Monday 8 October 2012

[fic045] Not Now, Just Not Now

Oh yes, this is another flashback edition. Sorry. The month of flashbacks is just full of memories, so, I had to fill up the month :) and YES. I am in my study mode actually. Just felt like posting something that is NOT an actual fact. *reading Sejarah textbook*

Hazmi's POV

After going back to Izzat's house that evening, I opened up Izzat's computer. At first I wanted to check my Facebook, but then I looked up to see Izzat's file, named, RAZC, full of none other than Raja Aisyah Zahira (COMEL! XD). 
"Ko buat ape?" Izzat asked, after he got out of the showers.
"Dude. We. Seriously need to talk." I said with a tone.
"Yeah. Wait up, I'll get our food first. Wait ahh." Izzat said.

Izzat went down to get the water bottles and a bag of chips for both of us to munch on. I readily opened up the file, with the pictures in tiles. I stood in front of the computer, with my arms crossed.

"So, ape yg ko nak ckp?" Izzat placed the food items down and sipped some water.
"This." I showed Izzat the monitor full of Raja's pictures. Izzat almost spilled the water in his mouth, and went straight to the monitor, closing off the file window.
"Dude, sejak bila?" I asked. He didn't answer.
"Zat! Cakap lah. Sejak bila?" I made a serious face.
"Sejak ....awal tahun nih." He looked down.
"Awal tahun ni? Asal tak bagitau aku? Maybe aku boleh tolong." I offered.
"Aku ingat nanti korang gelakkan aku. Ye lah. Dulu aku tak suka dia." Izzat explained.

"But then tetibe ko suka dia? How?" I asked.
"Aku tak tahu lah Hazmi. Pelik aku. Padahal Si Niza tu sebok kejar aku. Boleh lak aku reject dia sbb aku rasa tak sedap hati. Sebab Raja ke?" He asked me.
"Maybe. Shouldn't you just confess? Kan lagi senang kalau dia tahu ko suka dia. And MAYBE, just MAYBE, dia masih suka kat ko." I said.
"Nak luah perasaan aku kat dia time dia tgh teruk nih? Time dia tgh gaduh dgn Johan? Tak nak aku tambah minyak kat api." Izzat said solemnly.
"Maybe masa ni lah chance ko nak menang hati dia? Mana tau." I said. He shrugged his shoulders. I gulped some water and sat still. What to do? I must help him somehow.

"Ok. How about this? Ko convince lah dia." I said out of nowhere.
"Convince dia ape?" He had his right brow up.
"Convince dia yg ko still actually suka kat dia. Yang ko still care pasal dia." I said.
"Entahlah Hazmi. Tengoklah nanti. Aku tak yakin ah nak ckp dgn dia." He sat on the floor and sighed.

~Johan's house~

Johan's POV

I didn't go to school yesterday. I heard there was some commotion about Aisyah. I was afraid if something happened to her. I promised her parents that I'd keep her safe. Yesterday evening, I had a missed call and a text from her mother, saying, "Where were you today? Did you know what happened to Aisyah?"

I didn't reply back. I was afraid. I was afraid that they would find out that we're broke up, and I was the main reason. I'd probably get killed by her father. But then again, my parents also would be very upset. They were the first ones who wanted Aisyah as their first 'daughter'. They were the ones who met me with Aisyah. God, I feel so bad for Aisyah now. But what can I do? I'm stuck too. That fcuking Maya. Blackmailing me with fcuking picture. I hate her.

But then again, I was the one who did it first. The angry kiss I mean. Serves me right then, I guess.
"JOHAN!" I heard my mum called for me. 
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Come here!" She shouted.
"Wait a sec!" I placed down my phone and ran down stairs. Then I search the room for my mum. She was in the kitchen, mending with the pipes.

