"Johan~" I called to him.. he answered,"yeah?"
I gave a look to him.. he said,"what?"
"...pricey stuff again?"
"my mom said not to come home with your hands empty.."
"MY hands? It's okay really.. I don't really need anything.."
"It's not something u need... It's something u want.. so, anything u want?"
I thought about the thing I 'wanted' as we walked through the shops around the area.... I was thinking.... and thinking..... and thinking.... until...
"u REALLY don't have anything u REALLY want?" said Johan, emphasizing the word 'REALLY'. I nodded to the question.
"okay.. since u don't really have any 'wants'. 'll just pick something for you... to do that. I have to leave u somewhere alone for awhile..."
"oh? why? u 'kidnapped' me from my friends and simply leave me alone somewhere? Am I that easy-looking to u?" I crosed my arms and lifted my right brow..
"from afar, yes(?)" he said with a sarcastic tone.
"=.= what ever.. as long as I get something... pick something nice!"
"I can't promise that..:P" He teased. I made a 'don't-u-dare' look while biting my lower lips.
"okay2... u know, everything looks nice on u..." he smirked.
"very flattering pretty boy*sarcastic*... now go.. it's getting late"
I looked at my watch, 6:30pm... I looked up, he was gone..
"what the.... u left me just like that? =.="
"huuu.. my luck.. I'm all alone.....again" I said as I slumped my shoulders, looking and sitting down on a bench nearby.. people walking around the area rushing in and out of a boutique of some kind in front of me... all I could hear is promoting 'shouts' about a 10-minute-sale-rush... (A/N: you know those sales where the price only drops for 10 minutes(DUHHH! =.=) and changes back to normal after the 5 minute mark...)
I was kinda bored myself, so I decided to check out the sale... I squeezed myself and struggled in... wow the girls are strong when it comes to sales.. O.O they were having a blouse sale at the moment... the blouses were okay... pastel coloured, ruffles, laces, kinda short on the hips.....not my style.. I looked back outside, but I was being pushed by the girls who was trying to get the 'best' blouse available on the sale... a few pushes and 'wiggles'(I meant punches:P), I managed to struggle myself back out... I sat back at the bench....looking down on the floor.. spacing out..
then I felt my keychain wasn't on my bag zipper... the keychain Johan bought for me! WHERE IS IT?! I started rummaging my bag and the bench area... then I looked back at the crowded store... It can't be in there... I'm definitely dead, if it's there..O.O.. I stood up and started walking around the store entrance to see whether I could find my keychain from the outside... It must've fallen here or...somewhere... ahh where is it?!
After lots of tries and difficulties trying to find the keychain by the store, I sat back at the bench earlier, looking up, "aaahhh!! WHERE IS IT~!!" I said as I tried not to cry over the missing keychain Johan just bought for me.. T.T
"ummm... excuse me, but is this yours?" said a person standing in front of me, holding out something..
nice complexion for a boy, gentleman look, sexy jawline, oriental eyes, cool hair style, has manners, an eye candy(?)... he seems familiar to me, did I met or saw him somewhere before? ........oh? he looks like...........
"umm... hello? anyone there?" He waved in front of my eyes... I snapped out
and blinked a couple of times..
"uh? *looks at his face, then his hands.. it's my keychain!* oh..! my KEYCHAIN! where did u find this?!" I said back, smiling ear to ear, being thankful at him.
"Well, I saw it outside the store while I was walking through here. I was waiting if anyone wanted to claim for it. but then I saw u searching for something, so I thought it was yours.. :D" he said detailed-ly..
"oh thank u so much! this keychain really means a lot to me..! :D thank you thank you thank you!
Is there anything I could do to express my gratitude to u?" said myself, smiling.
"umm..... how about........dinner? with me.." I mentally slapped myself, *W-WHAT?! I barely know him!*
"it's okay if u don't want to.." he said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"n-no.... I'd love to.. but I-"
"AISYAH!" Johan shouted from afar while waving his arms towards me. uh-oh Johan's back.. I looked at him..
"oh hey Johan.. did u get the thing u wanted?"
"yeah.. I did....umm..who's this?" Johan said pointing at the person in front of me.
"It's ..umm...what's ur name again?" I said switching and tilting my head from Johan to the person.
"oh! I forgot to introduce myself earlier. It's Hairi.. umm..hi?" He said waving and smiling at Johan.
"oh....and u know her?" Johan said with his arms crossed and in a protective tone.
Hairi said, "....I-"
"ah.. he helped me find my keychain that I lost before :P" I said before Hairi answered Johan's question and showed Johan the keychain.
"u WHAT?! I left u for like 20 mins and u lost the keychain I bought u?" Johan's eyes wided.
".....what? I struggled through THAT *points at the crowded store* and lost it.. LUCKILY! Hairi here, found my keychain outside the store in one piece... kan kan kan? *kening kening at Hairi*"
"aha..yeah.." Hairi rubbed the back of his head..
"ehem..soo... u wanna go? or u'll stay and have dinner with me?" Hairi continued.
"ummm.... I don't know.. I barely know u. so.. can't I do anything else?" I asked him.
"do what?" Johan asked curiously.
I just smiled and didn't answer.
"hey! I'm asking u a question!" Johan pouted. oh~ he's pouting.. why~~? ^o^
"nothing~ *merong:P* " I teased him.
"oh come on~ what did u guys gonna do?" Johan said looking only at me. aha! he's jealous!
"like I just said... NAAH.THING. *turning away while flapping my hand* " I'm teasing him...more..
"yah! spill it!" he grabbed my shoulders and looked straight in my eyes. Yup! It's confirmed! he is jealous...
"w-what are u d-doing..?" I was shocked and stuttered my words out.
"I told u to spill it... what. were. u guys. gonna do?" Johan said one by one in a cold tone still holding my shoulders together.
"let me go Johan, people are staring... Johann~.." I whispered softly.
"I asked u a question... answer me first.." he's asking me coldly.. OMO he's scaring me..O.O
"hey2 what are u doing? let her go and know ur limits man." Hairi stopped Johan. Johan let me go.
"u okay over there Aisyah?" Hairi said, protecting me.
(A/N: he knew my name and Johan's when Johan shouted it before)
"and WHO are YOU to tell me that?! she's my girlfriend! stop flirting with her!" Johan said in an angry tone and pulled my arms, getting away from Hairi. GIRLFRIEND?! SINCE WHEN?!
We got a bit farther away from Hairi and I said,
"uh, J-Johan... let go.. it hurts... Jo~ han~" as his hand is squeezing my arm too hard.
He let go and faced his back at me, "*sigh hard*...I thought u like me." in a cold tone.
"okay, first of all, the word of me liking u never came out of my mouth, secondly, when did I became ur girlfriend? and thirdly, are u jealous that Hairi is somehow protecting me?" I answered uprightly..
"Of course I'm not...! why would I- ..tch ..get jealous of him?" his tone got softer and he looked down..
"why are u acting like this? u're being rude to someone whom I just been thankful of.." I said, which sounded like I'm nagging him.
"I was just........"
yeah I know there's a lot dialogues in this chapter... ;P
next chapter? ---> :DD

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