Sunday 13 March 2011

[fic009] Who The HECK is HER?!


"u sure u wanna ride this Johan?"
"YEAH! oh come on... the line will shorten up... just wait kay3?"
"okay... we could've just went for the other games first u know.."
"I know.. but I want to go on this one first..:)"
aaww.. how can I reject his smile?
without noticing, I was smiling to myself like a crazy person...
I giggled a bit and someone behind me, said something... I think he's cursing at me.. I THINK the person's a HE... because the person sure cursed...aloud.... it was weird.... suddenly cursing for no reason at all.. was the person cursing at the long line? I don't think so.. the line was getting shorter already.. the cursing person still hasn't stop cursing... WTH? I was kinda irritated by it... so I looked back.... it was a GIRL?!! MAYA?! WHAT THE HECK is SHE doing here?!


*after school*

wwwaahhhh~ today is so hot.... should I go to the library and cool off? aahh.. I can't be just sitting there enjoying the free air-cond and watch the free(wasting-energy)TV... I should bring some books.... let's seeee... any homeworks?
*flips the pages of my small notebook*
aaah~ Add Math... my arch enemy
(don't use the word nemesis--> related to Greek 'gods' don't believe me? go google it~)
of the year..=.='' I'm HORRIBLE at it!! why can't I solve the problems easily like I always do on my Modern Maths?! It's not that far different..=.='' ooh~! hopefully Johan is at the library too.. he's a genius in Add Maths..! :DD where is he anyway? I haven't seen him for a day.. let's just see if he's there.. LIBRARY HERE I COME~~! :DD

Johan's POV(Point Of View)

I was at the library 'studying' some astronomical reading materials available in there... surprisingly, there's LOTS of it.. so, picked a few books for myself and seated myself at a nearby table... when I started reading....

"hey Johan~!" aahh that annoying girl... why can't she just leave me alone for at least 10 minutes?!
"oh hey Maya.. what are u doing here?" *not looking at her*
"nothing~ just wanted to hang around with u.. :D"
"oppa... can't we go somewhere else?"
"No.. I'm busy over here.."
"oh come onn.... can't we walk around the field or something? the library is SOO boorrriiinggggg~~"
"if u really want to go, just go.. I'm busy.."
"ohh oppaaaa~~~~~"

"as-salaaaamualaikuum..." a familiar voice was heard at the door. I looked at the door, it was.. AISYAH! u're here! FINALLY! THANK GOD! save me from this brat over here!

"oh hey Johan.. I knew u would be here.." Aisyah said smiling.
oh how I love her sweet smile... :))
hope she only gives that sweet smile to me....ONLY!

"hey Aisyah.. I knew u're going to be here also. *looks at her hand by her side* I see u're going to study for add maths....again.."
"yeahh.. the problems really are that difficult for my poor brain *pats her head* to find a solution for each of it.. can u help me with some of the problems?"
aww she's so cute! :DD

"sure, why not? here, sit.. step aside will u Maya?"
*Maya stepped aside and I pulled a seat for Aisyah*
"....thanks :D" said Aisyah smiling again..
awww... I'm melting over her warm smile :DD
haha Maya is jealous I'm pulling a seat for Aisyah...
and she's really next to me.. great!
If I keep this up, she'll go away for sure!

Maya's POV

tch.. that b***h.. she's always stealing my spot... How dare Johan pushed me away for some ugly girl which I HATE the most?! what's so special about her anyway? I'm FAAARRRR FAAARRRR better than her.. I have great-smooth-milky-white skin, long legs, thin and sexy curves, big eyes, sharp nose, perfect jawline.... how can she, the ugly-fat-tanned-skinned-acne-faced-girl take my precious-handsome-perfect Johan away from me? What does she have that I, Maya Ashila the perfect girl in school, doesn't?! NO WAY I'm gonna let her take MY JOHAN that easily! no boy escapes my grasps without I, myself, dumps him... nu-uh~ u're not gonna get him away from ME! HE'S MINE!!

Aisyah's POV

I was discussing with Johan about a question my Add Math teacher gave to me earlier today... the others in the class actually understood what she said in class... I just COULDN'T get anything she explained right into this thick skull of mine!

"so.. x2 + 8x + 20 = 0 we learnt this before didn't we?" said Johan.
"yeah we did.. but I couldn't get why the answer is like this." I showed him the answer the teacher gave earlier in class.
"Aisyah! this is EASY!" He looked at me like I'm some kind of a rabbit.
(A/N: I have NO idea why rabbits pops in my mind... :P)
"yeah2 whatever smarty pants.. I'm not a genius like u.. so? wanna help me or not? =.="
"ohoho.. I'm a genius.."
"yah!" I hit him.
"okay2 I'll help:D first, u do it like this... then, this......becomes like this.... bla..bla...bla..."

as I was 'fighting' with Johan, Maya butts in.. that stupid brat~ =.='''

"oppa~ I thought u're going to come with me..*aegyos puppy eyes*..." said the devil while pulling Johan's arm(hard! =.='')tearing the paper we're doing.

"what the....... look at what u did! u tore the homework she was doing! apologize to her now!" said Johan. Oh my..he sounds really irritated...:[
"why should I? what did I do?" She acted innocent, while crossing her arms. 
"don't u play innocent with me... apologize! now!"

"sssshhhhhh!!!!!!!" said the librarian on duty as she puts a finger to her lips and her other hand on her waist. uh-oh...not good..
"umm...J-Johan.. It's okay. I'll just tape it back.. don't worry.." I said trying to calm things down..
"but it's ur book... and SHE *points at her* tore it......on purpose." He glared at Maya.
"it's okay... don't worry... I'll deal with it later. Umm...u know what? we'll continue this tonight kay?"
"huuhh......." he had this, oh-no-don't-leave-me-with-this-*****-alone, face.
"so, I'll take my leave first before the librarian sees my face and reports to the library teacher." I quirkily covers half of my face, packed my stuff and went out the door.
"see ya tonight~" he waved and mouthed to me..

outside the library while wearing my shoes.
OMG.. Maya is totally annoying! what does she want?
she had done many things before and now what?!
She came from overseas too and I had expected this since the day
she walked in our class..
She targets the boys first and label them as hers..
I knew this day would come... I just knew it..

~end of flashback~

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" she scolded me,
...huh? OMG did I just flashback-ed my memory in front of her?!
*quickly turns around, accidentally bumped Johan's back(muscles XDD)*
"oh! Sorry Johan... :p" I rubbed my forehead.
"huh? u okay.. my back's that hard huh?" He smirked playfully.
"since when?! hahaha XDD"
"ppfftt.. whatever, I know u liked touching my hard back muscles.." He flexed his back muscles.
"shut up Johan..=.="
".....aahh when are we gonna get in?" He did 'tiny-jogs' in one place.
"see? didn't I told u? we should've just went to the other games first.."
"I guess u're right... wanna go somewhere else?"
"naahh.. we're almost there already.. no turning back!" I pointed my finger and wiggled it at his face.
"okay my princess" He gestured his hands to caress my chin. (A/N: not even touching it! sexxyyy;P) Then he turns around, his back faced me again.
"yahh... public..." I hit his back, and my face turned red.

Maya's POV

OMG, did he just stroked her chin?! uh-no HE DIDN'T! how could he?! I'M HIS GIRL!!! (A/N: yeah.. she's crazy=.=) he needs a piece of my mind, seriously! just wait and see... I'll do something that might hurt her, Johan... no, scratch that, I WILL hurt her.. hahahaha >:D *evil laughs in mind*

next chapter--> :DD
please 'like' and comment! ^0^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like johan muscles,
woot, woot :p

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