Friday 12 October 2012

[fic047] Memories of Him

VERY long update, more dialogues, hope you have time reading :p 
Sorry if the dialogues were in awkward English. I had my draft in Korean, so, I had to translate it to the correct terms in English. Oh yeah, the fonts in pink are links. Try and click them :{
#Flashback edition!#


Aisyah's POV

Two days after Johan sending his mom's delicious abalone porridge, I got an MMS around 2 that evening. It was from an unknown number. As soon as I opened up the message, I dropped to the floor and cried, throwing my phone away from my face, breaking the phone casing apart, with the battery flying out.
It was a picture of Maya and Johan, kissing each other, passionately.
That damn Johan. Killing me bit by bit, every single time I felt like apologizing and forgiving at you. You just made your level of forgiveness to the bottom of the sea. Don't ever try to get me to talk to ever again!
Johan's POV

Maya was trying to get me to go for a ballroom as her date after having ME pay for her attire expenses. I said a clear and obvious NO and rejected the demand. But she started threatening me with the damn picture of us. Before I could stop her, she already sent the damn thing to Aisyah's phone. FCUK. FCUK FCUK FCUUUUUUUUK!
I am going to die.
Aisyah's POV

After crying so much, I stood up from my spot and gathered back my phone. Caressing and saying sorry to my precious old phone. I prayed and tried turning it on. IT STILL LIVED! 

"Thank you! Oh, thank you!" I said to the ceiling, looking slightly lunatic. Then I decided to eat. Since, I cried from 2 till 5 that evening, I got reaaallly hungry. I was home alone again. So, I went down stairs, while cursing at Johan's name.

"Fcuk that bastard. I''ll never go back to you! NO MATTER WHAT!" I said as I was tearing open the flavouring packet of an instant noodle. While I was making myself a sad and unhealthy bowl of instant noodles, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. It's not the same number than sent me that damn fcuking kissing picture. So, I picked it up like any other normal phone calls.

"Hello?" I answered it.
"Yeoboseyo? Is this Aisyah?" I heard a familiar voice, speaking in Korean.
"Jonghyun oppa?" I guessed.
"Yay! I still remember your number! After all these months.. Waahh I'm so cool." He started bragging on the line.
"You changed your number again?" I asked naturally, trying to get rid of the nasal sound I have after crying so much.
"Yeah, the sasaeng(overly fanatic) fans started hacking my phone line again. Are you at home?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm making some ramyun(instant noodles) here." I said.
"Aahh really? Sound delicious~ Can I have some?" He asked.
"You? You make it yourself, oppa. I know you're quite the chef yourself. Posting all those cheesy dishes on Twitter. Making me hungry all the time." I snorted.
"Aaanggg even so, can't I eat your cooking? I wanna taste your cooking!" He said excitedly with aegyo(acting cute) included.
"Haha.. If only you were here." I chuckled.
"Maybe I am?" He said. "Huh?" I was confused.
*DINGDONG* My house doorbell rang.
"Wait a sec, oppa. Someone's at my door." I ran to the front door and opened it up.

"That person is me." Jonghyun was standing slyly in front my house door, with a rose in his hand, while still holding his phone next to his ear. I had mine next to my lap, and screamed, "OPPA! What are you doing here?!" excitedly, surprised that he'd be in front of my door.
"Can I at least get a hug from you?" He asked. I shook my head quickly to avoid 'skinship'.
"Aahh I don't care! After all these months you left me, I still want a hug from you! Come here!" He grabbed hold of my hips and hugged me tight.

"I missed you so much, Aisyah-yah. Do you know how much I missed you? I thought I was going crazy after you left Seoul." Jonghyun whispered to my ear, sounding glad after meeting me.
"Oppa...." I said touched.
"Why didn't you visit Seoul after that? Did you know how much impact you gave to the Shawol's(Shinee fans) there?" He broke off the hug.
"I don't know. The 'scandal' you made was so unnecessary." I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"Well, I just wanted some attention :p Hehe mian(sorry)." He naturally walked in and sat on the couch.
"Where are your parents?" He asked me, as he looked around my house.
"They're out, for a wedding event in KL. When did you arrive here, oppa?" I closed the front door.
"Yesterday. Oh yeah, Aisyah-yah." He paused. "Yeah?" I answered.
"Where's your ramyun? I'm hungry.." He patted his invisible 6-packs abdomen.
"Haha. Please wait awhile, Mr. Jonghyun. I'll add in another pack into the pot." I bowed like a waitress.
I went into the kitchen, and took another pack of noodles from the cabinet and placed it on top of the counter as I close back the cabinet door. I ripped the plastic open and put in the noodles in the same pot.

Little that I know, Jonghyun was coming from behind me, hugging my waist. He had his lips to my ear and whispered, "Where are the bowls?" and hoo, he blew air across my ear.

"Haha. Oppahaha." I giggled from the air brushing to my ear. "It's there, in that cabinet." I turned my head to the left and pointed to the cabinet.
"Thank you, honey." He kissed my cheek. I paused from the touch and glanced at him as he went over to the cabinet and took out two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks with two spoons for us. I wiped off the kiss spot he made on my cheek with my hands and checked my boiling ramyun.

