[fic022] Blast To The Past :O
I am here, FINALLY! did u guys hate the latest chapter? yeah I worked kinda last minute on that.. sorry if it's not as good as my early creations.. :( ANYWAY I watched SM Town in Paris at YT recently.. and I cheered for SHINee like I was in the concert myself.. :D don't worry.. I was home alone at the time, my family don't hear me screaming Jonghyun's name all the time :P so, today's chapter is scary for me to post.. because u guys gave me the silent reader treatment and didn't like my last post.. :'( I'm sad.. anyway hope this one didn't have the same fate as before..A/N: excuse the minor errors :PHOPE U LIKE IT.. :/
Aisyah's POV
I was still kinda scared of Johan.. who knows what he might do next.. laugh his heart out because I cried? whoa there.. my boyfriend is NOT crazy.. anyway, after Johan calmed me down with him hugging me, I said sorry to him.. Since I didn't tell the others yet about us being together.. well, who would?! he just 'proposed' to me LAST NIGHT! so, Johan apologized me of being a 'slut' for a moment before.. and he said to tell the others about us already... I was like,
"Are u sure? because I'm not ready to tell them yet.."I paused for a moment.."who knows they might freak or even laugh at me for being so cliché.."I stared the empty space in front of him.. continued worrying.."so what? as long as we're okay.. nothing would break us apart."he answered, proud of his answer..I looked at him, blinked a couple times and finally said,"wow, my boyfriend is SO tacky.." "why thank you my girlfriend.. :D" he smiled showing me his perfectly-lined-white-teeth.."so, when do u plan on telling them if not today?" he continued."*sigh* I don't know Johan.. it's hard telling them..it's like karma slapping on the face back on me.."
"what? *chuckle* and why is that so?" he looked at me,"if u remember, we were once against of this coupling things before.. and told them about it.. it's kinda embarrassing to say to them were dating..""u're embarrassed of US?" oh no.. he's being bipolar again.. =="no.. not us.. it's just.... urgh.." I looked up in the sky and walked away from him.."what....? are u? u're embarrassed of us?" he kept asking me that freaking question.."Johan, listen.. why in the world would I be embarrassed of us?
I like how we're at now.. but the others might misunderstandand I'm worried they might talk negative on us..""now, why in the world would YOU be worried about that?they're ur friends.. they should support u by all means..if they do talk negative on u, they're certainly NOT ur friends..""I guess u're right..:[""so, today! u're telling them today okay?"he smiled to the thought.."ah?! not today! not today!" I shook my head till it's about to fall off.."ok.. tonight.. the hotel is having an outdoor dinner tonight..I'll be there with u.. don't worry..""fineeee..." I pouted at his face and we're off.. I went back to SHINee's table and Johan went back to find his mom.
I went back and all the desserts were gone! they vanished! I came back walking slowly, looking at the empty table.. they saw me and stared at me.."u. didn't. save. any. for. me?"I was at lost.. how could they!
"what do u mean?" Jonghyun said cleaning his line of teeth with his tongue.."the.. *pause* dessert.. none for me?"Minho oppa stood up and said,"chaa let's go.. the bus is about to arrive!"everyone stood up and walked away from the table..
I looked at them walking away from me and the empty table.. *sigh* some good guys == so, after all of us went out of the cafe, we walked back to the Tea Shop we just past before the tea class.. to pick up some souvenirs or something.. I decided to buy some tea for Johan.. Even though he did acted a bit weird today, but still.. he's my new boyfriend.. and I wanted to make something nice for him.. like I intended before, I'm going to make some homemade green tea ice cream for him :D I bet he'll like what I'll prepare for him later.. :)
*Tea Shop*
Everybody was looking and picking up tea cans and boxes from the shelves of the shop.. Some were even sampling the tea.. I, myself, also, was looking at the different kinds of teas available there.. I already had a bag of two freshly roasted green tea boxes in my hands for my mom.. After a bit of walking through the shop, I saw this flavoured tea at the top of a high shelf, a few centimetres away off the edge of the shelf.. I read off the Korean writing on it.. "Tropical Dream Green Tea.." it read.. I was standing still in front of the shelf, thinking if the ice cream might turn out nicer if I use flavoured tea instead of plain green tea.. :)
After much thought, I decided to take the tea can.. I tried to reach it, but I was too short for the very high shelf.. then this unknown-slim-hand came up from behind me and took the can I wanted to take.. I watched as the tea can moved away from its original place and landed on the hand of this tall-stylish-looking-guy (by the looks of his attire).. I tried to say something to the guy, who I didn't make eye contact with, but ended up in stutters..
