Author's comment is after u read all of this!HAPPY READING!! ;DD
Elyza's POV
All of us just arrived yesterday at noon. It's Sunday and we're just relaxing and finishing up our school homework at the same time. It's kinda new right? For me to DO my school holiday's homework. But this time, it's fun! Because Johan offered to tutor us via video chatting :D Us, as in me, Dilla and Raja. I was actually excited to do this, even though this 'new way' is actually an 'old way'. We were suppose to study on Add Maths. URGH. I HATE ADD MATHS. *sigh* Oh what the heck, at least we can tease Raja and Johan online :P
So, first we start on the Add Maths textbook, page 187, practice 4. Johan told us to open the thick book. The book was SOO far away from me. Far, as in I have to stand up from the laptop and take it to the table I'm sitting.But it's too far! :( I whined.No excuses Elyza, I can see ur textbook behind u. Raja replied.Ahhh diam ah. sambong2! Dilla cut us.ok continue. From (a), it's y=3x^2, right? Johan showed us the main question he wrote on a small whiteboard.then, u write this *write on whiteboard* for point B. *He did scribbles for us to see* Then, no.2 minus no.1 and complete the answer like u guys always do.That's ALL?! seriously? Well, that was short. I thought it would be longer. :-/but this one is simpler than the others. makes sense if the solution is short.BANYAK lagi yg susah tau, Elyza? I know :[
And we continued the tutoring with more questions. The questions gradually became hard and I was able to do it AND understand what I was doing for the first time. Even though my mommy is an Add Math's teacher, I never understood what I was doing and failed on almost all of my papers. Usually the questions would come to me in tangles and I would just leave it as a tangle :P Thanks to Johan, I can finally understand! Now I know why Raja ALWAYS sticks with Johan. He's a major GENIUS!
After two hours of Add Maths tutoring, we stopped for the day. Johan was suppose to do his chores, so, he stayed away from his laptop for awhile. Then Dilla sent me a chat.
Dilla's POV
I had online tutoring on Add Maths with Johan, Elyza and Raja today. We just finished the tutoring and I surfed around the net. I opened up allkpop, like I always do, and there was an article about Raja being surrounded by the paparazzies and was beside Jonghyun. Wow. The news spread here already?!
Well, I just had to tell Elyza and she was, too, surprised the news were on allkpop's "Most Popular Story" and on the "Featured Stories" section. Raja's face showed clearly on most of the pics because she didn't wore sunglasses at the time. People who knows her might be shocked from all of this. I opened up a different window and private chat with Elyza.
Weyh, ko nk bgtau Raja ker psal article tuh?Ntah, tapi baik bagitau. Ramai bace allkpop kt skola kite, so, ramai for sure nye tau tu Raja.Tu la kan? Aku takut tetibe die malu sbb org tegur2 die psal bende alah nih. :-/Nak wat cmne.. Da terjadi.Hmm.. ko la bgtau die!Aku lak! Ko lah! Ko yg jumpe article tu dulu! :[Jom add die masok conversation. Sama2 bgtau ok?OKAY!
So we did. At first, Elyza and I were just fooling around her and making up things so that she won't offline because it was late evening already. In the end, we added Johan to the conversation and attached a link of the article.
What's this?Ntah, ape nih?Bukak je.. Korang mesti terperanjat.A'ah..:-/After a few minutes,OMG. What am I supposed to do now?! Now everybody in school would know about me and Jonghyun! Even though it was just an misunderstanding. :(Calm down. I'm sure people won't talk much about it.But what if our classmates know Johan? u know them, they STUDY allkpop!Just calm down first. School opens up in about a week and people would probably forget about it by then.Probably.. but still. URGH. :-/Wait, school opens up in a week?Ye lah. Ko tak tengok kalendar ke?Hehe tak :P=___=Cepat nye masa berlalu.. nak cuti lagi :(Same here. Klu cuti lagi, mesti org tak kan ingat pasal aku ngn Jonghyun ni haa..Until when u want to hide from people? I think it's better if people know about it sooner.I guess so.. :-/
We discussed about it until maghrib. Then, we bid goodbye and logged off.
