FINAALLYYY!!!! we got on the roller coaster, after 25 mins of standing in the line.. we finally got to sit! I was actually relieved that we finally got on board, but then... I was scared too... I never rode a roller coaster before, and I think it's gonna be SCARYY.....O.O sooo.... As I sat, my hands start to sweat, my legs were trembling... Johan looked at me,
"u okay over there?" He looked at me worriedly,
"....*blankly answered*...m-my f-first roller coaster..*gulp* ride..."
"don't worry, I'm here" He reached my hand and held it tight.
I looked at him and then looked at my hands. I blushed.
the roller coaster worker announces the safety guides, we followed attentively and put on our seat belts.. I let go my hand from his' for awhile, after I put on my seat belt, he held it back.. he really cares about me does he? he so sweet:)
"u know, I'll be absolutely fine even if u let my hand go..:)"
"u sure u can handle it? *suspicious*" He let my hand go.
"YEAH! I am a big girl after all :DD"
"okay, 'big girl', if u cry when the ride finish,
I'm not gonna coax u... >:D"
"well that's mean..:["
"hey, said u're a 'big girl'.. big girls don't cry over a roller coaster... >:D"
"evil.. pure evil :[" I mumbled to myself. He looked away and smirked.
The roller coaster finally started.. the rail started with a straight line in front of us... It seemed okay at first, then the carriage plunged down suddenly.. I bit my lips tight... OMG butterflies.... butterflies are in my tummy! the terror-ticklish-afraid-feeling started to roam ALL over my body... the adrenalin rush! Johan was sure having fun=.=... he screamed happily beside me, waving his arms up like crazy... I was on the verge of crying already... ToT
After a few toss and turns, the roller coaster started to climb a rail... everyone was screaming, sarcastically... Johan looked at me... I was still biting my lips and just about to open my watery eyes... He laughed at me, "HAHAHA! u're crying?! XDD" people behind us looked over... big meanie..=.='' the sarcastic moment stopped as the roller coaster starts to dive down, just like I suspected... I screamed at the top of my lungs! Johan was laughing, HARD!! he laughed at me, who was about to cry my eyes out... just then I felt something holding my hand tight... I didn't care who's was it, I just held it REALLY TIGHT, so I felt safe..
After a few loops here and there, the ride stopped.... We stepped off the carriage.. I didn't notice until people were looking at us.. we were still holding hands... I quickly let it go...
I ran away from him, as fast as I can, leading in front of him.. I ran around the roller coaster area and went out to some other game areas nearby... WOW he's fast.. I looked back for a moment and saw him catching up behind me... he ran to me like bullet train! someone, anyone! SAVE ME before I get into a 'traffic accident'!!(A/N: get it? TRAFFIC accident! don't get it? nvm..=.='')
we ran quite far.... the chase was getting too energy and time consuming... I was getting tired, so I slowed down my pace.. but then he 'crashed' into me... hugging me by the waist and whispered, "gotcha~" creepy man... creeepppyy~~O.O I released myself from his grasp and start to lecture him on skinship.... bla..bla...bla.... we walked as he receive his lecture... he was getting tired, so, he puts his hand on my mouth and said with his face inches away from mine...
After a few toss and turns, the roller coaster started to climb a rail... everyone was screaming, sarcastically... Johan looked at me... I was still biting my lips and just about to open my watery eyes... He laughed at me, "HAHAHA! u're crying?! XDD" people behind us looked over... big meanie..=.='' the sarcastic moment stopped as the roller coaster starts to dive down, just like I suspected... I screamed at the top of my lungs! Johan was laughing, HARD!! he laughed at me, who was about to cry my eyes out... just then I felt something holding my hand tight... I didn't care who's was it, I just held it REALLY TIGHT, so I felt safe..
After a few loops here and there, the ride stopped.... We stepped off the carriage.. I didn't notice until people were looking at us.. we were still holding hands... I quickly let it go...
"wwhhaatt? I thought liked holding my hand.. :("
"I was afraid before, so I'll grab anyone's hand.."
"yeah right... I know u like holding mineeeee :P" He said while walking backwards, in front of me.
"keep on dreaming, pretty boy..*merong:p*"
"call me handsome... I don't like being called pretty... :("
"pretty~ pretty~ PRETTY~! *merong:p*"
"yah!! why u little..."
I ran away from him, as fast as I can, leading in front of him.. I ran around the roller coaster area and went out to some other game areas nearby... WOW he's fast.. I looked back for a moment and saw him catching up behind me... he ran to me like bullet train! someone, anyone! SAVE ME before I get into a 'traffic accident'!!(A/N: get it? TRAFFIC accident! don't get it? nvm..=.='')
we ran quite far.... the chase was getting too energy and time consuming... I was getting tired, so I slowed down my pace.. but then he 'crashed' into me... hugging me by the waist and whispered, "gotcha~" creepy man... creeepppyy~~O.O I released myself from his grasp and start to lecture him on skinship.... bla..bla...bla.... we walked as he receive his lecture... he was getting tired, so, he puts his hand on my mouth and said with his face inches away from mine...