"Can you fetch me the pliers? This thing is loose again." She meant the pipe.
"Yeah, sure." I jogged to the tool box my dad kept in a cupboard in the living room.
"Here you go." I gave her the pliers.
"Oh yeah, see that pot under the plaid towel? Can you please be a dear and send them to Aisyah? I heard she was sick yesterday. Thank you, my handsome son." She smiled. As much as I wanted to avoid going to Aisyah's house, I couldn't reject my mum's request.

I went to the kitchen and went over to see the small pot. I picked up the lid and saw some porridge my mom just made. Abalone porridge. Aisyah's favourite when Hairi made her some of it, back in Jeju. Yeah, Hairi made it for her. Why? Because I suck at cooking and I argued with her that day. That's why.
I took the pot and went over to the back door of Aisyah's house. 

"Assalamualaikum~ Aisyah~" I called for her before the door.
"Waalaikumusalam. Eh, Johan. Aisyah tgh rehat kat bilik dia. Ape tu?" Her umi answered the call.
"Ni, mama buat bubur utk dia." I gave her the pot. She took it from me.
"Hmm bagus lah. Auntie baru je nak buat bubur utk Aisyah. Johan naiklah dulu. Japgi Auntie sampai dgn bubur ni." She said. 

What am I supposed to do when I get into her room? Awkwardly stand in front of the door? I got myself into an irreversible mess.

Slowly I walked to the stairs of the house and met with her room door. Breath in, breathe out. It will be fine. I'll just have to smile and act like nothing happened. Okay. Here we go.
"Hey Aisy-.." I saw her lying on the bed selfless. She looked so ...dead. What have I done to you, darling?
I stepped closer to her bed and sat on it, next to her side. She was pale. Dead pale. Her lips were dry and her forehead was sweating.

"Here we are. Do you mind waking her up and feed her this? I have some things to do downstairs." Her umi knocked on the door and walked in with a tray of the porridge.
"Oh yeah. Thanks for visiting, Johan. I believe your fights aren't going to be long." She said with a smile.
"You knew(we were fighting)?" I asked.
"I know how my girl feels. Just please don't make her suffer too much. It hurts, and I know that best." She said, concerned.
"I'll try my best and finish this neatly. I don't us to part neither." I held Aisyah's cold hand and caressed it.
"I hope you do, son." She said silently and closes the door. I looked back at Aisyah.
"What happened to you, Aisyah? It's all my fault. I'm sorry I made a mess." I closed my eyes and kissed her hand that I was holding.

"Johan?" I heard her hoarse voice crackling, saying my name. I looked up. I saw her confused face. She pulled her hand away from mine and said to me, "What are you doing here?" A bit almost angry and disliking my presence in her room.
"I heard you were sick, so, I visited." I said calmly, not trying to ruin anything.
"You didn't have to. I'm fine. Johan, sorry, but can you please go? I want to rest." She said to me. I noticed how she didn't want me there. So, I stood up from my spot and heaved a breath.
"Sorry, I've made you uncomfortable. I'll go now." I stepped forward. Then I paused and looked back at her. Seeing back her dark brown eyes, it made me feel so sorry and empty. Aisyah, you don't know I've been saying to sorry me a lot, that I missed you.
I bit my lips and managed the courage to say......

"My mom made that. Hope you could eat it. It's your fav btw. Abalone porridge." And I walked out the door. Without saying goodbye.
Stupid me. I was supposed to say I missed her. But I ended up talking about the porridge tray on the small table next to her bed. Stupid.


Aisyah's POV

I found Johan kissing my hand when I was asleep, resting my too light head after getting diagnose to low blood pressure by the doctor that afternoon. He was in his monster blue shirt that I gave him 2 months ago.
He brought with him a tray of porridge. I reached for the tray and had it on my lap. Abalone porridge. Reminds me of our last fight. It was in Jeju wasn't it? Just as the memories come in, I started to cry. My tears were trying to hold up the tears but it fell as I blinked. 

"I missed you, Johan." I thought, as I closed my eyes, with my head down, crying at the presence of him in my mind. I missed you, so very much.
To Be Continued.... :D
next chapter---> :DD

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