Thursday 3 March 2011

[fic006] When A Girl and Boy 'Stuck' In A Room..

It's been a week since Johan came here and we're getting to know each other better everyday... AH! and I get tutors from him... :DD yeah he made me cook lunch for him.. =0= oh well, it's far better to study with a HOTTIE like Johan himself.. :DD beats paying hundreds to a no good tuition centre too.. :DD
so...we decided that, I have him tutor me for every Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays... right after school-shower-lunch and such:P... Since Wednesdays are our school's sports day... or should I say the co-curriculum day, no tutoring was scheduled on that day... Fridays, it's Saturday night, so.... REST!! :DDD any changes are made by phone.. so.. yeah we hang out a lot.. (AND NO, I DON'T ABANDON MY FRIENDS... he hangs together with us..:D)

for the tutoring, we'll have Biology, Chemistry, Physics and others(u know the science stream subjects) based on the scheduled time... before we started at first, we asked our parents for approval.. u know, just in case they're worried that we do something 'else'.. u get what I meant...=.=

It took our parents about 2hours to decide... That's actually a fast reply, because it's about me, being alone-in-a-room with a BOY! They approved of our tutoring sessions and 'other things' too... =0='' I don't really get what they meant 'other things'.... what? they think we'd date each other? If that is so, wow they're fast to approve of that~ O.O something's fishy here....=.=''

ANYWAY... back to the tutoring thing.. Johan made me come to in his house, HIS ROOM to be precise, for him to tutor me.. he said that since HE's the one tutoring, why bother coming to MY house and tutor ME... and yet he made me cook lunch for him..=0='' lazy bum...

well at least his room is nice.... it's not a bad place to study since his room is HUGE! I mean literally! he has his guitars, his piano, too, placed in his room... yeah.. guitar'S'... he has like, 3 or 4 guitars in his room... bass, electric, acoustic.. those things... while studying, he would play around with his guitar and make up songs for formula/facts memorizing.. haha it's a pretty good idea since I'm TERRIBLE at memorizing 'textbooks' ;P....

today, we were studying for add maths... he played a soft ballad on his guitar while I'm doing the revision papers he gave to me..... he looks really cool with his guitar.. like a gentleman with his piano.. (YES, he did once play the piano for me:DD) with his awesome voice, uwaaahhh I can just imagine him being a star already... spotlights, stages, fans.. aaahhh I'm his #1 fan then! ^0^

suddenly, he stops playing the guitar and stared at me when he saw me 'thinking' too deep.

"YAH!! daydreaming?! Do the work I gave u!" He shouted and pointed at the papers he gave to me.
"ah! mian.... but it's all YOUR fault!! u distracted me!" I said while pointing at his face.
"that's the point! (damn it author, WTH with all the points?! =0='') u can't be distracted while doing ur work..!"
"but u made me. *whispering alone - looks down* u're too cool to let my eyes off u.."
"um?...what did u say?"
"....nothing." I said while still looking down - afraid that he might hear it.

".....whatever.. just do it.. one wrong, 5 push-ups.." He said gesturing numbers on his hand.
"WHAAATT?!!! I'm a girl! D:"
"so? a girl can do push-ups too u know.. AND I reduced the amount already!"
"...b-but I can't do push-ups..."
"no excuses... a punishment is still a punishment!"
"aawww.... *aegyo*JOHAAANNNN~~~~"
"and NO aegyo-s accepted..!"
"hummp.... FINEE!!" I opened up a new page harshly and pouted. He smirked and kept playing his guitar.

(after 5mins of terrible strumming to distract me purposes)
"SHUT UP! I CAN'T FOCUS!!!! D:<" I shouted, getting angry at him.
"WHAT?! I can't play my guitar NOW?! in MY room?!"
"well, duh.... I want to study...! PA~BO~"
"who's the PABO here? mirror urself first before saying that.."
"whatever Johann......"

He continues to distract me with his piano playing he played Brown Eyed Souls' Nothing Better.

