Saturday 6 August 2011

[fic023] Trust Is All We Need

so, last chapter was............... a LONG time ago right? I actually wonder if u guys actually read, and fully understand the story flow.. coz, some parts of the fiction is practically based on my daydreams.. so, some parts may become unclear to u readers.. I mean, some parts may be IN the fiction.. and some parts may NOT be in the fiction... and might become confusing... SO to avoid confusion, read the chapter detailed-ly.. :P heh my words are confusing enough isn't it? xD I'll just cut my crap and YOU readers, READ IT! (P/S: WARNING for harsh language)


Ok. Hairi and I were sitting on the bed side, flipping over an old photo album that Hairi found beside the bed while he was cleaning it up for me.. and guess what? I found a page full of pictures of him and ME playing around in the playground.. I MEAN SERIOUSLY! I was there with those curly hair of mine, in my red and dark-blue kindergarten uniform, sitting on one side of the see-saw, which Hairi was there, on the other side of the same see-saw smiling gleefully.. I couldn't really put my finger on it.. I can barely remember that moment.. just in case 'that' boy, in the picture, is truly Hairi, I asked him.. u know JUST IN CASE..
"T-This boy i-is y-you?"
I pointed the smiling boy in the picture..
"yup.. that's me all right! I remember falling off the see-saw
when u stepped off the see-saw without me noticing it.. :D"
he smiled.. waitt.... h-he knows that's me?! :O
"u were not that nice u know.. back then.. :D"
he smiled some more.. he looked very happy..
almost TOO happy..

SO, memories of us as kids made him happy? oh my oh my.. am I sensing crushing actions here? did Hairi had a crush on me? or I had a crush on him before? also, did I ever made confessions to him? OKAY. hold on there, cowgirl.. I can't make rash decisions about him liking me or vice versa.. but STILL.. it's.......suspicious.. I can barely remember him... or even I'm sure the girl in the picture is actually REALLY me and we knew each other before.. so, to clear things off, I decided to be straight and talk to him about it..

"so, u knew all along?" I asked him, looking slightly mad and angry.. even though I'm actually not :P
"yeah.. ever since kindergarten.." he looked down and became silent..
OMD.. did go too far? OH NO...!
"u know.. since I left primary school, u probably never thought of me.. well, what would I expect right? I'm just a nobody.. but...." he paused.. smiled and continued..
"whenever I'm alone, whenever I wish I had a friend with me by my side,
I've never once forget to think of u.." he stopped to take a soft inhale of oxygen.. and he continued again.
"u know, there is this image of u, smiling, giggling and playing around.. imprinted inside my mind.. :)" he smiled.. he looked happy.
"soo... u've known me since kindergarten, and didn't tell me anything?!" I made an angry face and smacked him on his shoulder..
"what kind of friend are you?!" I said to him kiddingly and continued smacking him with a pillow..
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was testing u if u ever remembered of me!" he cried out and knelt while gathered his hands to show an apology sign(Japanese style).

While he did that, I was still smacking him with the pillow.. in a friendly kind of way.. :P so, after we finished smacking each other with the pillows, Hairi & I went through the albums again.. We saw other kids we used to know.. We tried to remember the names of other people with familiar faces, as in our ex-teachers during kindergarten.. and we also saw other kids which had some history of bullying us, with some weird nicknames.. there was a boy named "Shorty" because, he was the only kid who couldn't reach the jungle gym(hang bar).. I was called "Maggi hair" because, my hair was extra curly.. Hairi was the one who stopped the name callings because he would "beat up" the boys who made fun of my hair.. the teachers had a hard time taking care of us.. ehehehe :P

We also talked about how I used to save Hairi's butt from this bully named "Jaws".. and the bully was a GIRL xD.. the girl was named Jaws because she used to bite other kids out of random actions.. she also likes Hairi(because he was the "cutest boy" out of all the other snotty kids).. So, with him being the cutest, made her prone to bite on him more.. haha poor Hairi.. xD

I was once got bit by her also.. She was jealous of me saving Hairi from getting into her hands (or should I say mouth?).. so, she bit me in the arms while I was colouring a flower in my colouring book.. I cried hard because my arms bled by her bite.. Hairi was there, panicking while helping me, holding a tissue to my bleeding arm.. Come to thought of it, he was so cute, all panicking and trying to look for a tissue at the time.. the teachers were also panicking.. They had to call my parents to pick me up.. Eventually "Jaws" was transferred by her mom to some other kindergarten in Shah Alam..

We were so occupied with the album, we realized it's already 12:30AM when we finished with the albums.. so, Hairi kept the albums on an album shelf with the other albums his mom placed there, and I tucked in bed.. he went out of the room and closed the door.. he said "good night~" almost whispering outside the room and I screamed "GOOD NIGHT!" from inside just to make fun of sleepy him..

