Saturday 26 February 2011

[fic002] New Kid In Class...


It was Monday... Everyone was at the assembly... Snoozing while the principal have his long-same-old speech... The teachers at the sides seemed bored too.. haha and they said they're better than us students at assemblies... yeah right~

when the assembly ended, the prefects were to stay behind and were to give briefing about the duties that were given earlier the month.. I'm a prefect, so, I had to stay behind... aahh.. there goes my physics class..
I'm in my senior year, and I was elected as the Assistant Head Prefect.. The position was kinda a burden to me because of the other positions given to me as a student.. I was the class treasurer, the prefect, the head club of the music club, the head club of the Korean class/club... aanndd the list goes on if I would include the other positions I hold for the teachers individually... ever since most of my friends left our school, I'm left with the jobs they used to hold...

After the short meeting, I got my chair and walk towards class... On the way, Izzat, my ex-crush, was walking towards the door of my class.. Seeing me, he avoided eye contact with me.. You. are. still. a. psycho. I thought to myself.. he was talking to a classmate of mine, a member of the school magazine club.. they stepped aside, allowing me to come in the class..

In class, my table partner was absent.. so, I sat alone.. fortunately, my physics teacher was, too, absent... I forgot to bring my physics module. thank god she's absent..! A few minutes later, came in my chemistry teacher.. a student was accompanying her..... his face......... JOHAN?! :O
I looked at him, surprised. My ajar mouth was just hanging there waiting for a fly to come in. He looked around the class and finally took a glimpse at me, surprised too. He lifted his brows, and gave a smile while looking at me. I smiled and caught other girls were sitting up, staring at him, then ogled at me when he smiled at me.

The teacher then said, "oohh.. ade budak laki hensem jer bangun plak. Time cikgu ajar, korang tido. Kalau cmtu awak(addressing Johan) ajar je lah.."
I said, "xbleh cmtu cikgu, nnt lagi la dorg xpham. Berangan tgk muke die jer. Info xmsuk otak pon.. XD"
"ahaa betul jugak tu kan? dah2 berlubang kepala die. Ni pelajar baru kelas nih, perkenalkan lah diri awak.."

Johan, "umm.. assalamualaikum...?"

"ahaha, nma sya Muhammad Johan bin Mohd Dahari (mne dtg nama xtau lah:P), saya tinggal di Desa Bestari, jiran..... Aisyah(points at me..)"
Fadhan, "patut la main jeling2~ ambooiii..."

Johan, "ahaha.. saya xtau pon die kelas nih. Terkejut jugak sma kelas, kan3? (looks at me attentively, I smiled:]) smbung balik, saya sblum nih sekolah di Seoul, Korea Selatan sejak saya berumur 11, jadi sya xambil UPSR dan PMR. uumm... firstly, bhsa melayu sya xbrapa bgus, jadi, saya minta maaf skiranya tersilap kta.."
class,"bagus jer... lagi bagus dri kteorg :DD"
"aahh.. terima kasih..;P" rubbing the back of his head.

He looks at the teacher, mouthing, "ape lagi cikgu?"
the teacher replied, "cita2 awak.."
"ah! cita2 saya, umm...technician mcm bapak saya. technician.. umm...ade ape2 soalan?"
girl, "single lagi ker?"
"ahahaha... knpe? nk couple? ....coupling is not for me laahh... study lu kay? jgn jdi monyet awal2" he said, teasing the girl.

She kept quiet after that..(served her right! GO JOHAN! XD) the teacher smiled so did I.

The class continued with him sitting next to me. Since my partner was absent, his temporary place was next to me. He kept his distance while studying (well, DUH!! he's next to me! have some respect!). What's weird is that the teacher agrees that he sits next to me. She said that we look good together. WHAATT...? XD awww teacher u don't have too! now u make me blush in front of him!

After Chemistry was done. The girls starts to crowd our table. Pushing me off. =0='' stop it he's MINE!! I SAW HIM FIRST!! He was kinda scared of them. He looked at me, terrified? XD well, I had to 'protect' him. so I did. Pushed the girls away, excuse? doing our homeworks - can't focus..

(RECESS) I wasn't on duty that day, so, I get to spend sometime with Johan.. He asked me to give him a little tour of the school... I showed him the forever-crowded koperasi, always-full canteen, the open hall, the music room(showed him from below- didn't really go there) and some other places he should know... my friends saw me with him, being friendly and all.. when Johan and I sat at the open hall, eating&chatting together, my friends starts to crowd us.. Dilla, my Taemin &green obsessed friend nudged me.. I looked at her weirdly and said,

"bf dri luar negara?..:DD"
"HEK ko~ jiran aq laa.."
"eleh mcm aq xtau ko... ko ske die kn? muke hensem tu, xde nye ko nk than.."
"SHHHHH.....! senyap ar! nnt die dgr...! =o= " (putting my hands to her mouth..)
"betul kan?! ko ske die kan?!"
"U! Shaddap! before I throw away your Taemin(her keychain)...!" I said giving her a warning-jokingly.

Johan was just there, staring at me and my friends... they start to ask him things... Elyza... haha.. she looked confused when the others were talking with Johan.. I went over to her and asked her what's wrong...

"kenape aq rsa mcm pnh nmpk die eh? Ko sure die mmg dok kt Seoul 6 tahun?"
"yee... die mmg xjejak kaki kt Malaysia lama. Haha aq pon mule2 cmtu bile aq jmpe die kt depan umh aq.."
"ah? apsal lak?"
I went closer to her ears and...

the others were surprised by her screaming.
me? I tried to shut her up by putting my hands to her mouth.
smiled like a sheep in front of the others, went back to Elyza, "YOU! =.="

School ended... I came out late.. so I missed my transport's first trip... I had to wait till the next trip... then came a mini-cooper honking in front of the bus stop.. Inside was my bro calling me,

"Aisyah! Jom la! ko nk balik x?"
"ah? kete spe tuh?"
The window slid down... it was JOHAN!
"oi... cepat ler panas nih..*smiles*"
"you.." I was surprised that he has a license to drive in Malaysia.

So, I obviously followed him home. When I was inside, 
"next time, ko tumpang aq je laa. Adek ko ckp driver tu htr bdak Desa Bestari lmbt. so, nk elak ko buang masa, from now on korg tumpg aq je eh?"

Me, "umm.. we still have to ask our parents though.."
"oh that? have been taken care of.."
"eh? when?"
he didn't say anything... but gave a smexy smirk.. ;D

We got home, my bro asked Johan if he could send him to tuition.. Johan agreed.. I was home alone for awhile.. showered, went to the kitchen cooked up something.... then someone was calling for me from outside (back door),

"smells delicious.. can I have some?:P"
"ouh.. hey Johan.. umm.. sure, come over!" I don't know why I said that automatically without any second thoughts..
"seriously you're a great cook!" (munching on the food I prepared..)
"ahaha.. it's nothing.. u seemed really hungry.. ur mom's not home?"
"no, she's at the spa.. she forgot to cook something before she left.. my bro at the bakery.. who knows where my dad is.. he always goes somewhere while working.. u know those work trips.."
"ouh.. so can't you cook yourself?"
"that's the only thing I'm HORRIBLE at!"
"ahaha.. the only thing....? u sure? *suspicious*"
"of course I'm sure! I'm great at everything else..:P" said him jokingly.
suddenly, "ah! u wanna go somewhere after this? visit my bro's bakery perhaps?"
"sure! I always wanted to see how the bakery looks like.." I said excitedly.
"OKAY THEN! I'll wait for you outside in..... 20mins?"

Outside the house.........

next chapter--> :DD

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