Not everyone has patience. Some may lose patience even when a slight bad thing happens. Some may endure the 'pain' and have patience. As for me, I have patience. But at times, I can lose my patience. For example, hanging around with people that has bad attitudes, or just too weird. I can hang around and follow their pace(attitude) for some bit, but if they do cross the line, I will not just stand there and let them play me. I'm a human too, you know.
Why did I even start talking about patience? WHY? BECAUSE I never felt watching a drama can be sooooo challenging, it's knocking on my patience. Yeah. Shocking ay? You probably thought I had a fight with someone or something. Well, actually I had a 'fight' with a video sharing website from France =_=
Who'd knew loading A PART of a drama can take more than 1 hour and a half for just 10 secs of the video?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!! I really feel like crying right now.. T^T
*I'm currently watching a JDrama featuring Kim Jaejoong of JYJ from TVXQ. Yeah. I think I'm officially a Cassiopeia at the moment. I've been watching their past variety shows for since Wednesday(?) and I'm addicted.
**Also, to know that I'm actually a YunJae(Yunho & Jaejoong) shipper. I'm kinda sad btw that TVXQ and JYJ members are separate now. :'( Yoochun has his Junsu(a.k.a. Yoosu) but Jaejoong can't have his Yunho. This is ultimately SAD for other YunJae shippers.
***I'm not sure if any of you, readers, are actually fans of DB5K(TVXQ&JYJ) but try to have PATIENCE that a fan is very obsessed of his/her 'idol' in any form. As in, either in talent, songs, dance, acting. WE are obsessed of them in a form of EVERYTHING, mostly.
I went to my mom's family day today and I finally wore my smaller sized clothes. I mean, the clothes which I bought at a sale in Parkson around 2 or 3 months ago. I couldn't even fit in it around 2 weeks ago and I SOOOO glad that I fitted PERFECTLY in the clothes earlier today. So, selca frenzy? :P
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Soooooooooooo, thanks for reading, I guess. :P
Raja is hot and comel giler! ;DDDDDDD
HAHA. yeah right xD
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