Wednesday 11 July 2012

[fic044] Milk and Bread

Yeahh... As you can see, I'm trying to cover up the missing month when Aisyah and Johan had fights. So, hope you find this flashback moments amusing :D


Aisyah's POV

Haaa.. It's been awhile since I had cereal for breakfast. Ummi bought it yesterday. I paired the crunchy delectable flakes with cold milk. A perfect combination. Even better with honey swirled on top. Yum. That reminds me, milk.

Sunday 8 July 2012

[fic043] Angry Kiss

I'm in flashback mode. Wait for the story to unveil itself :P


Aisyah's POV

"Do you want to go now?" Johan asked me after stretching.
"Yeah, the sun's about up now. I've got some work to do later." I said to him.
"Let's go then." and we started walking to our houses. 
When we were a few metres away, "Oh yeah, since both of our parents are out, wanna get some lunch later?" Johan asked.
"Yeah sure. I'll be out by 12 or so." and I went inside my house.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Last Night's Dream 9 (dreamcombo)

So, I'm pretty sure all of you know HE already left school. Yeah, I was broken hearted. I can't believe I even cried for him, which is considered pathetic because he didn't even know that I like him.

.....or do he?

Anyway, last night I got this weird-slash-awkward-slash-awesome dream. Okay, I was at a park somewhere. At night. I was sitting by a pond, swinging my feet over the water without touching. I was humming some song and then suddenly someone called me. "Raja." In a hoarse voice.

Monday 2 July 2012

Miss him much? NAAAHH.

HAHA Okay. This is pretty funny.

My classmate came to me this morning. Asking if I know some kid in ST1. She wanted to ask how this person's attitude.. you know, checking him out. But when she said this person's name, AUTOMATICALLY, I laughed. Like LOL laugh.

WHY? because she's asking about Izzat Raimi. xD SHE is asking ME about IZZAT RAIMI. HAHAHAHA and I was like, "Did you know I used to like him?" and I laughed. Of course. Then quickly her face became pale. HAHA you should've seen it. "D-Do y-you still l-like him n-now?" She even stuttered.

"Who? Me? Naahhh.. I've moved on. Love him all you want. He's free from me." PFFTTHAHAHAHA I felt like letting go what was mine, even though obviously he wasn't even mine xD

Sunday 1 July 2012

[fic042] You and Your Insides

Huraaahhh for 42nd chapter! I sure am bored. and it's 2 AM right now. I actually got PLENTY of time, but NONE is used for studying. IS THIS THE ATTITUDE OF AN SPM CANDIDATE?! Anyways, hope you find this chapter amusing. :D

 Aisyah's POV

A cool Sunday and I'm up pretty early. Johan did a wake up call for me earlier, saying we're going jogging this morning. So, it's like 6:30am and I'm in front of his house, waiting for him to come out.

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