have u guys been talking on the phone?" I asked like I didn't know what they talked about. I know EVERYTHING now.
"Nothing much. You know, normal things like what he's doing and what he ate.."
"Oh.. the typical couple questions."
"I guess.. haha." She smiled and laughed.
"Well, u got your dream come true now." I said.
"Probably. Well, for now laa.. :)" She smiled. I bet she REALLY happy in the inside, she wants to burst.


Johan's POV

It was around 5 or so, all of us went back home. The girls and I bid the crew goodbye and we went out. All of them went into the car and suddenly Nicky shouted.

"Haha. Calm down there, Nicky." I said.
"How can I? We got those HANDSOME and AWESOME dance trainers to train with, how can I calm down?" She smiled till her lips reached her ears. Haha. She was too happy I guess. I wonder if she got asked out or something.
"Why are you so happy? Did Donghun oppa ask you out?" Aisyah asked her. Nice we're telepathic. :D
"Probably? Hehe." She fiddled with her fingers while smiling.
"HE DID?!" Aisyah, Elyza and Adlin were surprised.
"When did he asked u out?! OMG" Elyza sounded jealous. I ignited the engine of the car.
"Earlier when we were practising some moves." She said.
"So, when's the date?" Aisyah asked. I drove out of the parking lot.
"Tomorrow night. At an Italian restaurant called Cream Light in Nilai. " Cream Light? Hey, that's the restaurant where I brought Aisyah for our first dinner together. I wonder if.....
"Cream Light? But the food there is HELL expensive!" Aisyah said. Oh, she remembers. Well, the part where the food was pretty expensive. I'm not really happy listening to that.
"Really? How did you know that Raja?" Nicky and Elyza asked.
"I-....I've been there before." Like I suspected, she won't tell them. Nicky and Adlin still dunno we're together.
"I've been there too. So, Donghun hyung probably really likes you. He rarely treat people you know?" I said to them.
"Oh, really? Wow." Nicky sounded surprised.
"Yeah, he NEVER once treated us for anything. Even for girls." I said while spinning the steering making a turn.
"Ooooo.... lucky nyeeeeee~!" Adlin and Aisyah clapped their hands together.

Anyway, after awhile, I came to Juhairi's course venue. We picked him up and I sent the girls home and brought Aisyah and my bro home too. We arrived kinda late because Juhairi hyung got something up at the course he attended. He said the girls there didn't want to let him go home. All of us laughed in the car.

We arrived at my house around 6:45p.m. Aisyah got off the car, she waved goodbye and went inside her house. I went inside my house and kissed my parents hands. 
"Was it fun?" My mom asked. 
"Absolutely FUN! :D" I showed her two thumbs up.
"Glad u did. Now wash up and help me wash these." She meant the vegetables. She was getting dinner ready and I went up to my room for a shower. When I was out of the shower, I noticed there was a message at my phone. I opened it up..

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow? :D" My princess Aisyah sent me a message.
"Hmm.. I was thinking if u wanted to help me at hyung's bakery tomorrow. He said he needed some help." I replied.
"His bakery?! That'll be fun! :D Count me in! Should I ask the girls too?"
"Hmm.. We'll go alone this time okay? :D"
"OKEH :D" and I went to the kitchen and helped my mom with the vegetables. Oh yeah, Aisyah called me Jealous Juara earlier. Did she meant I was jealous when she talked with Hairi? and Juara is..... my name..... Johan is Juara. =_= She gonna get it tomorrow. I'm gonna smash some cakes to her face.........probably not. :P
To Be Continued.... :DDD
A/N: EHEHEHE :D Did u like this chapter? If u do, PLEASE 'like' this and comment below!! ^_^v ( actual time finished = 2:12 am)
next chapter ----> :DD


Budak Kimchi said...

Tergoda Johan wei~ @_@

AdlinTEHEEE said...

*slightly blushed* ;3

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