When it was done, I took it off the stove and brought the pot over to the living room, where Jonghyun oppa had set up our bowls and chopsticks. I placed the pot down, and grabbed hold of the remote control. I turned on the TV and changed the channel to 363, OneHD, or SBS in Korea.

"Oooo.. There's SBS too? Cool." He said as he sat on the couch.
"There's only two Korean channels so far." I commented. The channel showed Running Man, one of Korea's favourite shows. Shin Sekyung was one of the guest. Jonghyun's ex-girlfriend that is.

"Oppa." I called him. "Yeah?" He answered as he slurped the noodles.
"Do you still like Shin Sekyung?" I said informally.
"Shin Sekyung? Sekyung-unni, this rascal." He flicked my forehead. I rubbed my forehead from his spicy finger flick.
"Well, it's just.. I don't like her like I did in the past, I just like her as a friend." He answered coolly. I nodded after what he said.
"Do you still contact her?" I asked again.
"Why do you have so many questions? Just eat your ramyun! Please!" He pushed the question away.
"Psshh.. I was just curious." I made a face as I slurped my noodles.
"Oh yeah. Where's your beloved boyfriend? The one that looks like me.. I thought he'd always be around you." He asked for Johan.
"Johan. We're currently on a......break." I answered, with my head down, looking pitiful. swirling my noodles in my bowl.
"You broke up?!" Jonghyun yelled, almost choking.
"Not officially.. I'm just... We're.. mad at each other." I said, reminiscing what I got on my phone earlier the afternoon.

"Aahh.. couple fights. Must be nice. Having those fights.." He sighed.
"What is nice to it? Other than making people mad and frustrated." I said, raged.
"Eeii.. Of course its nice. Later you guys will know how much you love each other. Maybe not now, but later. Later you'll know." Jonghyun said, assuring and calmly. I had my bowl on my lap and sighed.
"Eeiii.. It'll be okay! Trust me!" He held his thumbs up. I smiled and frowned back. Jonghyun had his arm on my shoulder and patted it.

"It'll be okay. It'll be fine." He whispered to me.
"But oppa, why are you here anyway?" I asked as I straightened my back and look at him.
"I told you I missed you and wanted to see you, didn't I?" He said.
"Seriously? Just because of that?" I was suspicious.
"Hmm.." He nodded. "Why? Can't I?" He asked me.
"Well, it's not like you can't. But aren't you having promotions in Japan by now?" I asked.
"I was tired, so, I decided to rest for a bit." He said as he placed his arm on the couch, over my shoulders.
"Just as you wanted?!" I said shocked.
"Yeah. Just as I wanted." He said coolly.
"Oppa! You can't just drop out like that! What if the case like DBSK had happens to SM artistes again?" I said worried, that the team will break apart due to the companies' management process. As an avid fan, I don't want my precious boy band break apart, like once before.

"I'll just go solo then. Singing along with JYJ sunbaes(seniors). Or help my mother with her soondae restaurant...." He had his finger on his chin, looking up, nodding in rhythm.
"OPPA!" I cut him off. "Get yourself together! Even if you are tired, you can't just drop out and go to MY house!" I shouted and shook his shoulders with my arms.
"Why? Afraid that I'll do things to you?" He changed the topic and leaned towards me. Looking at me like I was a dino prey. I quickly rest my arms away.
"Well.... it's not that." I looked away, blushing.
"Oh? Look at you. It's true, I see." He crept his hand behind my back, supporting my hips.
"Oppa... Don't be like this." I said, nervous.
"Do you remember what happened at the hotel in Jeju? In your room to be exact." He said, sultrily.
"Huh?" I said, acting like I didn't remember a thing. Damn those half-awake truth moments.
"Do you want that to happen again?" He leaned closer and closer.
"N-No.." I stuttered.
"But I want to do to it again.." He whispered and pulled me closer.
"Oppa, seriously! If you come closer, I'll...I'll..." I said, half-shouting, afraid, he'd do things to me. You know, 'those' things.
"You'll what?  What? You're going to report me to the police? Do it. I'll just deliciously kiss you before they come." He threatened.
"Huh? Oppa-.." He kissed me on the lips. It was a perfect match, like two missing puzzle pieces, brought back together. His lips were warm and funnily tasted like curry. It was delicious. He played his lips on mine, pecking it, sucking it like my lips were some kind of a sweet candy.

"Oppa!" I pushed him away after a few pecks, breaking the kiss, regaining back my self-conciousness.
"I should wash these. Ants might come for this." I meant the pot and bowls in front of us. I quickly got off the couch and took the bowls and pot with me to the kitchen. 