Aisyah's POV
What am I supposed to do? School is in about next week and people knows about the article. I'm ashamed of my appearance while I was having my vacations and the teachers might know about it too. Oh and yeah, the picture where Jonghyun and I were intertwining hands by the waterfall, which were stalk-taken by a Shawol, also appeared on the article. I knew she'll post it somewhere. =__=
I could imagine it already, what people might ask me and say to me. Their so called 'advices' will be shooting at me like bullets. I hope people will just ignore the article and not tell the teachers. The main problem now is, Maya. That damn girl just won't shut her face hole about this, would she? The forever-following-stalking-Johan-loving girl just loves it when she sees this come up. URGH. I'm dead when school opens.
Johan's POV
Aisyah's worried she'll get busted by her friends. I'm worried too. I'm guessing Maya is having fun with this. I'm 90% sure Maya will blackmail Aisyah with this news. She has always been the allkpop queen reader and follower. She knows EVERYTHING in the website. She, too, was voted as the top fan of allkpop of the YEAR. Well, having known of these, she doesn't adapt much on school things. I mean, her general knowledge is at the same level of a 7 year old and she's actually 16. =__= One of the reasons she irritates me, her lack of knowledge.
Anyway, I'm planning for a get-together tomorrow. I wanted to bring Aisyah and the others to my Korean friends' dance studio in Putrajaya. They have been living in Malaysia for around 2 years now and they make money out of dance classes which they usually hold on weekends and school holidays. The dance classes range from ballet to hip hop.

My dance crew friends are; Youngmi nuna, Soohyun hyung, Victor hyung, Hyunjin hyung, Donghun hyung and not to forget Junki hyung. All of my friends are older than me, ranging from 5 to 9 years older than me. Yes, I'm the maknae in the group. Making me the most loved by my hyungs and nuna :D Out of all the members, Youngmi nuna is the most friendly person I ever knew. She is 7 years older than me and the only 'surviving' female in the group. Before, we had some other girls in the crew, but they changed ways and parted from us. Some of them still keep in touch though. :)
Victor hyung isn't in Malaysia right now. He's in L.A. with the Wong Fu Productions. From what I heard, Victor hyung made friends and became close with Ryan Higa, Kevin Wu, Chester See and the others. Yeah, I know them too. Aisyah and I always watch their channel while we were doing our revisions together. Their songs are VERY nice and we enjoyed watching their videos.
I've been longing to see them ever since they migrated from Korea to USA and here. It has been about 2 years since I last saw them. I miss them a lot. They were like my own siblings :) I started to know them when I was in middle school, around 12 years old. I mingled and got to know them for around 3 years or so because I attend the school's dance club and the music club. Yes, in my school we can choose 2 clubs at one time. Well, that was only because there wasn't enough members in the club. So, I joined in.
Anyway, I called them earlier today and they welcomed me and my friends to come to the studio. They just ended with a district dance competition last week and they got bored because they was nothing to do. Besides, tomorrow is Monday and there's no classes on that day. More time for us to catch up and play around.
*Monday - 8:30a.m.*
Aisyah's POV
I got up early this morning because Johan texted me that we are going somewhere today and he asked me if any of the girls wanted to come along. So, I called each of them and some confirmed they'll go. So, Nicky and Elyza confirmed they'll come along, Nadia and Adlin also confirmed. Johan and I will pick them up at their houses by 9:30a.m..
It's a first for Adlin to come along. She got transferred last year and had been the silent student from ST1. I guess she had her depressed period because she missed her old friends. I understand her current feeling, so, I decided to call her up and offered her to come along and have fun. It's also a first for Nicky to come out ever since last year and she was excited to come along. Oh I hope everything is going fine.
To Be Continued.... :DDDA/N: HAHA I got to update in fast! PLEASE 'like' this and comment below!! ^_^vnext chapter ----> :DD
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