[fic020] Surprise Surprise....! 2
have u read on allkpop like two(?) weeks ago?! JUNHYUNG my all-time-fav rapper is dating Hara! huhu T.T there goes my fangirlness again.. Before it was Jonghyun, who was with Sekyung, (oh yeah they broke up now! like how I said in my previous chapter.. which was wayy before the official break up! :D), and NOW it's JUNHYUNG?! man, I have excellent choices of hot guys.. the girls just won't lay off their filthy fingers on them!! ANYWAY! it has been long since my last update hasn't it readers? yeah.. I'm sorry.. my internet(ALSO to my fb... =o=) and my busy schedule sucks.. I had a bit of a technical prob, so, I had to draft AGAIN in my phone.. so, forgive me for being late with the fiction updating.. so, this update is VERY LONG (to pay back my two weeks absence in the blogging world).. soo... ready yourselves for fiction reading breaks....!HAPPY READING!! ;DD
After I finished hanging around with Johan, I was on the way back to my room.. I took the lift and pushed the button to my room floor.. When the lift stopped, the door 'magically' opens.. I walked out to my right.. Without knowing someone was around, I was tugged and pulled from behind.. The kidnapper covered my mouth with a towel, preventing my screams from being heard.. I was scared and I was practically screaming Johan's name..
I don't think the person, whom I think is a man (since his arms are big and stronger than mine), puts chloroform or some sort of conscious wiper on the towel.. so, I don't think I will be fainting.. I struggled to release myself from the kidnapper and tried to pinch his arm.. The person silently let out an "ouch!" when I did that.. whimp much? xD
After a tens of metres away from the lift, the person stopped at a dark corner.. he checks the corridor and went back to me, his face was SOO close to me, I HAD to close my eyes! I mean SERIOUSLY! I swear his aura felt like, "I'm gonna make ur tongue dance with mine and we're gonna party!" I was freaking scared my thoughts would happen for real.. I cursed my mind for thinking such things...
Then after a few moments, he released me from his grip.. I was finally free from his hand and I quickly slapped him... "AUWW~! AISYAH!!" he screamed and looked at me while holding his left cheek.. I looked at him attentively and I covered my mouth, shocked when I realized the person I slapped was Jonghyun!
"OMO! Jonghyun oppa! I'm sorry! I didn't know it was u!"I said trying to rub his cheek, but he avoided.."ouch... u're lucky that I actually deserved that.. auuw.."he said, rubbing his cheek.."well, yeah.. Who wouldn't do that after being kidnapped!why did u do that anyway?! u scared me to death!"I smacked him on the shoulders.."sorry.. I was trying to see u alone..""u could've just ask.." I crossed my arms and pouted..
"I thought this would be much cooler.." he laughed..I smacked him on the arm.."ouch okay2 sorry!" he rubbed his right arm.."so? what do u wanted to say? I'm really REALLY sleepy right now.."I said trying to walk away.. but he pulled my arm, stopping me.."okay2.. I'll make it quick.."
Jonghyun's POV
I successfully 'kidnapped' Aisyah... that was so COOL.. it's my first time and I succeeded..! :D but she slapped me.. =o= ouch, that seriously hurt.. she sure have plenty of power in her hands.... I felt like my jaws are going to fall off! well, I actually deserved that.. if I was in her place, I could've punch the person in the face.. I was lucky enough I didn't get a punch and a black-eye from her.. huuuhh that'll be horrible.. =o= *shivers*
"so? what do u wanted to say? I'm really REALLY sleepy right now.."she said, rubbing her eyes, smudging her eye make up..I have to say, that looks REALLY sexy on her..then, she was trying to walk away.. but I pulled her arm,"okay2.. I'll make it quick.."she looks REALLY sleepy, as in she was about to drop and left asleep..she was wobbly and couldn't keep her eyes open.."on the second thought, how about I see you tomorrow?""....." she's not answering.. her eyes are closed?"Aisyah?" I tilted my head and shook her shoulders.. trying to shake her awake..she fell towards me, putting her head to my shoulder..I froze.. I didn't what to do at the moment.."katil... bantal..." she said sleepily.."katil? bantal? what's that?" I said to her.."chim...*yawn*-dae(Korean for bed) begae(pillow)..""aahh.." I said..