"u know, u're giving me lectures about things u liked me to do... what am I suppose to do about that?"
I blushed, smacked his hand away and said, "since when did I say I liked it? u self-absorbed person..=.="
"I can see it through u... ur mind says no, but ur body reacts the opposite... u're weird.."
I blushed, "so what if I'm weird... at least I'm not a copy of another person. Like someone I know" I ogled at him.
"ME?! *points his finger at his chest* a copy of someone else?! WHO?! tell me who's this 'original' copy of me.. speak up~!"
"there iss.... Jonghyun~"
"annnd... u like Jonghyun... what's wrong with that?"
"a-hah! u were copying him!!" I pointed at his face.
"no I didn't! he copied me!"
"ya ya~ he's older and debuts in TV earlier than u. and he copied u? where did that came from?"
"he...bla bla bla bla......"
We 'fought' all the way into a restaurant where the others were also there... we didn't stop even when we sat down.... others were like, what are they fighting about? - I don't know - beats me... when the others were staring at us, I stopped thus made Johan stop also... I spoke up in the awkward silence,
"what are u guys looking at?" said myself, looking for something behind me.
Elyza, "u two of course.."
"why us?" Johan asked,
Dilla, "because u two looked like real couple.."
me, "WHAATT?! a couple with this copycat? puh-leasee..."
Johan, "Yahh! I thought we stopped this 'copycat topic' awhile ago.. :["
"I didn't say it stopped >:D"
"meanie...:[" He sulked.
"revenge, check! >:DD" I gestured checking a list on my palm.
"having fun are ya? want a second round of chasing? huh?!" said Johan, standing up.
Hazmi, "hey2.. save that for later... I'm hungry, can't we just eat first?"
Dilla, "well we are in a restaurant already, why not?"
Hazmi, "yay I got to eaaattt~~!!"
Johan and me said in unison, "u're buying! .... hey! stop copying me..! ME?! U stop copying me!"
Elyza, "u guys!!! stop it! sheesshh.. go get a room or something.. and Johan, u're buying!"
Johan, "what?! WHY ME?!"
Elyza, "coz, u're the rich one..:P" I high-fived Elyza and merong-ed at Johan.
Johan was mumbling to himself and made a I'll-get-u-after-this face..
Well, we finished our eating sessions, we started walking around the ground floor... Now, I linked arms with Elyza, Nadia and Dilla making sure they won't leave me alone again with Mr. I-Know-U-Like-Me...=.='' after a few minutes of walking, they went on a ride which was tossing and tumbling inside... I, of course, exempted myself from riding it.. they left me outside with their bags and stuff.. I waited on a bench, all alone.. again.. then Johan came near.. just like I expected...
"why didn't u join them?"
"well, I just ate... and I don't want to see the thing I ate again..."
"oh..kaay.. wanna catch a movie?"
"naahh.. I'll pass.. movies are boring.."
"uummm...wanna go elsewhere?"
"pass... I have to take care of this things. Unless u wanna help me bring these if we do go?"
"I'll pass. on the second thought, sure. But make sure u'll follow me.."
I gave Elyza's and Nadia's bag to him and we started walking... Luckily, their bags weren't girly, so, it suited him... XDD We started walking and he lead me to this small gift shop... he looked at me and said, "pick anything u like, I'll buy it for u.."
I did as I was told, and chose a charm bracelet... I thought it was 'bling bling' enough for me, so I chose it:DD
I did as I was told, and chose a charm bracelet... I thought it was 'bling bling' enough for me, so I chose it:DD

"so, what did u get?"
"this." I showed him the bracelet I chose.
"must it be blue? find something in silver.."
"why? I thought u'll buy me anything I pick..*pout*"
"this thing is quite precious... u know what? should we go and give these heavy bags to them first, then we go find the perfect thing for u.."
"sure.. suit urself.."
We went back to the game area where the girls rode their ride... they just got off the ride..
"Gile best tadi! nak pegi lagi x?" Nadia said. Dilla and Elyza shook their heads like they're gonna ripped off.
"best tadi?" I asked.
"BESTT GILAAA!!!!" Nadia said excitedly.
"eemmm.. korang, aq ngn Johan nk pgi somewhere, beli barang. so, beg2 korg ni pegang sndri eh?"
"eii.. dating x ajak org doh..." Elyza said teasingly.
"WE'RE NOT DATING!" Johan and I said in unison.
We gave back the girls their bags and went out... Once again, Johan lead the way.. this time, the shop seemed..exclusive... It's pricey stuff again.. I thought to myself.. why does he want to buy me expensive stuff? ALWAYS!
"Johan~" I called to him.. he answered,"yeah?"
I gave a look to him.. he said,"what?"
"...pricey stuff again?"
"my mom said not to come home with your hands empty.."
"MY hands? It's okay really.. I don't really need anything.."
"It's not something u need... It's something u want. so, anything u want?"
please 'like' and comment! ^0^

nak 'bling bling' jugak :p
hehehe:P normal la tuuuu~~
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