Friday 25 February 2011

M.I.P (Mysterious Imaginary Person?)

haha have I ever told any dream of mine that's related to a new MIP? I don't think so, right?

sooo about this character... I've actually dreamt about this person quite a few times(say from last school holidays? yeah a FEW ;P), who is my (HOT!) neighbour, newly transferred student, my classmate, AND the person likes me? XDD

so, this person is a HE.. the name that was given is Johan..
(I guess the name revolves around Jonghyun? AND he looks like him!! >,<)

back to the story, I had dreams of this MIP a 'few' times before.. the 'series' of the dream really connects together like in reality...
the series started with me knowing him as my neighbour of course.. then, the story continues with me seeing him at my school, being my classmate.. of course like any other drama-like stories, we got close...

his background? okay.. he's family is rich... scratch that! he's FILTHY rich!
his mom(dermatologist! my dream job! ^0^) has spa branches around Seoul and Malaysia..
his dad(computer technician), well, he works with computers.. (he sells computers in BIG quantities for various BIG companies)..
He has an older bro(pastry&culinary graduate), no other sibling except them two.. his bro works in a small bakery in Nilai which he developed himself with his friends (guess what?! His bakery is named as 'Clouds Above'! my blog's name!! ^0^).. so as u can see, most of his family members are working, so, money comes around them..

back to Johan.. okay like I said, his mom has spa branches in Seoul(also because his dad was still studying for computers in Seoul with Samsung), so
->he used to study in Seoul for 6 years since he's 11.. (Yes, 17.. In my dream we're the same age) so, he didn't have UPSR / PMR in his life... since he's studying back in Malaysia, he's going to take SPM of course (with ME! ^0^)
->he does music, sports AND BOOKS! (+he sings!^0^) music instruments that he plays? just to name a few; piano, violin, guitar, drums, er hu(chinese violin) + others.. sports? he does basketball, tennis and dancing! (YAY!^0^).. books? he used to rank 3rd in his school AND THAT'S FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL RANKING! AND HE'S NOT EVEN KOREAN! yeah he's a smexy smarty alright! :DD
->he's quite popular with girls AND boys in his ex-high school(I meant boys as in even boys are comfortable around him), he even has a fanclub! not a surprise, he IS HOT.. ;P
->he's SUPER SWEET! any boy-haters would really right away fall for him...! ^0^
->what else....? ah! he's has a sense of fashion.. NO not the diva one (=.=KEY).. the cool-sexy-hunk-next-door kinda style:DD AND his style is LEGAL in school:D
->he NEVER had any other female in his house EXCEPT his mom and his (late) grandmother.. his mom however, always wanted a girl but she has problems with her womb so, she can't reproduce after Johan.. (WHOA such detailed dreams O.O)
->he's been in a relationship once in his middle school days(13-15years old).. but he broke up since the girl cheated on him.. (HOW CAN SHE DO THAT WITH THIS PERFECT BOY AS UR BF?!=0='') he went into depression but came back after realising the girl was stupid enough to cheat on him with his PE teacher(old man-in his 30's XDD)..
->after a few months, he requests something he NEVER thought he'd ask his parents for that is to ....................................................................................................................................

just to name a few 'snippets' from the dreams I've had since the last December school holidays..
Full story? read next post please.... click--> :DD

1 comment:

Aisyah Zahira said...

uuwwaahhh 9 org da ske? COOOOL!!

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