The time sure flies with us chatting, laughing, listening to K-pop in the car... We sang along the songs together like we're in a reunion or something... It's not like we haven't met for weeks nor months.. It's just us being..US :DD so..... after about an-hour-long-drive(thanks to the traffic =.=), we finally arrived at the place Johan wanted to make a 'surprise' of... Johan entered the basement parking area and parked the car near the 'entrance'(lift), and we went to the 'entrance' later that minute... He led the way inside the HUGE building and it was an indoor theme park... others knew we're going here.. and I was the only one who didn't know a thing about this... surprise surprise? Well, it has been awhile since I've been in a theme park... so, no harm done..:DD
as we walked closer the theme park entrance, and I saw the boys standing there, whining... Haha we were 'a bit' late I guess... Hazmi saw us and he waved at us.. Johan ran to them and they shook hands..
"Apsal lmbt? lama kteorg tggu kt sni.." I stood closer to them..(I meant in an appropriate distance)"oh hey Raja.. Happy belated Birthday:D" Hazmi said."oh, thanks.. I'm getting old.. huhu""Yeah u are! XD" He laughed.
"heyy... ko tua dlu sblm aq ehh...*merong*:P" He went silent after that... haha loser..
"korg smpai kul bpe? lama tggu?" I asked."skrg pkul....*looks at his watch* 4:10pm, kteorg kt sni by.....3:55 tdi.. so lama ahh..""llaaaa skjap jer pon... tu pon da mengeluh....?"again, he went silent... he's weird today..o.O
"SO? we're going in?" said Johan breaking the silence."YEAH LET'S GO~!" all of us said in unison..."tch..tu pon nk smbut.. da la lmbt.." complained Izzat.what's his problem? hmm.. once a psycho, always a psycho. (there was Hazmi, Gajen, Izzat, Naqib, Aiman and Tofu btw:P)
Johan was counting the boys and girls, and total of 11 people... ssooo.... since it's a weekday, and we're with our ICs, RM32 times 11~ RM352... the others gave their RM32 and my ticket was covered by Johan's money..Yippee~~ :DD
I jumped like a kid when we started wearing our wristband tickets and going in the theme park itself.. :DD Johan smiled when he saw me like that.. even though I'm 17 already.. it's like I'm 7! :P
so, we set our watches together and decided to group back at the entrance by 6:45pm... after that, we split up and I went with the girls... we were walking around, pointing at things and then I stopped when saw this little stall(?) near a bumper car area.. It sells cute-funky-keychains...
"aawww.. so cutee... u guys look at this! ooh! ooh! I like this one~!" I held a small lollipop phone chain.

I turned my head and realized that I was talking alone.What the... Where the heck did they go? "Dilla? Elyza? Nadia? where did u guys go?" I tried 'scanning the nearby area... they're not there!"Okay... This is NOT funny u guys. You guys? *bit my lip* RIGHT! I'll just call them. *took out my phone* ...maybe later.. :P"
I put my phone back in my blue coach bag and started running my fingers through the other kinds of chains available at the stall.. they were SO CUTE!! ^0^

I held the 'head' with orange hair and a blue star on it. suddenly, I heard a voice, talking to me.."ko nk bli ke bnde alah tu?" a boy said, "huh?" I turned to my right and saw Johan staring at the thing I was holding.... his face was so close... it's like he's placing his chin on my shoulders..
I looked at him, automatically, our eyes met.. His eyes were so... mesmerizing... I stared at his eyes... OMG... I'm falling deep in his eyes.. I can't snap out of it.. It just sucks me in like a black hole..somebody help me...
"hello~~ earth to Aisyah... u there?" waved Johan in front of my eyes."huh? what did u say?" I snapped back to 'Earth'"I saaiiddd... u wanna buy this?" He pointed at my hands."huh? *looks at my hands* oh this? why? wanna treat me? hehe:P""sure if u want one.. I'll take..umm...this one too~" He took a similar keychain but with green hair."are u for real? u're buying me this?" *shocked face*
"yeah... it's ur birthday right? so, I have the 'right' to spend my money on u. besides, my mom gave me extra money to buy u stuffs. She was kinda sorry that she couldn't hold a birthday party for u, so, she gave money instead..""wow... am I THAT special to u guys?""HECK YEAH! u helped my mom when she was all by herself. so, she was happy to have u around,"
"Coooool... so now I have like, four moms... :DD""four? where did u get the other two?""well, one is my mom.. two is your mom.. three is my mak angkat. and fourth is my beloved teacher Chuah..:DD" I said while counting with my fingers.. and he paid for the keychains."teacher Chuah? why her?""coz, she's REALLY similar to my umi.. :D even their birthdays are close! :D" I said smiling ear to ear.. he giggled seeing me smile brightly.
"whhaaattt? something on my face?""yeah... there is.." He giggled."what? where?" I looked up to a black plastic thingy to see my reflection."there nothing on it! YOU~"
"what? there is... here can't u see this?" He pointed on my cheeks.
"WHAT? where? there's nothing on it.. Johaannn...""yes, there is.. ur beautiful smile.. I'm blinded by it..""aahh mwwoooyaaahh~~ *I hit his arm* u're so CHEESSYYY~~!""haha.. I know.."
I took the keychain(my keychain) from the plastic bag and start to link it to by bag zipper.. he did the same, but to his jean holes(for the belt thingy..haha HOLES..XDD)...We were still joking around while walking through the theme park like a perfect-loving-couple would do..with the 'couple keychains' attached.. yeah, we're EXACTLY like a couple... when he pointed to the looping roller coaster, I stopped to watch it..
"...u wanna ride it?" He said*blink blink*"I dunno.. I'm kinda scared of these things.." I turned to him with a horrified look."come on one ride won't kill..""I dunnoo...." I said, rubbing the back of my head."oh ccoommeee onn~" *putting his puppy eyes on & pouting*"aawww.... so cute! ^^", I thought.
"arasso2... stop doing that.. u look like a kid..""try and guess where I learnt that from.." He mumbled."what did u say?""nothing..^^ LET'S GO~!" He pulled me to the roller coaster queueing line..
We lined up... GOD the line was LOOONGGG...
"u sure u wanna ride this Johan?""YEAH! oh come on... the line will shorten up... just wait kay3?""okay... we could've just went for the other games first u know..""I know.. but I want to go on this one first..:)"aaww.. how can I reject his smile? without noticing, I was smiling to myself like a crazy person...
I giggled a bit and someone behind me, said something... I think he's cursing at me.. I looked back... the person was............
next chapter--> :DDplease 'like' and comment! ^0^
Raja! I want to be the person who curses you! Haha! xD LOL
haha cannot~ :P I already got someone for that character :DD
I know who! I know who!! xD
amboiii... suke diee.... :DD
Me too me too. Aku pon maybe tau sape. Hehehe
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