The night was hot.. so, to cool off, I went to the bathroom and washed my face, wet my arms, my feet and also the back of my neck.. then, I went to the kitchen and drank cold water.. splashed some of it to my neck.. it was still FREAKING hot! so, after that, I went back to my room and laid on the bed.. I tossed and turned.. it was so hot, I couldn't sleep.. So, to make things a bit more comfortable, I took my thick almost comforter like blanket, and pillow also, and went to the living room.. I went to the balcony's sliding door, and opened a quarter of it to let air flow in the penthouse..

Hairi is the eco-friendly kind of boy.. He used to be like that ever since he was a kid.. he's the no-littering boy, the kitchen helper, the goody two shoes(?) .. so, his current house didn't have any air conditioner.. I liked the idea of having a modern home without damaging the Earth.. that's the one thing I like about him.. He's nice and neat.. :D well, I know the heat is just annoying but, who cares.. as long as it doesn't kill me nor the Earth..

Finally the house was venting cool air and I was able to get some sleep.. cool air~ cool air~


Hairi's POV

Aisyah & I finished going through the albums I found that contained our childhood photos.. so, we went to sleep after that.. the night was hot.. I hope Aisyah's fine.. I heard the bathroom door creaking, that's probably her.. I peeked out to look.. yup it's her.. she splashed cold water that she drank to the back of her neck.. she's probably really hot by now.. I closed the door as she turned back to her room.. after a few minutes, I was feeling kinda hot too. I went out of my room and found Aisyah was sleeping on the floor, near the couch. She was hot too, so, it wasn't really surprising.. I went back to my room and grabbed my pillow and placed it on the couch..

I climbed the couch and laid there watching Aisyah sleep.. she looks so tired and hot.. I mean hot as in really HOT.. the shirt I gave her was big, and one of the shoulder was accidentally pulled down by her reflex turns. Ashamed to say, but I saw her bra strap.. so, to avoid any misunderstood situations, I slowly and softly pulled up her shirt shoulder. Her hair was messily tied up into a bun.. She squashed the bun as her head lied on the pillow.. some of her short hair strands were messily scattered all over a side of her face.. she is almost soaking in her sweat.

So, I pulled her messy hair back and softly puffed air to her sweating forehead. In the end, I found a manual hand fan I used to own in my room and fanned Aisyah to sleep.
"Sorry I don't own any air-cond.. :/" I whispered to her.
"I would buy one, only if u want to.. but sadly,
that will never happen would it? like always..."
I sighed and went to sleep..

*next morning*


Aisyah's POV

Last night was seriously hot.. but somehow I managed to sleep even though I was soaking in my sweat.. I woke up in the morning because I smelled something delicious in the air.. I peeked and found Hairi was busy cooking up some breakfast in the kitchen.. I stood up and sat for a few moments on the couch.. I stretched my back.. aahh it hurts.. when was the last time I slept on the floor? I can't remember. Anyway, I've been sleeping on the bed for a some time now, and I'm not used to the floor any more.. it really hurts a lot.. I've always had a back problem anyway, so, that's why I sleep on the bed.. to lessen the pain..

I picked up my blanket from the floor and folded it and placed it on the couch, with the pillow.. I slowly walked to the kitchen counter.. Hairi heard me pulled the counter chair and turned back to see..
"morning~" he sang.
"mor~ *yawn*..ning~" I stretched some more..
"go shower first, I'll finish up here.." he pointed the bathroom.
"the towel is already in there.."
he continued as I slowly walked to my room
with my blanket and pillow.

I took my clothes where I wore the day before and went in the bathroom.. I finished showering and dried my hair as I walked to the kitchen with my hair still a bit wet.. I threw the hair towel to a chair near the laundry area and sat at the counter..
"so, what are we having this morning?"
I asked Hairi, who was still cooking the omelette.
"well, we're having a Korean breakfast today..
so, rice, kimchi, rolled egg and some other side dishes.."
"Ooo... sounds nice.. the other side dishes are in the fridge right?"
"yup.. if u're kind enough, take it out for me.."
"hahahaha..." I laughed..
"what's funny?" he sounded curious..
"u sounded like Johan's mom.. xD"
"and it's funny?" he lifted his right brow.
"well YEAH! u're a boy! and being like a mom..
is just..... HAHAHA" I laughed again.
"HA. HA. very funny.. just take out the side dishes.."
"fine... OMMA~" I teased.
"chhtt.." Hairi kept flipping the egg..

I went to the cabinet and pulled out two bowls for the rice.. the side dishes were already in those transparent food cases.. so, no need to transfer anything there.. I scooped out rice from the rice cooker to the bowl, and placed it on the counter.. then I asked Hairi if he wanted juice that morning, he said to make mango juice.. COOL! that's my favourite morning drink :D so, I pulled out a glass jug from the top cabinet and filled in 3 huge spoonfuls of mango concentrate and then I continued pouring cold water into it.. I mixed it and put in on a tray on the counter.. I went back to the cabinet and pulled out two tall glasses. Hairi was already placing the side dishes and the egg on the dining table.. I took the bowls of rice with me and placed it together with the beverage..