"b-but t-that's mine..."I stuttered as I watched and pointed the can in his hand,which was at the side of his body."oh really..? here u go then.." (I still didn't look at his face..)the guy said almost sounded with a smile carved on his face,handing me the tea I wanted.. his voice was somewhat familiar..
I took the tea and tilted my head, thinking if I've met a guy whose voice is like this.. I swear I've heard this crisp and melodic voice before.. I made a small fist out of my hand, lowered my head and knocked softly at my forehead, trying to remember the guy's face and name.. The guy crouched down, trying to look at my face.. I felt him moving and I looked up to see what is he doing.. Surprisingly, his face was inches away from my face! I was a little shocked and found myself looking straight into his dark hazel eyes.. I swear to God I saw those beautiful eyes before!
I saw how sharp his jawline is and it's very sexy looking.. His complexion was rather fair and creamy.. His hair was neatly combed to one side on his head, with a slight edge made by the hairspray he probably used.. His eyes, especially, was slightly boxy and shaped like a sport's car's side mirror.. His face features are incredibly familiar! I swear I met this guy more than once before! "are u okay?" his perfectly curved lips moved and the melodic voice came out again.. The tea can I held fell on the floor, still intact.. I blinked and stared blankly in front of him and nodded softly.. "are you sure? u look sick..." the guy made a worried face and crouched down, picking up the tea can.. "here u go again.. hehe.. :D " he grinned lovely-ly.. I took the tea can again and said, "T-thanks.. a-again.." Why am I still stuttering?! It's not like I saw something scary or too ...........beautiful.
We stayed in that position for a few LONGG seconds.. I felt like it never ended! Well that was only until he smiled to me, straightened his back and patted my head.. He said not to catch a cold and drink the tea, warm.. it's much better that way.. and then, he just walked away.. I was 'retrieving' some memories of this mysterious guy.. lapses of memories went by in my mind.. It was like my memory was running around and I had to run after it to remember it.. After all the 'chasing', I still couldn't remember the guy's biography.. =o=
So, after that, I went to the cashier to pay for the tea.. then, I went out.. I went on the bus and all of us went for lunch.. All of us finished at different times.. the boys finished fast.. I was a slow eater, so I was practically running for the bus when all of them finished and already went on the bus.. After lunch, all of us went to a HUGE aquarium situated near the museum earlier.. the aquarium was full of tourists and the local people there.. and of course, more people means that at least 2 out of 10 of them are SHINee fans.. == we were interrupted, of course.. We as in Elyza, Dilla and I were irritated by some group of high school girls saying the SHINee boys are their property and we didn't have the chance to be on the same 'level' as them(fangirls).. We didn't fight back.. when they start to come near, we look at them straight in the eye for some moments and they went away because of the awkwardness.. We rock..! :D
While we were trying to win the eye staring game, SHINee was taken away from us by the fangirls.. Well, after being ditched by SHINee and walking on our own, the security guards finally arrived.. all of us were gathered together by some number of guards trying to protect SHINee and us.. we were pushed to one another.. squished and squashed by the fangirls.. wow they are scary.. just like Johan told me before.. UNfortunately, I was separated by the fangirls AGAIN while the others already got escorted to the bus.. I was left behind as all of them got on the bus.. the bus takes off just like that.. NOOOOOO!!! the fangirls were after the bus.. well, since I had to actually go together with them.. LITERALLY, I had to run for the bus.. I was running after the bus.. the fangirls saw me sprinting for the bus.. so, they followed me and did the same.. NO! DON'T DO THAT! they won't see me! As I expected, the people inside the bus didn't bother to see because I was among the fangirls.. =o= urgh the bad luck I have..
As the fangirls were beat of exhaustion by the running, they went back.. I see them walk next to me as I stopped in the middle on the HUGE parking lot. Now what should I do? I checked my phone.. I tried contacting Key.. RING RING RING RING... the number u have dialled is not in service. He's not picking up.. so, I hung up. My battery.. my phone battery is low.. more bad luck == please please someone remembers me and pick me up! PLEASE!