Wow, she's a genius or something? how can she answer that when she's this sleepy? her head was still on my shoulder.. I can smell her perfume. Her sweet smelling perfume was taking over my oxygen.. she smelled sexy and yet, innocent.. her messy hair was all over the place.. her breath smelled like warm cocoa.. her clothes felt cold.. I tried to put my arms around her waist, but hesitated to.. but then, I felt her arms tracing my back.. I froze some more.. she was practically hugging me! "I want my bed...." she said, breathing heavily.. I could tell she was cold.. how could Johan left her like this? seriously, he has no gentleman manners.. =o=
I took off her hands from me for a moment, left her standing, wobbly-ly and quickly pulled off my jacket and brought it over her.. I tried to make her walk on her own.. but she couldn't.. should I just pick her up on my back? oh well beats trying to make her walk on her own.. I crouched down, grabbed her thighs, and told her to get on me.. she climbed up.. she's getting used to this... it's her second time today.. ah.. all set, I straighten my back and said, "UP!"
oh? did she not eat or something? she was lighter than before.. hmmm weird.. anyway, she was up on my back and her legs were cold.. she was putting her arms around my neck and placed her head near mine.. I heard a short thumping sound from behind, but I ignored it.. then Aisyah rubbed her forehead to my shoulder and whispered something next to my ear... "gudu (shoe-high heels)~ oppa.. nae gudu(my shoe)~" she said in a rather hoarse sleeping person voice..
even though the whisper wasn't as sexy.. but the feeling of her breath to my ear is turning me on.. WAIT! what am I talking about?! she's my fan! I can't be like that! aisshh! don't get the feelings mixed up Jonghyun! she's just a fan! a cute. . . sexy. . down-to-earth fan. . aahh.. 미치겠다(I'm going crazy)...!! I looked back to see her left shoe was on the floor.. I tried to reach it, but her long legs were in the way, making it harder for me to reach it.. I softly tried to put her down, she grabbed my shirt tighter.. "don't put me down~" I can't believe she's sleeping yet knows what's happening.. I said nothing and continued putting her down.. she was sitting on the floor of the corridor and I took her shoe.. was she half-concious? hmm... I wanted to try something..
"Aisyah, what do u like about Johan?"I said looking down, putting her shoe on, trying to make her speak the truth..u know, some people speak the truth when they're half awake,(or half sleeping.. xD)"mm...? *she licked her lips* a great kisser..."I was shocked..!I looked up at her and made a face.. she slept back after saying that..WTF?! they kissed already?!I tried to ask a different question after that.."how is Johan & Jonghyun different from another?""Johaan.... he's taller... Jonghyun... *rubs nose*... short."she went back to sleep.. =o=
she said I'm short?! I'll get her tomorrow.. just wait Aisyah.. I'll make a HUGE HUGE surprise especially for you.. hehehe.. *evil smirk* so, after the sleepy Q&A session.. I picked her up easily, bridal style, with her head flopping back and forth.. yeah it wasn't as easy as I thought.. u know like in the dramas would do nicely and perfectly.. the girl would always be light looking and guess what? I was WRONNGGG.... dramas should just stay as dramas.. anyway, she's in my arms and I walked towards her room.. my arms were getting numb due to her weight, which I thought she was lighter than before... now, how silly am I? hmm... =o=
well, after a bit of walking(since I dragged her quite far from the lift, and her room was farther from the lift=o=), I finally arrived in front of her room... I slowly tapped Aisyah's shoulders (I picked her up bridal style, remember?) and asked her for the keys.. I tried to put her down, "NO~! don't put me down~!" she screamed softly.. she took out her room key from her small purse.. I told her to open the door since my hands are full.. the key was turned and we're inside.. she was a bit awake but still didn't want me to put her down until I reach her bed.. =o= brat? I dunno.. I took off my shoes and she kicked her shoes off her feet and I took her deeper inside the room.. oh yeah, the room was SUPER dark.. but thanks to the lights from the bathroom, I was able to see the bed.. Dilla was sound asleep on another bed, so, I placed Aisyah on a bed next to Dilla..
