Tuesday 9 October 2012

[fic046] Maybe They're Right

Sementara budak2 PMR exam, kita buang masa dirumah, menulis fiction yg menarik. (BM ape aku pakai ni?) SOOO many dialogues for this chapter. #Flashback edition!#


Aisyah's POV

The school's photography team needs to take pictures of the evening session students that day. I was there, after having my two hours of Add Maths class, after morning school hours. I saw Izzat alone in the hall, mending with his camera.

"Hey." I greeted him and sat near him.
"Hey, Raja. Tak balik lagi?" He asked as he saw me, still in my blue school uniform. We got closer after my fainting incident. He'd kindly message me, asking about how I'd do, what I was diagnosed with. Just being a good friend to me.
"Tadi aku ada class. And van aku dah tinggalkan aku. Soooo..." I answered as I placed my bag on my side.
"So, ko kena tunggu sampai petang ah ni?" He looked at me with his camera in hand.
"Yela kot. Dahla phone tak bawak. Nombor acik van tu dlm tu. And aku tak ingat. Bagus kan?" I smirked. He nodded and chuckled.

"Where's Dilla and Elyza?" I asked him.
"Dorang gi kantin jap. Beli air sejuk. Panas harini." He said while looking outside the open hall.
"Oh.. So, Form 1 & Form 2 dah habislah hari ni?" I meant the photoshoot.
"A'ah. Nasib sekejap je tadi. Budak petang lagi senang nak urus dari budak pagi." I nodded to his statement.
"Weh, duduk situ jap." He ordered me to sit on one of the chairs in front of him. I stood up and walked towards the chairs. I sat on one of the chairs and snap! Izzat took a picture of me.

"Aku dgn muka berminyaknye, gi amek gambar." I snorted.
"Lawa je." He said under his breath while looking at the picture he took.
"Apa?" I didn't hear clearly what he said.
"Takda pape lah." He smiled and continued taking pictures(of me).

After a few minutes, some Form 2 students started flooding the stage behind us, with their musical instruments in hand. I saw my beloved ex-music teacher, Mrs. Chuah Gaik Suan, or better known as Teacher Julie, walking after them with some music manuscripts in her arms.

"Hi teacher!" I waved at her.
"Hey, why aren't you going home yet?" She asked.
"I missed my van lah. I had classes earlier." I scrunched my face.
"I see. You're staying till evening then?" She asked with her eyes widened.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Good, you can help me with some things later." She smirked.
"Okay, teacher." I saluted at her. "What are you having here?" I meant the kids on the stage.
"Some musical drama we came up with. It's for the Anugerah Cemerlang at the end of the year." I nodded with an 'o' shaped mouth.

"What's its about?" I asked, curious.
"It's actually your drama draft your team did for English week. Since it was a great drama, we decided to musicalize it." She said shamelessly. Hey, I didn't know they took my drama draft!
"Hey! I have rights to that draft. Mana boleh terus amek teacher! Pay my royalty for the drama! HAHA." I said jokingly.
"If only we were paid Raja. If only we were paid." She said with a sad face.
"Then belanja my makan for today! I haven't had my lunch yet, actually." I patted my grumbling tummy.
"NAH! Here here!" She kiddingly took out the purse and gave me a RM5 note.
"Really? Seriously?" I took the money.
"Well, you deserved it. The drama draft was brilliant!" She said, delighted.
"Aaw... Thank you teacher!" I hugged her.
"Masam lah youu. Get off! Get off!" She struggled under my hug. Haha poor teacher.

She then continued working with the kids, as Izzat and I watched them perform. Seeing the kids having fun on the stage, it reminds me of our moments of performing with angklungs. Our, I meant us, 2009 music kids. Those moments where I used to have a big stalking crush on Izzat. I remember the times of me, secretly glancing at him as we play the bamboo musical instruments, playing along to Aloha Oe(click for video) and Beauty and The Beast(click).

The practices, the minor mistakes we made as we learn to perfect it. It was fun. There was no drama at that time. Just us, playing our hearts out, giving us, nervousness and happiness as we climbed on stage. Remembering back our nerdy moments. It made me smile, despite all the things that are happening at this very moment.

Izzat looked at me as I grinned by myself when the kids in front of us where performing a sad part.
"Asal ko sengih?" He asked.
"Takde pape. Aku teringat time kite ramai2 main angklung dulu." I smiled again. He smiled as he looked at me. 

And then it was time for the kids to have their short rest. Teacher Julie looked at me and then looked at Izzat. "Izzat." She called him. Izzat looked at her.

"Do you still dislike her?" Suddenly she asked that very question to Izzat, referring to me.
"Teacher!" I shouted as I made a face.
"What? He made you wait for him for 4 years. I can see you still like him, Raja." She said as she crossed her legs together.
"Raja dah ade boyfriend la teacher." Izzat said solemnly, with his head low.
"Fight for her lah! She wore braces, and got a lot prettier for you! Can't you at least appreciate that?" She said sounding stern.
"Teacher! It doesn't matter lah." I shook my head as I looked at her. I used to share my 'love/crush' problems to Teacher Julie. She'd always make up some situation, so I could forget Izzat. That was waaayyy back in 2009.

"Tengoklah nanti teacher. Mungkin saya usahakan." Izzat suddenly answered softly. EEHHH?!! Tengoklah nanti? Usahakan?! Meaning, he WILL fight for me?! WHAAAT?!

To give space for the music kids, we moved spots to the side of the hall, with me, leaning against the pony wall. *yawn* I covered my mouth.
"Ko mcm mengantuk je. Tidurlah." Izzat said to me.
"Takpelah. Tak kan nak tido depan ko." I smiled, sleepily. 
The musical the kids did was a sad part again. The background music was soft and sad. I got a lot sleepier with the music. I gathered up my legs to my chest and hugged it soft, landing my arms on my knees. Before I know it, I dozed off.


Izzat's POV

Look at her. She said she won't sleep in front of me. Her head kept bobbing up and down, trying to sleep right. I placed down my camera to my side and leaned towards Raja. I moved her head, leaning against the wall, and then placed her warm hands to her tummy. Then I backed off and sat back, then looked at her with detail.

She has changed a lot physically, hasn't she? Her jaw's more refined, arms smaller and slender than before. But she still has that small cute button nose. Those small, but big happy looking eyes, and that warm cheery smile she always had. Unknowingly, I smiled to myself.

"Just take a picture! It lasts longer!" Teacher Chuah shouted from afar at me. I looked at teacher. Maybe she's right. I should fight for her. Maybe Hazmi was right. This may be my chance to step up and be a man in Raja's eyes.

I looked back at Raja. She's still sound asleep. I grabbed my camera and snapped a flashless picture. Looking at her in the picture, she looked so calm, yet tiring. I glanced at Teacher Chuah, she smiled at me, making her wrinkles visible next to her eyes.

"Thanks teacher." I whispered. She nodded in return.
"Oi Izzat! Buat ape?" Elyza's voice boomed from behind me.
"Shhhh.... Dia tidur." I sushed both of the girls so they won't wake Raja up.
"Oohh.. Sshh..." Elyza nodded while chuckling.
"Eh? Raja tak balik eh?" Dilla asked.
"Dia ade kelas tadi, pastu kena tinggal van." I answered. She made an 'o' shaped mouth while exchanging glances with Elyza. Suddenly Elyza pulled Dilla to the back of the hall and started giggling.

What? Did they saw what I just did? Please, tell me they didn't. Keep it a secret please girls.

To Be Continued.... :D
next chapter ---> :DD

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