*two hours past*
I waited for them.. they still didn't came here yet.. I looked at my watch.. it's been more than 2 hours now and it's raining cats and dogs.. I wonder if they're stuck in traffic or something.. my phone battery is down to 1.. there goes my luck again.. aaahh... I sat with a mineral bottle in my hand, swinging my feet back and forth on a bench somewhere covered(with roof), outside the aquarium.. I'm freezing, literally.. Yet I still stayed here.. Am I stupid or something? *sigh hard*
"here.." something warm touched my right arm..I looked up.. it was him.. the mystery guy..he offered me a cup of warm honey tea..I took it from his hands softly and nodded, gesturing my thanks.."why are u still here?" he asked me.."haha I got left by the bus earlier... :]"I was smiling, then I frown at the thought of being left by my own so-called 'guardians'. =="haha.. u got left by the bus?""yeah.. my friends didn't know I wasn't with them earlier.. funny eh?""haha kinda.. so, u've been here since when?""since 3:15pm? I think so.. :]""wahh that's long.. so, who's going to fetch u up?""I don't know.. the guys who I think would come for me didn't arrive yet..""wanna stay at my house? it's getting late already.."he said, looking at his watch.."W-what? B-but I-I don't know u-u.."I was taken aback by his words.."u don't- what? HAHA are u serious?! HAHA xD"he's laughing at me.. why? Is he some celebrity that I should know or something?"Aisyah!" I heard my name was called.. the guy called it..!"OH?! how do know my name?!""YAH! it's me HAIRI!""Hairi? ..*thinking*...HAIRI?! the guy who found my keychain?at the themepark?! that HAIRI?!""YEAH! THIS HAIRI! u mean, since we're at the tea museum, u didn't know it was me?! Dae~bak(great!)...!""yeah.. I didn't know.. I was trying hard to remember ur name.. hehe :P""How coul- ah nevermind.. so? Still wanna stay here and wait for somebody who won't come for u?""NO! I'll follow u! since u're the only person I know here :D""come on then.. let's go! :D"
I followed him as he walks away from the bench I was sitting before.. His car was parked pretty far in the middle of the huge parking lot.. so, we had to run in the rain to get to the car. I was trying my best to keep my body dry by holding my arm in front of my face. Seems stupid and meaningless, but at least I didn't get my make-up wet.. :P I was soaking wet by the time we reached his car.. He was too.. He unlocked his car and we hopped inside.. A pretty snazzy car for a teenag-....... that reminds me.. how old is he anyway? I never knew his age.. :/ He starts his car and drove out of the parking lot..
While he was driving, he reached his hands to the back of his seat.. I asked him what he was trying to get.. "A towel for you.. u're soaking wet.. I don't want u to get a cold.." he answered.. "Aaww... that's nice of u.. but, I'll find it.. I might not get to dry myself if u keep driving like that and get us in a car crash.. " I said back.. he laughed.. I scattered my hand behind his seat to find his towel.. after a few digs, I found it and gave it to him.. He gave it back to me,
"Dry urself first.. Girl's get sick easier than boys do.." "chht.. and who said that theory?"I said, drying myself."my father.." he became silent.."ur father? well, tell him I'm a tougher girl than the other girlslike he said.." I laughed..his facial expression remained cold..damn.. did I say something wrong?"I-I d-didn't mean to offend u.."I said trying to cover up my fault.."ah? no.. it's just.. I wish.. I could tell him that.."he smiled faintly.."what do u mean?" I asked.. he didn't answer me..
When we stopped at a red light, I asked him some more questions.."Hairi..""yeah?" he looked at me.. My hair was still dripping wet.."what's ur age? u seemed older than me..""haha how old do u think I am?"he leaned forward to the steering wheel,looking at the sky..
"no offence but u look 23? 24? yeah.. in those ages.."I nodded to my thoughts.."waaahhh am I that old looking?""I guess so.. because of the shirt and such.."
"hmm probably.."
"so? what's ur age? I was waiting for ur answer!""Believe it or not, but I'm seventeen this year.. :D""*jaw drop* ur the same age as me?!""apparently so.. :)""get outta here! u lying to me right?!""I am NOT! haha.. oh come on.. like no one ever said u're older than ur own age.." he said to me."true.. some even say I was like a mother to a kid..but that's not the point..! u're 17! my age! wait what month?""hmm.. I'm January 19th(wiki the date- 1992).. u?""I'm June 1st~ hehe I'm younger than youuuu~ :P""heh so now u can call me OPPA.."
"chht.. like I'm going to call u that.. I don't even call Johan by that name.. xD""so? u can always call me that :)" he smiled... gaaahhh so handsome.. :]
*Hairi's Penthouse*
"WAAHHHH SO BIG! VERY SPACIOUS!"I was in awe looking at his penthouse design."haha yeah kinda, right?"he smuggled a smile behind his warm face.."u live on ur own?""no, I have a caretaker here.. he's out for the night.."he was all over the place, scrambling looking for things..
