Sunday 27 February 2011

[fic003] A 'Date' At Clouds Above

Outside the house.... I saw him up from my room window... there's him, putting his thumb in his pocket, looking at his watch with his other hand, leaning against his blue mini-cooper, wearing a simple horizontal-blue-striped shirt, deep blue jeans and his high tops sneakers.. looking cool and stylish...
I looked at myself, I wore black jeans, my wedges, plaid shirt, orange veil... pretty simple... (I can't find the veil I wanted, online...T^T)... I went down, I saw with clearer view of him, he styled his hair like the first time I saw him... he looked nice.. :DD I locked the door and turned around... haha he was staring at me... I said,

"what? did I dress wrongly?" *looking down at my attire*
"uh..? no.. It's just..... y-you look different with that on. Your eyes. You look beautiful." *still staring*

(my eye make up was like IU's. Since I wore my specs I thought he wouldn't notice. but he did..:O)
".....ahaha thanks.. u look great urself.. :D"
"umm...thanks... shall we go now princess?"
"...prin..cess.....?" *while wearing my shoes*
"yes, u're my princess for today.. and I'm ur prince.."
". . . . ....whatever.. it's just a trip to ur bro's bakery.." (I'm his PRINCESS!! ^0^)
"we'll go to another place after that... don't worry I told ur mom that we're out.."
"oh.kay...." that's.... weird.

we're in the car, put our seat-belts on, he starts driving... at the traffic light, he turned the radio on.. SHINee's Amigo was playing...

Cold heart, baby~ Cold eyes, baby~

"oh...? SHINee..... ur pendrive?"
"uh.. yeah. I forgot to pull it out..."
*trying to pull the pendrive off.. I stopped him*
"aaahh... let it be.. it's SHINee...*giddy2* :DD" *he smiled* :D

AMIGO! Keunyeol boda naega michyeo~
AMIGO! iri sone an jabhyeo
AMIGO! yonggi nae naneun pitch up!

we sang along... sung other K-pop songs too... then he asked,

"In SHINee, who do u like the most?"
"JONGHYUN! :DDD" *excitedly*
"u like him that much? I thought he has his Sekyung already :P"
"SO?! I still like him.. doesn't matter if there's Sekyung or NO Sekyung..!"
"okay2 chill princess.... haha u remind of the SHINee fans in my ex-class... but they're much2 worse.."
"ouh? why is that?"
"they bully the ones who condemn or even slightly comments about their 'idol'.."

"uwaahhh.. must be scary to be around them.. SUPER sensitive people.." I commented.
"yeah.. I had to be careful to not to talk about K-pop idols when they're around.."
"then what do u usually talk about? cars? shoes?"
"u know, boys stuff.. true, we do talk about cars and those things at times.. but my friends seemed to be interested about girls..ONLY! I had to join, if not, I won't have much friends.." He sighed.

"seemed hard living there..."
"not really.. it's just a matter of adjusting to the situation.."
"true2.. the same goes to me then..:D"
"really? how yours work then?"
"well, I'm an open person, so anybody can
talk to me in various topics.....bla.. bla.. bla..."

We continued the conversation till we arrived at the bakery.. he parked the car in front of the shop and we got out.. above the shop wrote a sign, "Clouds.. Above..." I read it... the bakery was VERY BIG and very 'SWEET' .. (get it? very SWEET...?! don't get it? never mind..=.='') Johan opened the door for me and I came in.. that was very sweet of him...:D*blush2* The interior of the bakery was HUGE too.. a variety of cute-little-sweet-looking desserts in the display cases in the middle of the store and near the counter..

it was something like this....

his brother was busy in the kitchen area.. one of Juhairi's(Johan's bro's name btw:P) colleagues saw Johan, and called him..

"hey Johan..*shook Johan's hands* ko wt pe kt sni?.....awek? haha" The guy looked at me.
"haha lawak... abang aq mana?"
"die kt blkg sna.. msuk la.... haii..." *waved and smiled at me*
"oi2.. jgn nk menggatal... die...*shook his head*... dah2 gi smbg kje.."
"eleh ko bkn boss aq, abang ko" He stopped talking when Juhairi was behind him, he got back to work..