I placed her lying down, but she sat up, nodding/dozing off at the edge of the bed and I was about to go out of the room.. then she pulled me and sat me down.. I was there not knowing to do a thing by her side.. she was rather tipsy looking.. well, she can't be drunk, right? that's impossible.. then softly she scooted closer to me and whispered,
"thanks for the ride.. I appreciate it.."she smiled.. wait.. is she sleep-talking or she's really awake..?"u're welcome.. I'll be waiting for a huge tip later the morning kay?" I smiled in the dark room.. she sleepily smiled back..I wonder if the half-awake-truth-talk is still on..so, I tried asking her another question.."Is Johan better in kissing than me?""and how should I *yawns* know that *rubs her eyes* smarty pants?"OH.. she's still sleep-talking!"there's only one way to find out~"I pulled her head close to mine and KISSED her right on the lips..she didn't seem to be bothered by it.. I think she was still spaced out or she's just 'sleeping' on my lips..
anyhow.. we stayed glued together for awhile until I softly pushed her shoulders away.. I looked at her.. yup. she was sleeping.. =o= her eyes can barely kept open.. I waved in front of her face while holding her shoulder in one hand.. feeling pity for her, I tucked her in the bed.. She slowly moves her body and makes herself comfortable.. I still wanted to know the answer to my question earlier..
"so? is Johan better or I'm better?""mm.. you... *yawn* are different.."she pulled her blanket up to her chest, turned to her right and went to sleep..I sat next to her legs and thought for awhile..
how am I different from him? I wanna know! I wrestled my hair frustratingly and I looked back at her.. she looks so peaceful when she's asleep.. I wish I can sleep as peacefully like her.. I then leaned in to kiss her forehead.. "good night.. sleeping beauty.. :)".. I stood up from my position and walked out the door..
Aisyah's POV
I was having a weird dream.. it was me.. standing in front of a wall in a very dark room.. the only light source were somewhere above the wall I'm confronting.. on the wall was two different but similar looking posters.. one poster had a teddy bear which was a ring box next to it.. the other one had a hair band on its head.. girlish much? both teddy bears were wearing the same clothes BUT had different expressions.. the one with the ring box had a willingly-happy-forever look.. the other one, on the other hand, had a friendly look.. the expression difference was micro..!
Anyway, in the morning.. I heard the doorbell rang and I think Dilla greeted the 'guest'.. so, I slept back.. about 10 mins later, I felt a tickle on the soles of my feet.. I tried to kick it away, but it continued.. the so-called tickle wasn't ticklish at all.. it was rather annoying actually.. =o= so I sat up.. pulled my feet to me and rubbed my soles.. I look up, my view is blurry.. where's my specs? Blurringly, I saw a person, who was wearing a black and white t-shirt with dark faded jeans is waving excitedly in front of me... the person seemed familiar.. I rubbed my eyes and ....... ELYZA?! what the heck is she doing here?! I pushed away my blanket, knelt on the bed and hugged her.. She jerked back from my hug..
"YAH! what are u doing here?!" I said to her,pushing her away from me after the hug.."visit korg leee... hehe :P" she answered.."ur parents?""in their room, on a different floor.. :D""so, how did u know we're here?""well, I asked ur mom.. and she gave me Johan's mom's number..and I called her.. she helped me with the details..:)""ohh.. so how many days are u here?""about the same time u guys are here.." she said all smileys.."so, u're staying in our room right?" I smiled.."OF COURSE!" so, we 'celebrated' with a group hug..
I just came out of the bathroom.. My phone rang.. Elyza saw the name on the phone and she was excited seeing a familiar name appear on MY phone.. it's Key oppa. I picked it up.. he said to come down for breakfast.. I told him a friend of mine is joining.. he said it's okay :D yay! Elyza can meet her Dubudubu Onew! So, we went to the hotel's cafe.. we met SHINee oppas and Elyza was kinda stunned.. haha her face was priceless! she was like, "HEOK! SHINEE!"and died standing.. xD then Key oppa asked,
"Sya-yah(he calls me that), who's the person u brought?""oh! here! *pulls Elyza in front of me* her name is Elyza.. she's an MVP.. :D""oh..? chaa Onew hyung? come here.." Key called Onew over."what is it, Kibum-ah?" Onew went over to Key since he didn't hear me introduce Elyza to SHINee.."Onew hyung, this is Elyza.. ur fan..:D" Key smiled.."oh annyeonghaseyo.." Onew bowed, small, and offered a hand to shake.."a-an-nyeong--" Elyza stuttered. I just had to pull her hand and place it on Onew's hand to avoid the awkwardness..
