Friday 11 February 2011

hahahaha:DD sorry~

it has been like a month(?) ever since the last post...
AND guess WHAT?!!
I actually made the account.. HAHA :DD
i made it right after i posted the last post! XDD
i know i'm a hypocrite~ :P

NO, i didn't write any fanfics
just read the ones that are good enough to read~
some.. are.. just... bleh
but some makes my heart thumps and jumps and ALL!
the suspension they made for the fics are AWESOME!!
and i said to myself, "wow, i can't make one up~" :P

SOO... it's just me, reading fanfics on the Net,
and improving my English..
(eventhough my Malay is going down the drain~ =.= sorry cikgu)
REALLY need someone to write a fanfic in Malay.. can i really find any of those? XD
or should i make one? booolleeehhhhh .......blah~
NO WAYYY i'm gonna do that..
with the school works mounting like Everest in front of me, making one fic is just crazy~

oh well... i just have to find newspapers to read
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