So, any of u, readers, might and should have read my recent spazz on my crush right? Well, the almost-exact scene came into my dream last night. Most of you might know that I'm a prefect at school. In the dream, it was an assembly day. So, I had to call out the 'kids' to the assembly hall.
"Pergi kat dataran. Semua ke dataran pengetua!" I called out to the girls and boys who were lazing around at the open hall.
The boys reacted pretty late though. Boys and their lazy bums. I had to hit them on the shoulder or pulled them up so that they stand up and start walking to the assembly hall. The girls wasn't that half better either. They are the same as the boys. Especially the ones in groups. I hate calling out girls in groups. They would talk and talk and talk like there's no end. =_=
So, while I was calling out to the boys after I called out to the girls, HE came up behind me and massaged my shoulders.
"Rajin nye pengawas kite nii..." I turned my back and found HE was smiling at me.
"Hai, Raja." He waved and smiled.
"Hai. .....Dah pegi perhimpunan. Nanti cikgu bising." I instructed him to do so.
"Ok, Raja." He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips while his hands were holding on my shoulders. He quickly turned around and coolly walked to the assembly hall after that. I was in shocked. O_O
I'm pretty surprised that NO ONE saw it. When I had to walk to the assembly hall like the other students, I caressed my lips and I saw my friends greeting me. My lips got dried due to the air, so, no one suspected anything ridiculous.
A few minutes later, I found myself smiling and giggling on my own. My friends thought I was crazy. Probably. Well, I might be crazy, being kissed at school and not getting caught. Yeah, crazy.
But then!
I woke up. DAMN my brother for waking me up. He told me to pick up the clothes outside because it's going to rain. When I looked outside, it was freaking hot DAMN U. =_=''
Oh yeah, did I tell you the dream was so freaking VIVID?! Seriously. I think I felt something really soft and moist land on my lips while I got 'pecked' on the lips. WHOA.
Oh yeah, did I tell you the dream was so freaking VIVID?! Seriously. I think I felt something really soft and moist land on my lips while I got 'pecked' on the lips. WHOA.

Aiyok~ Raja kena cium. Dengan sapelah tu... Kui kui kui~ :D
haha xleh fokus nk masak aq tghari tdi, asyik fikir psal mimpi nih :P
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