"ohh... is he an old man?""pfftt.. no! he's like 2 years older than me.. he's actually my cousin.. :)""ohh.. is that so... hmmm.."I nodded.."so, here.. some dry clothes for you.."
he handed me some big t-shirt and a small pajama pants.. "the pants belonged to a female cousin of mine..she accidentally left it here while she was here a month ago..""oh.. haha so, where's the bathroom..?"
"uh here.." he pointed me the bathroom in the master bedroom.."when u're finished, come to the kitchen.. I'll fix some dinner :D" he continued..
COOL he can cook.. unlike SOMEONE... hehe.. so, I grabbed my things, got into the VERY BIG room, and locked the bathroom door.. I washed myself neatly, I looked at his line of cleansers.. I took one and used it... after I finished washing up, I dried myself and wore the clothes he gave me... the pants fitted me perfectly.. :D the shirt was big.. well, what can I expect? It's a GUY's t-shirt.. so, I walked out of the room.. my hair was still wet.. I dried it otw to the kitchen counter..
"hey, finished alread-...."he paused while turning around after hearing me pulling a chair from under the kitchen counter.."what?" I asked, still drying my hair.."nothing.. so, ready for dinner?""wait2.."I threw the towel to the nearest chair behind me.."I can do that, can I?" I asked in case he's not comfortable with that.."oh sure.. I do it all the time.. :)" he smiled..
ok.. he's okay with that.. :D so, he came back to me with a bowl of warm porridge.. it's abalone porridge..
the smell itself was making me hungry already! "wait here, I'll get the spoon.." he said while looking for a clean spoon.. come on! I'M HUNGRY! :p... he got his bowl and the spoons together in front of me.. I asked him,"when did u bathe?""while waiting for u to finish and the porridge to cook :)"
"ohh.. so, was the abalone frozen or fresh?"
"frozen.. we had some extra abalone from hyung's catch yesterday..hyung as in my cousin, remember..?"
"yeah.. *nod nod* hmm.. so...."
"EAT LAH! no more talk! I'm hungry!""hehehe I was waiting for u to say that.. :)" I smiled..
I spooned some porridge into my mouth.. DELICIOUS! from the first spoon, I was satisfied.. I now declare this porridge to be the best porridge to be eaten on a rainy day! I look up to him after the first 4 spoonfuls of porridge.... "DAEBAAKK~~" I mentally sent to him.. and I spooned some more into my mouth... "oh u have something there.." he looked at me.."where? here?" I wiped my left cheek."no silly.. *chuckle* here.. :D" he took a napkin and wiped my right cheek, close to my lips..ohhh nooo... here we go again.. he looks straight into my lips..he was leaning in to kiss it.. I jerked back.."what.. are you doing?" I asked him.."uh? nothing.. it's just the stuck seaweed won't come off.."he said trying to cover up his actions earlier.."haha.. I know what u were going to do..u were going to kiss me right?" I made a sleazy look at him.."NO I WASN'T..! and why would I kiss u?u probably have a boyfriend already.. ==""hmm.. it's true.. I do have a boyfriend already..OH! that reminds me! do u have a USB cable?my phone battery died.. the others are probably worried at me..""sure.. u connect it to the computer?"
"yeah.. that'll will do.. :D"I gave him my phone, he took it and charged it.."thank you! :D" I thanked him..
After we finished our dinner, I helped him with the dishes.. Wiped the counter tops and the sink clean.. then, I checked back at my phone.. thankfully, it lived.. WTH?!! no messages?! are they even aware that I'm not with them?! even the girls?! NO @#$%^&?* WAY! RING RING... oh? a message came! :D "sleep well :) - Jonghyun -" damn.. he doesn't know I'm not even with them == oh well, I might as well let them miss me.. :P
"Aisyah..! come here..! hurrryy!""COMING!"I placed my phone down to charge and went to Hairi.."what is it?" I reached him.."here.. look at what I found..""what's this? a photo album?"
"yeah.. I was cleaning up the bed side for u to sleep..and I accidentally found this..""cool.. wonder how this got here..""I guess my mom left it here? for memories sake? xD""kinda lame excuse.. xD"
"I know, right? xD""so.. let's see what's inside.."
"sure.. :D"
I sat at the bed side and blew the dust off the photo album.. It flew and I flipped the album.. it was filled with family photos of him.. he's so cute as a kid! somehow.. he looks VERY similar to friend of mine when I was little.. kindergarten? or elementary? I don't remember..... I wonder if he used to-...... *GASP* NO WAY! NO FREAKING WAY! :O I flipped a page filled with pictures of him and ME playing see-saw in a playground.. how did- NO WAY!
To Be Continued.... :DDDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^next chapter---> :DD
yeay, hairi dah datang XD
hahah xD
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