Saturday 5 March 2011

[fic007] My Birthday 'Gift' :DD

"What will u do if I'll tell the WHOOLLEE world that u, Raja Aisyah Zahira, likes a boy named, Muhammad Johan bin Mohd Dahari, and was tickled by him on her birthday?"
Birthday...? today's my birthday?!
".....w-whatt...h-how...d-did u..." said me, stuttering..
he smirked with his hands still on the door, just over my shoulders... his face was getting closer and closer, I closed my eyes tightly and I felt a peck on my cheeks... d-did he just...... did he just KISSED ME?!! JOHAN KISSED MY CHEEKS!! CHEEKS!!! PLURAL!! I felt my face was getting hotter and hotter.. I was standing there, didn't blink for a minute and then he placed his hand on my cheek..

"Happy Birthday my Princess.. :)"

I looked confuse and clueless and the same time... then he said,
"it's late already.." He paused and looked at his watch - 11:00pm.
"u should go now.. ur parents might get worried bout u.."

I nervously turned and pulled the door knob... I walked down and I saw him catching up, right behind me... I was kinda surprised seeing him so close behind me, that I almost tripped and fall down the staircase ... but he managed to pull me by my hand and then pulled me closer to his body, automatically became a hug... My heart was beating fast... faster than normal.. what's wrong with me? am I sick? I don't think so.. u don't think that I-I.... no way... this can't be... THERE'S NO FREAKING WAY!!

"CAREFUL! u can die falling from this height!"

I swallowed my saliva, blinked weirdly and stuttered..."...t-thanks...", I said as I felt my face becoming red hot... his mother was there, watching from below, at the 1st-2nd step... gasping.. he let me go and I ran out to avoid any embarrassing eye contact with his mom..

OMAII... I slowly,awkwardly open up my house door... ran up straight to my room right after I got in... avoiding any family members of mine see my tomato-red face... my heart still couldn't stop beating like crazy! it's like I just finished running for a 10km marathon.. what is exactly wrong with me?! I could feel my face burning red.. aahhh What do I do NOW?! do I really.... l-like him? I never felt this before... Damn u Johan.. u made me like this... aahhh......... EOTTEOKHAE?!!

I threw my bag on the floor and jumped on bed, grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, "DON'T U EVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN TO ME!!!!!! AAARRHHHH!!!!!!" while kicking my feet in the air.. then I pulled the pillow off my face, touched my cheek, where he kissed me and smiled... "AHHH!! I'm going crazy!!! kyahahahahaha!! :DD" then my mom banged the door..

"Aisyah! ape tuh? dorg da tido la! dah! GI TIDO!"
"ye~ *heheh:P*" *talking to myself*
"Pabo~ look at what u made me do Johan.. hyyaaaaaaaa ;DD"
my phone rang..... it's Johan..

me, "w-what now...?"
"nothing.. I just felt that I wanna hear ur voice..:)" He said with a deep voice. I could just imagine him smirking.
"u heard it already... nite~"
"what nowwww..?"
"umm...tomorrow ......."
"wanna go somewhere? after school I mean..."
"I don't know... I'll ask my parents first.. I'll tell u tomorrow morning kay?"
"okay.. I really hope u can come.. I wanna show u something :D"
"okay.. I'll try.."
"goodnight princess..:)"
*hangs up*

It was Friday morning.... I got really sleepy.. I couldn't sleep well last night... the thing Johan did to me last night kept replaying in my mind... Just thinking about it made me smile..:))) my mom looked at me,

"ko ni knpe? pagi2 da senyum cm kambing.. ape? boyfriend ko propose?"
"amende umi nih...?! pagi2 da merepek.."
*hahaha I WISH he did!! ^0^*
"ah umi!"
"nnt lpas skola kakak nk pgi somewhere leh?"
"gi mna? ngn spe? Johan?"
"aahh'a...... :P"
"pergi la... smlm mak die da tny lu.."
"oh eh? so, bleh eh? :DD"
"pergi la... lgi pon smlm kn bday ko.. die buat something kot.."
"okayy :DD"
I smiled and I continued ironing my school uniform.. :))

At school, the first class was History... which was getting me sleepy by the second! at last, I asked permission to go to the toilet and wash my face to avoid me from sleeping for real! I came back, but the cool water made me sleepier! I sat straight and Johan spoke,

"couldn't sleep well last night?"
that made me woke up! I forgot that he sits next to me..!
(my actual table partner changed schools btw.. her family was in some kind of trouble.. so, she had to go back to her village in Pahang)
"yeah.. last night was hard.. Thanks to u..=0="
"me? why u're welcome:))"
"u're that happy to see me couldn't sleep? =0= oh and where we're going after school?"
"just somewhere... wait and see.."