Juhairi, "oh hey Aisyah! smpai pon ko Johan.. lama aq tggu.."
Johan, "alaa.. tdi pujuk Aisyah ni nk pegi.."
me, "eh, bile" Johan looks at me, I kept quiet.

Juhairi, "ape2 je la.. so? nk msuk dapur x? best dapur die...:DD"
me, "SURE! ^0^ Of course! "

we got in the kitchen.. everything was clean and in place... the smell of cakes and cookies being baked wandered in the air... the kitchen area was open, so, the customers can see what the workers were doing and vice versa.. I looked around and found someone familiar to me, there..

"....K-KAK ...IZZAZ?!" The person looked at me.
"A-AISYAH?! Yaa! ko wt pe kt sni?"
"akak la wt pe kt sni?! Ya Allah lama xjmpe akak! *hugs her*"
Johan, "umm....u guys know each other?"
me, "a'ah... aq kenal akak ni 2 thun lpas.. die form 5 mse tu.. slalu gak la lepak ngn die..."
Johan, "oh.. akak msuk sini last 2 months kn kak?"
(*his bro was already here(1 year before)and opened up the bakery before the other family members came here..)

Kak Izzaz, "a'ah... waahh lama xjmpe Aisyah~ bogoshipeoseo~ *hugs me back*"
me, " so.. akak msuk U ker?"
"x.. akak skrg buat dance lessons utk bdak2 ngn kwn2 akak yg seniors tuu.. ni kje part time.. pagi smpai tghari kt dance studio.. petang akak kt sni.."
"la ye ker? so, skrg akak pny kje kt sni akak buat pe?"
"kdang ade customer order kek nk ltak Hangul writings, akak buat bnde2 yg brkenaan ngn Hangul la..:D"
"ouhh.. best la kje akak..:D"

Juhairi oppa came to me, "oh? ko kenal Izzaz? cool.. skrg, sni abg nk tnjuk something.."
Johan was behind me following Juhairi oppa(he made me call him oppa)

We went to a cake storage room just around the corner of the kitchen. Inside the storage room was full of finished-decorated-cakes, iced cupcakes, wedding orders I guessed. and there was this beautiful-blue-3-tier-fondant cake, sitting on top of the counter.

Juhairi oppa, "for you.. :)"
" whaa... why?"
"I don't know... I guess this is like a welcoming gift?"
"welcoming gift? for what? I'm the one should be doing this for you guys..."
Johan, "umm...welcoming u to.......umm.. my life?" I laughed at his quirkiness.
"hahaha :DD u know what?"
"...what?" *lifting his brows-cutely biting the side of his lips*
"you're too cute....^0^" I said while making a pinching gesture with my hands. He rubbed his head.
"sssoooo... wanna eat it?" He offered.
"now? I was thinking of bringing it home.. celebrate with our family.."
"uumm....sure.. box it up bro!" He said, tapping Juhairi oppa's shoulder.
Juhairi oppa, "huh.. the forever-ordering brother I have.. fine! ur welcome..."
"oh! THANKS OPPA! ^0^", I said.
"see...?! at least SHE has MANNERS~!"
Johan, "....whatt? u think I'm rude? naahh only to u, I am.. >:D"

We brought the cake, gave thanks to his bro, bid goodbye to Kak Izzaz, went out of the bakery and walked towards the car.... aahh.. It's night time already... then I asked Johan,

"ssoo...where're we going next?"
"oh~ somewhere... just follow me.. it's supposed to be a surprise.."
"okay.. u sure u told my mom?"
"yeah.. don't worry about it.. she agreed that I'm taking u out.. she sounded grateful though.."
"oh? why is that?"
"she said something about u being 'trapped' indoors.. haha :D" He smirked and looked at me.
"...what? Is that wrong? It's only because don't want my skin to ruin because of the sun.."
"ahaha.. don't worry about that.. u're beautiful already.." I blushed at his comment.

The trip to the mysterious place was fun.. We talked about our pasts(well, mostly his' :P) and I knew that he used to have a gf and other things... We arrived at the place after 30 mins of driving... It was a................

next chapter(click)---> :DD
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1 comment:

Budak Kimchi said...

Kalaulah ada lelaki layang aku gitu, cair dan kembang diri aku ni :D

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