It's Tuesday and it's a to-the-lab-do-an-experiment-chemistry-day.... I got all the books and guides ready for the experiment that we're going to do for today... It's like Johan's second day at school and he's already getting ready for an experiment.. so lucky.. well, no surprise... he did came to this school in the middle of the year.. ....why did he came here in the first place and in all of the dates in this world, why in the middle of the year? to escape the scorching summer sun of South Korea? I dunno... I'd like to ask him about that.....someday.So, back to the experiment thing... we're supposed to do our PEKA experiment for today, so...we're going to be in groups of 4... unfortunately, the class is short by 2 persons... so the last group is a couple group.. and guess WHAT?! I'm in that exact LAST-short-of-2-people group! and my partner for the day iiiiiiissssss........*drum rolls* ..................................JOHAN!! YAY!! ^0^
I seriously can't believe it that the teacher refused that other students get in that group with him... ahaha.. well, the actual logical reason to this grouping 'system' is that he's a new kid, so, since I'm pretty much the most reliable in the teacher's eyes, I just had to 'accompany' him for extra comprehension of the class itself... PLUS he's been away from Malaysia for so long, he might not get to understand fully of what the teachers explained about the topic discussed... soo.. yeah... that happened.. BUT STILL! haha he's with me!! who'd knew? ^0^
again back to the experiment thing, I got all the procedures and plans jotted down on paper, so it's easier to do the experiment itself... It's just a matter of taking the apparatuses and materials needed and EXPERIMENT, GO! :DD
so, I was getting the apparatuses and such, he came together with the paper, checking the list of apparatuses needed for the experiment..
Johan, "so, we're going to need a beaker, two conical flasks...""I got it already~ what's next? *I look at the 'check-list' in his hands*"me, "umm...I'll get the Bunsen burner and the retort stand, u get the tripod stand and two test tubes.""okay boss~! (^0^)>" He salutes to me like a police officer.
so, we got all the things ready.. time to start! It was a soap and detergent experiment so... I read the procedures to the experiment,
"Weigh 5 g of solid sodium hydroxide, and put into a clean 150ml beaker. Add 15 ml of ethanol, and 15 mlof distilled water to the beaker. Stir to dissolve the sodium hydroxide.... DO IT JOHAN! >:D"
"yesss boossssssss~~~~""...(30secs).....u done with it yet?""It'll finish faster if u just HELP~!""okaay2 haha I'll help~ don't be mad~" I helped him and carried on with the experiment.
I carried on reading the procedures and Johan followed them STRICTLY! he said if one thing goes wrong, there goes his marks for his SPM.. haha he was THAT scared to take the 'legendary' SPM... well, he IS right~ so, I followed his instructions and he followed mine too... we got the experiment going fine... we finished second after a girl group.. the teacher takes the report made by us, students, and ranks them in place for perfect teamwork, results and report writing..
the teacher ranked us the 'winners' of the experiment! we finished OURS with great results and the teacher praised us for being 'perfect' with the experiment and report also..all thanks to Johan's strict procedures..XD others were green with envy with our 'chemistry' together... the teacher gave us a little present for finishing fast and perfect.... I wondered what it was since she got it from behind the-no-entry-or-the-authorized-personnel-only-door...
after she got back from there, there was a sweet-blue-orange-striped-paper-bag in her hands..

she gave it to us and the class ended... everyone were dismissed and it's recess time.. after we got our brunch at the koperasi, we walked together to the open hall, where I usually spend my recess time with my friends... we sat on the floor and I personally 'attacked' the insides of the bag and in it was

.... 2 bars of black forest chocolate bars! my fave!! ^0^ I smiled ear to ear and shrieked-mutely and showed Johan what was in the bag... He was like...
o.O "what? it's just chocolates...""not just ANY chocolates.. It's my favourite chocolates! It's BLACK FOREST CHOCOLATES!""haha u like it that much? haha :D""no I don't like it... I LOVE IT! :DD""doesn't girls usually worry 'bout their figures? u, aren't u worried?""ME?! haha of course NOT! why? Is it weird to see a girl not worrying about their figure?""well, ever since I lived in Seoul, the only girls I see are anorexic girls. so, a bit weird? but in a good way though.. aaaahhhh.. FINALLY! no more whining about body parts from girls.." He sighs and looks up at the ceiling."haha I knew it's like that in Seoul.. the girls there are too obsessed with their physical appearance.""yeah.. *looks at me* agree on that...:D"
we continued talking until my friends came from the same koperasi with the things they bought to eat and drink and lick......(ice cream u perverts XDD).. They saw us together since morning and Elyza started the conversation with a question,
"korang ni couple ker? dari pagi tdi aq tgk korg berkepit jer. Geli plak aq tgk korg brdua ni la.."Dilla, "eleh Raja tuu bukan leh percaya sgt. Mase Hidayah couple pon die bantah btol, TENGOK! KO TENGOK ape jadi!"me, "amnde korg nih....? jgn tduh2 teman kn die laa.. budak laki kt skola kte nih bukan leh harap..lagi pon, die yg nk ikut aq.. aq bior je le.."Dilla and Nadia, "alasaaannn....."
Johan, "betul la ape Aisyah ckp. die teman kn jer la kt skola. Besides, I, too, am against these coupling things. xbest la couple2 time skola.."Elyza 'whispering' to Dilla and Nadia, "Aisyaaah~ hahahahaha XDD" and they laughed.
me, "APE..? APE?! da nama aq.. biar la. korg xtau rmai lagi bdak laki dlm kelas aq pggl aq Aisyah..""TAHU LAH!" they all said in unison..
Recess ended just like that and we went back in class with the girls still suspicious of our closeness.. "jealous~*merong:P*" I said to myself, Johan who was besides me heard it and smiled..
Add math was HARD~ thankfully Johan was next to me (ah! yeah my table partner is still absent since Monday btw.. so, he still sits in the her place..), he helped me with math the problems... It's actually easier for me to understand his explanation than the teacher's explanation of the exact same problem... he explained it well, so, I was FINALLY able to understand what the teacher was talking about.. then he said,
"umm.....want me to tutor u personally?"":DD really?! U MEAN IT?!" I was smiling ear to ear.
"yeah I mean it... the price for it......"
"awwww.. I have to pay? finee~" *pout*
"haha :D well, it's not that much...""how much then?" *pout again*"*smiled(probably thinking I was cute.....again:P)* ....just enough for me have my lunch and companion throughout the year." He paused."THROUGHOUT THE YEAR?!"O.O I thought.".. don't worry, the items for u to cook for me is all under my family's money.. all u have to do is cook lunch for me..""THAT'S ALL.....? GREAT!! YAY! A PRIVATE TUTOR! ^0^" He laughed and smiled.
next chapter--> :DDplease 'like' and comment! ^0^
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