School ended... I was looking for him at the bus stop... I mean, looking outside since he's driving me home... I looked back inside, I saw him talk with some friends of mine... I wonder what he said to them.... so, I tried to 'stalk' them from behind.. ..closer... a bit more... come on u guys speak louder! "BOO~!" he startled me from my back.. "AHH!! Johan! =0=" gestured to hit him... apparently he has great ears.. so, I got caught... =0=''

"what were u doing? haha acting like u wanna eat someone.." Johan asked me.
"eat someone? u think I want to eat u? pffttt"
"who knows... u might think that I'm SO handsome, that u want to gobble me up :P"
"wwhhhaaaaa... o.O u and u're imagination... anyway.. when are we going home?"
"yes, we're going.. come on let's go~" He starts pulling my bag.
Elyza, "eh? u're going home TOGETHER?!"
"yeah.. what? I thought u knew already.. he's my neighbour remember..."
"aahhh... xde bnde lain eh? haha"
"xde~~ :DD"

We got home... he said for me to dress nice in about 3 hours... he went for his Solat Jumaat first, then he'll come back and take me somewhere... so, after he got back from the masjid (I HATE to say the word mosque.. My mom said Englishmen called it mosque because of the sound of the azan sounded like mosquitoes..noisy.. pffttt=0='')... I went out, waiting for him to finish..

He walks out and he looked really......SHINee.... I don't have anything else to comment other than that... seriously! Love Like Oxygen's attire.... Jonghyun's... haha SAME!!

Mine was simple... and sweet..:D I saw him locking the doors to his house and bent down, wearing his shoes..

"ur parents are not home again, Johan?" I said while walking to his house gate.
"uh? yeah.. my mom just had to go shopping.. there was a sale in Parkson or something.. why?"
"nothing... just asking.. I didn't see ur mom the whole day.." I said.
"miss her? don't u miss me? haha:D" He looked at me from below, fixing his shoe.
"and why should I miss u? I just saw u at school today... and btw, why are u dress like Jonghyun?"

"huh? Jonghyun? *looking down at his clothes* oh this.... haha I just mixed and match my clothes.. look at u.. the same theme as me...! what's with that?" He stood up and pointed at my clothes.
"hey, I wore these first before u! u're the one following me.."
"oh well, people with sense of fashion always looks good right?"
"haha true^.^v" I made a V-sign.
"u look nice btw.. :)" He complimented me.
"Thank you.... now can we go?"

"oh yeah, we're taking the Odyssey (his dad's Honda car.. his parents used his mini cooper).."
"oh? why? are there others following?"
"yeah.. I asked them yesterday if they wanted to go also.. u're fine with that right?"
"oh me? I'm fine! it's much better with more people around.. u can't do anything weird to me again.. :D" I said.
"what weird thing? and again?"
"YEAH! u know... what u did last night...=0="
"that's considered weird? humm.. I thought that's considered cool~ haha :D"
"hek'ko cool =0="

we got out of Desa Bestari and he droved to Taman Mawar.. we were in front of Elyza's house...

"..Elyza? so all of them are my friends?"
"yeah.. MY friends are Koreans.. so, the friends here are ur friends..."
"aren't they ur friends also?"
"yeah they are.. but I categorized them as yours.."
"why is that?"

He didn't answer...=0='' so.. there were Elyza, Dilla and Nadia.. the boys followed too.. but they didn't ride together with us.. Johan said that they will wait at the destination... then, the girls started talking,

"Raja~ nasib aq xpkai bju putih gak.."
"npe Elyza?"
"sbb aq xnk jdi org tgh korg..."
"maksud ko?"
"tgk la korg.. theme baju sama~"
others were, "oh a'ah laa.... fuyoo..."
Dilla, "ye2 jer Raja kata xnk couple2 nih.."
Johan and me, "we're NOT a couple!"
elyza, "haha tgk2 sync..:DD mmg sesuai la korg.."
My face started going red.

Nadia, "tgk muke raja da merah da... haha :DD"
Johan took a glimpse at me, "haha.. Aisyah.. u okay?"
"huh? *I touched my cheeks* I-I'm fine..."
We arrived at the place... It was at............

The story gotten long somehow... I don't know how to cut it:P
next chapter--> :DD
please 'like' and comment! ^0^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cite kau mcm novel la,
hihi, aku gelak/sera pun ade, huahuahua =3
i loike !

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