They were actually really awkward.. Especially when Key oppa pushed them together on the same table.. yeah I had different tables with Dilla & Elyza.. I was with Jjong, Key & Minho.. while Dilla & Elyza was with Taemin & Onew.. it's 4-chair table.. so we had to.. so, breakfast, we had 'American' style breakfast.. u know.. pancakes, cereals, toasts, fruits salads, breads.. etc..
so, our table had most of the food said.. Key oppa was on his fruit diet.. so, he took a GIANT bowl of fruit salad for his breakfast.. literally! it was ginourmous!!
well, of course he didn't get a ginourmous bowl of fruits.. but it was pretty big.. for breakfast.. yeah.. he ate the salad with a piece of toast.. he placed the salad on the toast.. the berries in the salad became squashed a bit and watery.. that made the toast slightly soggy but jam-my/saucy like.. which seemed very delicious to me.. but my tummy was full of a bowl of cereals and two pieces of pancake by the time I saw Key oppa ate the fruit salad toast.. Jonghyun oppa ate toast and pancakes.. Minho oppa ate cereals with honey and fruits.. I finished my breakfast first then went to the other table..
Elyza was sitting opposite to Onew and Dilla was opposite to Taemin.. It seemed romantic and sweet from afar, but when I got closer, they were SOO awkward.. the whole table was silent unlike my table.. Well, my table had two of the most talkative members in SHINee.. One was Key oppa.. He was criticizing about a model's garment when I was eating my breakfast and there's Jonghyun oppa, who was excitedly talking about what happened last night.. so, it wasn't that much of a surprise that my table is far noisier than theirs..
anyway, after breakfast, all of us got on a bus.. the bus was for a tour around Jeju.. so we went to some places arranged by the manager.. in the bus, the seats were in couples.. so, Key designated our places by star + fan .. so, I'm with Jonghyun, Dilla's with Taemin, Elyza with Onew and Key was with Minho.. hehe.. my seat was at the back, so the others were at our front.. Dilla and Taemin were sharing mp3 earpiece.. Elyza and Onew were still awkward, which was so cute.. I chuckled when I saw Onew trying to come up with a conversation with Elyza but ended up dying since Elyza answered in shorts.. aahh they're so cute :D
so, on the way, Jonghyun kept asking me about last night.. he literally repeats the question again and again.. "don't u remember what happened last night?", "seriously! I kissed u last night!" I denied the fact that he claimed to kiss me while I was sleeping last night.. I didn't remember Jonghyun kissing me.. the only kissing scene in my life so far was from Johan.. I swear I didn't kiss Jonghyun.. SERIOUSLY! why is he so worked up about him kissing me last night? (or me kissing him?) did anything happened to me, or him, after I met Johan last night? wait.. come to think of it.. how did I ended up being in bed last night? I don't remember walking across the floor corridors last night.. weeeiirrdd... Jonghyun was still at the kissing-u-last-night talk.. =o=
"yah! I'm telling u the truth! I did kiss u last night!and u said my kiss was different from-"he was about to say Johan's name..I shut his mouth before the girls hear him.."aren't u going to keep quiet? the girls are going to hear u...!"I said in a whispering tone while putting my hand to his mouth..he took my hand off his mouth and said,"but I'm telling u the truth! I did ki-"I cut him before he says the KISS word again.."okay2! fine! u did kiss me last night! happy?!"
Accidentally, I said that a bit louder than normal.. leaving the girls and the other SHINee members shocked. They were looking at us, some were smirking, gaping their mouths too.. I was looking at them, gaping my mouth, shaking my head, waving my hands, denying the statement I just blurted out before.. then I saw Key's famous evil-i-know-u-did-it-smirk.. OMD(A/N: oh mak datuk.. as said from Puteri Diana xD).. I'm dead.. O.O
The trip to the first destination, which was the Jeongbang Waterfall, took about 25 minutes by bus.. so, it's pretty near to our hotel.. we got off the bus and start walking to the waterfall entrance.. we saw many tourists wearing their caps and trekking shoes on them.. we were wearing our sneakers, even though it's not exactly perfect for an outdoor activity, but at least no one wears high heels, right? so, we went in deeper the entrance.. there were stairs for the tourists to come down from the high cliffs to the bottom part of the waterfall(where the water. . . falls xD).. All of us were thrilled to play by the cool waters of the waterfall.. not swimming, just splash here and there.. hehehe...