Everything is set on the dining table and ready to be eaten.. I washed my hands and dived in.. Hairi was sitting in front of me.. Starting with the mango juice, he ate with me.. I tried his rolled egg, and it was DELICIOUS.. he used a bit of butter instead of plain oil, and he also grounded mushrooms into the egg mixture, making it nice and fragrant..
"so, how did u sleep? okay?"
Hairi asked me..
"besides the annoying heat, my back didn't do any well either.."
I complained..
"your back?" he chewed his food..
"yeah, I once fell off the stair case at my home,
and it still hurts till now.."
"ouch." he winced.
"yeah.. well, also because it's been
awhile since I last slept on the floor.."
I massaged a bit for my poor back..
Hairi saw my action and stood up from his chair.
He walked behind me and started massaging my shoulders..
"u didn't have to u know.."
"it's okay.. I can do it :)" he smiled

He's a good massager.. my tensed up back muscles were untangled and I felt a huge relieve from his massage.. It was ultimately refreshing.. Even though it was slightly awkward due to him being a guy and massaging me, a girl.. but still, he's good at it.. and I felt really good. He finished massaging me and we continued breakfast..
"so, still a bit uncomfortable...?" he asked
"yeah.. a bit.."
"oh.. sorry then."
"why are u apologizing?"
I stuffed my mouth with a spoonful of rice..
"sorry coz I couldn't prepare a better place for u to sleep in.."
"naahh.. it's okay.. :D well, at least is better than leaving me
in the rain, like the others did.."
"so, how did u sleep?" I asked him.
"well, at first I slept in my room.. but then it got hotter,
I moved to living room, only to find u were on the floor, sweating.."
"oh... so, u slept on the couch?"
my phone rang, so I picked up, it's Johan..

"what?" I was shocked to hear his shouting voice.
"I said where are you?! I went to ur room earlier, and Dilla said, u didn't come home last night!"
"well, yeah.. I didn't come home last night.."
"WHY is that?! the others are already here, and u are where?! do u know what could've happened to u?!"
"stop shouting and be mad at me will you! I was left behind by the bus...! and the others didn't even know I wasn't with them and none of them even called me!"
"then?! why didn't u called them?!"
"my phone died OKAY?! HAPPY?!"
"is that so? u think I'm going to believe that?! I know u left behind to NOT tell them about us! I was right, wasn't I? u're really that embarrassed of us?! HUH DUMB*SS!"
"what? YAH! YOU seriously have NO right to talk to me like that!"
I stood up from the chair and shouted back at him,
"SHUT THE F UP AND LISTEN TO ME! I was left behind by ALL of them because the fans were getting in my way to get to the bus! and guess what?! NONE of them, I repeat, NONE of them even noticed I wasn't there! and I was at the damn huge aquarium crying my ass off hoping someone would come for me.. EVEN YOU! You didn't even call or at least message me! You really think I made all of this up, just to avoid the confession? boyfriend.. chhtt YAH! WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND WOULD NOT BELIEVE HIS GIRLFRIEND OF SUCH THINGS?!"

I was so mad, I hanged up right away.. I placed my phone on the dining table and went to the bathroom. I was crying, whimpering, bawling, everything related to tears flowing out my eyes.. Why is Johan being like this? It's so not him! He didn't even know where I've been and what I did.. he's being such an ass..! At least, I tried to be patient and wait for them. Boyfriend? Boyfriend my ass! You think u're always right?! HUH?!

After a couple of hours crying in the bathroom, Hairi knocked. "u ok in there?" Right. I'm in Hairi's house.. I can't be like this.. ahh so embarrassing.. crying because of some guy I just knew this year and I'm crying in my long-lost-bestfriend's house.. I'm so miserable.. I opened up the door and Hairi was in front of the door, almost knocking on my head, like he was to knock on the door. I looked up and saw him.. and I cried again.. I don't know why.. My tears won't stop flowing out.. I'm such a whimp. A disgrace.


Hairi's POV

Aisyah came out of the bathroom. I was about to knock on the door, but I almost accidentally knock on her head.. her eyes were swollen and she was still trying to suck it in.. She looked at me and she started crying again.. I swear to GOD I never wanted to see her like this ever again.. I want her smile.. her warm, sweet smile.. Without knowing, I hugged her.. As tight as I could, I hugged her. She felt cold and wet. She tucked her head just beneath my shoulder line and sobbed loud.. she looked miserable.. I swear, I really don't want to see like this ever again.. URGH. when I'll get my hands on Johan, I swear, I'll beat his ass up for good!

To Be Continued.... :DDD
A/N: hehehe excuse the language and errors guys.. :D
next chapter ----> :DD

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