"Hmmhmp." I heard Jonghyun smirking behind me as he moved spots.
*DINGDONG* The doorbell rang. I was in the kitchen, washing the bowls.
"I'll get it." Jonghyun said while walking towards the front door. "Who is ittt?" He said at the door.
"Hey, Raj-...Who are you?" I heard a guy's voice at the door.
"Damn. That must be Izzat." I quickly shut off the water pipe. Izzat messaged me earlier, telling me that he'll come to pick up the Mee Bandung Muar packets his mom ordered from me.
I ran to the door and pushed Jonghyun away.
"Hey... Izzat.. What brings you here?" I posed in front of the door, closing the door a bit, so Izzat won't see Jonghyun behind me.
"Siapa tadi?" Asked Izzat, trying to peek behind me to see Jonghyun.
"Takde sapa lah. Oh mak ko nak perencah tu kan? Jap eh." I closed the door and pulled Jonghyun to my brother's room and locked him up in there.
"YAH! Why are you like this? Get me out of here!" He banged the door, shouting incoherent Korean.

I took the plastic bag filled with the packets of mee bandung Muar flavouring and head over to the door fast. I opened up the door, looking at confused Izzat.
"Here you are. 3 packets right?" I said, passing the bag to Izzat.
"What was that all about? Raja, siapa tadi?" Asked Izzat again, sounding concerned.
"Takda sapalah. Just a friend of mine." I said.
"Yah! Open the door! Let me out!" Shouted Jonghyun in Korean in the background. I looked at Izzat and chuckled awkwardly.
"Macam bahasa Korea je. Orang Korea eh?" He asked again.
"Huh? Yeah.." I nodded. "Weh, mak ko dah tunggu tu." I said, as I saw his mom in the car, waving at me. I waved back at her.
"Nah. RM10 kan?" Izzat gave me a RM10 note.
"Okay. Thanks. Kirim salam dekat Aina and your mom." I said.
"Okay. Bye. Thanks." He said to me, with a suspicious face.
"Bye." I slammed the door shut. 

"Oh My God, what just happened?" I leaned my back against the door breathing in and out, trying to calm myself from the sudden adrenaline rush. I don't want Izzat to think I'm some pervert that keeps a sexy dino at home. I hope he doesn't ask me about Jonghyun when I get back to school tomorrow.

"YAH! AISYAH-YAH!!!" I heard Jonghyun screaming my name. 
"Ah. Jonghyun oppa." I jogged to my brother's room door and unlocked it.
"Ooff!" Impatient Jonghyun fell on me. 
"Aaaahhhh....." I hissed, amidst my head hitting on the floor hard. "Oppa! That hurts!" I shouted when both of us now lying on the floor, with him on top of me.

"Ah.. mian.." He tried getting up and had his hands on the floor, supporting his body from falling on mine. 
Suddenly our eyes matched. His eyes were straight into mine. All I could hear was my heart, thumping slowly, but hard. Jonghyun slowly leaned his head towards mine. His lips pursued mine. Again, it matched. This time, I felt much more calmer. He took the lead and pecked my lips lusciously. Left and right, he moved his head. Pleasurably, I returned the kiss.

After a few pecks, he broke off the kiss. I felt myself wanting more. He looked at me and smirked. That dino. He was playing with me. He then pecked my forehead and stood up from the floor as I was still lying there, like a lifeless doll. He helped me up and I accidentally tumbled on him, making him lean against the bedroom door.

"You okay?" He asked. I looked up on him. Suddenly I was reminded of the time I had my first kiss with Johan on the hotel balcony in Jeju. The time, he gave me our couple ring. My first back hug. The first to intertwine hands with me. The memories kept flowing in my mind. I remember how he wanted us to be happy all the time. But what is this? I'm not happy now. Johan, are you happy now?

"Why do you look so much like Johan, oppa?" I thought by myself, as my tears started accumulating. I closed my eyes and it fell. I started crying.
"Yah. Why are you crying?" Jonghyun looked at me, flustered at my sudden crying, while his hands are on my shoulders, trying to look at my already wet face. He held my chin up and smiled at me.
"I told you, it'll be okay." He said, like he understood what my feelings were like at the time. He hugged me, landing my head on the corner of his neck. I nuzzled my forehead on his broad shoulder.

Sobbing like a kid, I jokingly said, "You hit my head too hard on the floor..."
"Huh? Ahahaha.. really? Aaww where? Let's see." He looked at my face again with a cheery smile.
"Here?" He rubbed my forehead. "Or here?" He rubbed the back of my head. I shook my head for both.
"Now, stop crying. I hate seeing girls crying for a guy. I've seen enough from my sister." He hugged me again. This time, I hugged him back.

"What do you get when you cry? Other than getting heartaches and dark circles?" He said as he stroked my hair and rocked my body left to right while hugging me. I chuckled on his wet shoulder.
"Thanks oppa. You're my hero for today." I said.
"Today only? I'll be your hero everyday. I'll be there for you when you need me. It doesn't matter where I am, at what time. I'm always free for you." He said behind my head, almost sobbing.
"Thank you, oppa." I said.

Jonghyun's POV

It hurts. Being rejected my Aisyah again. Seeing her fall in love and cry for that lucky bastard Johan. Why do you make her suffer, idiot?! I hate you for making our Aisyah hurting like this. I'll support Aisyah no matter what. And if he still does this, I'm gonna take my chances and let her fall into my arms.

To Be Continued.... :D
A/N: I watched way too many Korean dramas xD Thank you Tumblr for providing such great gif images xD
next chapter --> :DD

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