we were down, and we went our separate ways to the waterfall.. Jonghyun and I were holding hands.. well, I didn't want to do it at first.. but since he whined LOUD like a kid asking for a toy, I just had too.. =o= we walked as he swings our hands in the air.. I looked around to spot any crazy Shawols that might take a pic of us and make an anti-club for me.. Jonghyun was aware of my actions, so, he ensured me with his 'famous' saying for flirting, "everything is going to be fine.. I'll take care of it.." chht.. like he does that when he was openly caught dating with Sekyung.. so, after a long 'romantic' and cautious stroll by the waterfall, we decided to go back up.. it's about 9:15 that morning, and we promised to meet back up by 9:30am.. so, we went back up.. then, HAH! I found a girl taking a pic of us.. I pulled my hand off Jonghyun's hand and he was taken aback..
"what?" he asked me.."there's a girl taking our pic.. don't u see her behind that obviously skinny tree?"I said pointing to the tree.. "where?" Jonghyun said, 'looking' for the skinny tree.."there~! can't u see?"the girl ran away after she realized we caught her taking the pics.."see2? she ran away!" I said to Jonghyun.."so what? that's not going to change anything right?""yes it does.. u're going to get more anti fans..""so? I been through it before, and I'm going through it again!""whatever u say Jonghyun... =o=" I walked ahead of him..
I stopped as I saw Onew & Elyza, from afar, still hanging around by the railing, pointing at things. Elyza was occupied with laughing at the jokes Onew told. I also saw Onew looking at Elyza, smiling.. I saw Jonghyun coming from behind and I told him to stop and watch.. I pointed at Onew, who had this I'm-in-love look on his face.. then the unexpected came.. ONEW KISSED ELYZA! by her left cheek.. Jonghyun and I looked at each other surprised.. We looked back at them.. Elyza was surprised too.. she froze by the rail, spacing out.. Onew then went close to her ear and whispered something.. I dunno what he said, but it seemed like I was watching some playboy doing his flirting 'job'. =o=
They walked away from the railings and we followed at secured distance from behind.. they were holding hands now.. Elyza was blushing.. MAJORLY BLUSHING! Onew was sneaking glances at her.. awww so cute! :D kinda reminds me of Johan who'd sneak glances at me when I was doing to my tutor work, which he gave me.. yeah, happy times.. happy times.. I wonder what he is doing right now.... mm...
Johan's POV
*9:25am, Ramada Plaza Hotel Cafe*
I decided to call my new girlfriend, Aisyah, while I'm taking my breakfast.. My whole family was here beside me, enjoying their meal.. I was there trying to call my girlfriend I just made last night.. she's not answering... Is she still sleeping? tired of answering to the machine, I called Dilla..
"Hello?" Dilla answered."Hello, Dilla.. it's Johan.."
"ye aq tau.. npe?" she sounded tired.. did she just finished running or something?"Aisyah ade kat situ tak?""tak.. die gi jalan ngn Jonghyun..""berdua je?!" What the ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"tak tak.. kite orang pergi Jeju tour nih.. skrang katJeong-..Jeongbang? aahh Jeongbang Waterfall.."oh yg lain ade.."ehh? bile korang keluar hotel?""kul 8 tdi? mm.. dlm kul 8 tdi..""oh eh? klu cmtu aq nk mintak tolong kt ko leh?""nak ape?"
"jaga kn Aisyah.."
"Jonghyun die ade laa.. xyah risau..""Jonghyun DIA? ape2 je la.. just make sure she's fine.. ok?"
"ok2.." she about to press end call.."ok... ah2! korang balik kul bpe nnt?"
"petang kot..""ok.. then.. bye.."
"bye." the impatient girl finally ended the call..
So, Aisyah will be home late.. I hope she's fine.. "call spe tdi?" my mom asked me.. "Dilla.." I answered.. "npe xcall Aisyah?""die xangkat phone.. lgipon dorg kt luar.."
"dorang gi mne?"
"Jeongbang waterfall.."
"oh.. yg dekat ngn laut tuh.. nk pegi nnt?"
"xpyah la.. tak nak kacau dorg pny aktiviti..besides, Johan nk gi O'sulloc Tea Museum tuh.""okay2.. nnt kte kluar kay?" my mom smiles.."okay.. :)" yeah I'm going to have a very green tea day~
To Be Continued.... :DDDnext chapter -----> :DDhopefully I'm able to post it by tomorrow evening.. :D
saya baru baca kak =p
haha best x? :DD
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