So, last night was somewhat deja vu like dream. I dunno. I kept dreaming of Izzat and his friends recently. Their faces always pops-up in my mind. Hidayah too. Are you guys thinking of me or is it just my head? Urh. Anyway, my dream went like this....
I was at a prefects-slash-reunion party at noon. I'm not exactly sure if it's ONLY prefects because the people I see in my dream was only my prefects friends. So, everyone was sitting around, eating, chatting.
As I arrive, I placed my stripe blue bag next to Hidayah's place and I went to greet the teachers. The teachers were just in front of my dining table. You know, since our eye vision is wide, sometimes you can see people coming of another side of your eye without having to turn your head? I saw Izzat sitting on my place next to Hidayah, smiling cheerily. I heard she said, "Oohhh dah kena tangkaaap." Somewhat like the "Ayookkk" tone.
Then I heard he said, "Mana ada. Belum lagi.." I dunno what both of them meant. and I didn't care. Then I met Iman. She gave me my hard drive. I went back to my place, seeing Izzat standing up from my seat and pulled the chair for me. I went close to the chair and took my bag, placing my hard drive in there. I didn't even look at Izzat. I guess that ticked him. Suddenly, he said he wanted to talk to me.
"Raja, kejap. Aku nak cakap ngn ko."
"Kat sini pon boleh kan?" I said in an angry raged tone. Why was I mad at him? I dunno.
"Kejap lah." He pulled me afar from the tent, where the party was held under.
I averted his hands from holding me and crossed my arms. (I was bitchy. I dunno why.)
"Kenapa ko tak pandang aku?" He said and paused.
"Ko pandang Hazmi, Gajen, dorang semua tuh. Ko senyum kat dorang, tapi kenapa tak kat aku?" He asked me.
"Tu la perasaan aku dulu. Ko pandang Hidayah, Janah, semua kawan2 aku, tapi ko sikit pon tak pandang aku. Then ko nak buat apa klu aku tak pandang ko?" We argued.
I don't know the reason why we started acting like so.
Then I ran away from him and went over to my place. I grabbed my bag and a table full of Form 3s stopped me.
"Kak Raja, nak pegi mana? Jamuan baru nak start." One of them said.
"Balik. Ada hal kat rumah." I said.
"Alaa stay lah Raja. Japgi ade surprise for Form 5s." Hazmi, who was the only guy in the table, said to me.
I didn't reply him. I just shook my head, responding to a 'no'.
Then I woke up. My Form 1 brother, Ahmad, woke me up, asking if I wanted the nasi lemak he bought for me. Chht. =_=

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