"meeeerrrooonnngggg :P" (merong-korean for uweekkk:P)
*now I'm serious!* "Stop it! or I'll.... I'll tell ur mom that u fought with the teacher about a simple math problem!"
"Don't u dare do that!"
"I dare~ merong :P"
"why u little! make that TEN PUSH-UPS YOUNG GIRL!!"
"fighting with the tutor, FIFTEEN PUSH-UPS!!"
"JOHAN!!!" I yelled at him..

"Johan... ape tu...?" His mom probably heard us from below.. she was walking upstairs..
"ni tengok anak auntie nih!!" I shouted,

he came to me and put his hands on my mouth, forcing me to shut up.. that shocked me...! my heart.... it felt weird.. what's wrong with it? then we heard footsteps and saw shadows from outside of the door..

"aahh xde ape maa.. Aisyah ni haa. Die xpham, bsing lak die.." He lied.
"haaa ye laa belajar elok2 jgn gduh..." His mom said.
"yes ma'am..." His mom walks away, then he looks at me,
"YOU! if u EVER, EVER! do that again, I swear I'll kill u!"
"swear or no swear, u can't kill me..
u just don't have the guts to do it..*meronggg:P*"
"oh, u think? HAHAHA take THIS!" He charged me and starts tickling me, forcing me to LMAO*
"I'll make u die, LAUGHING!"
"hahahahaXD S-Stop! S-STO-OP..I-IT!!! XD JOH-HAN!!"

he refused to stop, and continues tickling me.. I fell from my sitting position, before I knew it, I was lying on the floor, still laughing... AND he was on top of me.. still tickling me.. I was occupied with the laughing so, I didn't even notice that he was on top of me...


I managed to grab his hands...finished laughing.. then I noticed, he was on top of me... I was shocked.... then he said, "what? want some more?" he smirked, and came closer to my face.. I could feel my face burning red.. So, I cupped my face with my hands... and stuttered,

"...g-get off m-me.."
"oh come on~~ I thought u wanted some more," He tried to tickle me more, I faced to the right and tried to stand up.
"I-I b-better go now...." I stuttered.

I stood up from lying down, picked up my books and stationeries and start to walk out the room.... then, he grabs my arm, when I just placed my hands onto the door knob... and he asked me,

".....and where are YOU going?" He paused. I just stood there, like a statue.
"u haven't even finish yet.. u can only go AFTER u finish the work I gave u.." He continued.

well, I had to stay.. I don't want to be stupid in my SPM later... so, I sat back down, avoid eye contact with him(afraid that he might see my tomato face) and work on the set of papers... he sat back down on his bed and scrutinizing some car magazine.. The atmosphere was weird... he seemed okay with it... like nothing just happened..

45 minutes later... I finished the papers, gave it to him and packed up my stuff when he was checking the answers to the papers... I placed my hands on the door knob once again... I stopped, turned around, and asked him,

"umm..... c-can u please... d-don't tell anyone about what happened before.."
"....what happened before? ooohhh.. u meant ur face became red when I was on top of u?" He smirked. I shut my eyes for awhile and sighed.
"..y-yeah.. that... d-don't tell anyone about that..please?"
"what if I do?" He threatened me.
"u.... umm..... I.... umm......" I stuttered and looked down.

He came closer to me,forcing me to back away... closer... closer... my back was already at the door... then he suddenly places his hands on the door, trapping me against the door itself... he faced me and whispered to my ear,

"What will u do if I'll tell the WHOOLLEE world that u, Raja Aisyah Zahira, likes a boy named, Muhammad Johan bin Mohd Dahari, and was tickled by him on her birthday?"
Birthday...? today's my birthday?!
".....w-whatt...h-how...d-did u..." said me, stuttering..

He smirked with his hands still on the door, just over my shoulders... his face was getting closer and closer, I closed my eyes tightly and ....................

next chapter--> :DD
please 'like' and comment! ^0^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tomato face
bhahahahahah =3

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