Monday 28 February 2011

[fic004] Oh I'm SO Lucky~

The trip to the mysterious place was fun.. We talked about our pasts(well, mostly his' :P) and I knew that he used to have a gf and other things... We arrived at the place after 30 mins of driving... It was a modern looking restaurant, named 'Cream Light',which I didn't know existed for the long years I've been living here....
The restaurant was rather ......empty. It's like he reserved the WHOLE restaurant for ME! ^0^ but then I saw a couple of people sitting at the nearby table by the window, ahhh... there goes my dream of being alone with a guy in an Italian restaurant... The interior especially, WAS AMAZING! the viewable-from-outside-kitchen-window, the cutleries, the furnitures, the dim lights..... romantic.

all the things inside the restaurant had a modern-contemporary-romantic kinda feeling... all I was thinking, I bet the food is expensive... haha so, we got inside the restaurant deeper and finally settled down to an empty table, and started asking and answering questions...

me, "how did u find this restaurant? It's AMAZING!"
"well, my parents recommended it.. They used to have their dates here.."
"oh.. (*dates? so, what are we doing now? dating? o.O) so, this restaurant have been here long? I didn't know that! :O"
"yeah neither did I.. thanks to my parents, I got the chance to bring u here.."
"just me? haha cool! I feel so special when I'm with u!"
"of course u're special.... I li-........ nevermind.."
" you whaaatt~? come on~ tell me.. what did u wanna say?"
"naahh nevermind.. It's nothing..really.."
"really? u sure 'bout that?*asking suspiciously*"
"yes I'm sure..:)"

then, waiter comes and gave us the menu list.. the pictures of the food looked delicious and .....expensive. SEE?! I was RIGHT! The food IS expensive!! I kinda lost my appetite after I saw the prices listed next to food names and description...

"......Johaann....." I called him.
"mm..... *looking at the list biting the side of his lips, then looks at me*...yeah?"
"....... u sure u wanna eat here?"
"*smiling* yeah! then why would I bring u here?"
"but the prices are a bit.........." He cut me off.
"don't worry.. I have the money with me. Come on let's just enjoy our food kay?"
"huuuh....okay.. if u say so...."

the waiter came back after we finished deciding our dishes for the dinner.. It was an Italian themed restaurant, so.. Italian food is the food we're eating..

waiter, "may I take ur order sir?"
"for the appetizer,we'll take the garlic bread and Caesar Salad for the salad,"
(Romaine lettuce and croutons tossed together with olive oil ) 
"for the main course, I'll take ....umm..... Fettuccine Alfredo." 
(fettuccine tossed with white cream sauce and mushrooms+ broccoli) 
"So, what's yours, Aisyah?" He asked me.

"I'll take the Gnocchi with Alfredo sauce." I answered.
(potato and flour dumplings topped with cream sauce)

waiter, "drinks sir?"
"we'll take the .....does vita blast (the name of the orange, pineapple and lemon concoction) sounds okay to u?"
me, "okay to me..:)"
"we'll take vita blast please.."
waiter, "Is that all sir? how about desserts?"
"umm....dessert Aisyah?"
"how about Tiramisu?" I said pointing at the menu list.

"two Strawberry Tiramisu-es then... send it after the main course please..:)" Johan ordered.

we finished with our ordering session... he continues asking about things in my life... those getting-to-know-u stuffs....

"so, do u play any musical instruments?" He asked me.
"umm... I play angklung at school, I know piano a bit, guitar a bit. You know, things I pick up from my friends.. you?"
"Me? I play the piano, violin, guitar, drums*counting with his fingers* and others too.. haha :D" He answered.
"O.O WOW~ that's a lot of instruments...."
"yeah, a lot huh? I had lots of free time back in Seoul, so, I 'studied' playing the instruments... just to kill time.. :D"
"uwaahh.. I wish I could play as much as u... It does seemed fun.. what else did u do in Seoul?"
"well, I've once joined a dance group and a band in my ex-high school.."
"COOL! u play all those instruments AND DANCE?! u're just awesome man!"
"yeah hahaha :D I guess so..:P how about u? u dance?"
"a bit... for exercising matters :P people find exercising is hard, but I came up with 2in1 plans with my exercises so... It's not that hard for me to do :D"
"Cool... :D"

not later than that, the food came.. guess what? THE FOOD IS AMAZINGG!!!! no wonder the prices are quite high... I made a satisfied face when eating it.... I mouthed "seriously delicious!" to Johan, he smiled :DDD we finished the course(s) and the dessert came after that.. We ate it happily... because the tiramisu was just URGHH!! DELICIOUS!!

The coffee cream seemed to have smudged next to my lips.. I didn't notice it was there until he took his napkins and wipe it off... there was this short pause when he does that and he looked at my lips for a merely 2 secs... a moment of awkwardness turned on.. he spoked to break off the small awkwardness..

"the food was that delicious huh? even ur cheeks wanted it.." He smirked.
"aah mwoyah~?" said me trying to hit him..

we finished eating the delicious yet pricey food, Johan went to the cashier to pay up.. total price? RM180!! for TWO people!! SERIOUSLY!! well, I wasn't that shocked since the price was reasonable for the high quality food they served... as we walked to the car, I said...

"aaahhhhh... I'm ssoooo fuull....... THANK YOU JOHAN!! \(^0^)/"
"u're welcome :D join me again if we have the time kay?"
"SURE! ^0^ .......ah! what are we going to do with the cake?"
"u keep it.. it's for you remember?"
"b-but ...I don't know where to keep it! the cake's HUGE!"
"haha... u'll find a way.." I pouted and puffed my cheeks when he said that.

"haha..don't do that..."
"why? can't I? humm...*pouting in front of his face* humm..!"
"don't do it! u're too cute already! hahaha :DD" He covered his eyes with the palms of his hands. So, I stopped and went straight to the car..

in the car..
Johan,"ah! I don't have ur phone number... can I have it?"
"sure, where's ur phone?" He took it out from his pockets and gave it to me. I dialled and called the number.
"now u have my number, and I have ur number! ^0^" I said.
"Sreat! So, from now on~ promise to keep in contact okay?" He said. I nodded and smiled, he smiled too :) (aww so sweet~ :D)

We arrived home.. It was really late, so, my family members slept already.. it's school day tomorrow.. I put the cake next to the fridge... opened the fridge door.. and surprisingly, the cake fitted in! uwaah~ Johan was right! I did found a way..:DD I went up my room after the cake-fitting-in-the-fridge-session, and got showered.... when I got out, a message came to my phone..

"good night, my princess~
25 May 2012 23:56
from: Sweet Johan:)"

I replied, "good night to u too my prince...:)"

and I slept with a smile on my face.. hoping that he smiles too... :)
"tomorrow's gonna be some awesome day~ :DD"

ewww.... so CHEESSYYY~~~~~~~~~ :P

how was that for an update?
next chapter ---> :DD
please 'like' and comment! ^0^

1 comment:

Aisyah Zahira said...

u guys like this cheesy stuff? haha even the author is all yucky~ :P

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