Sunday 6 May 2012

Banana Cupcakes + Kuih Lempang

I've been busy with NiE recently. Though, I did some time making a few sweet treats at home. Well, you know me. I'll eat when I get bored. I feel full whenever I finished cooking something though xD

This post is not about the recipes, just a quick post to show my current activities at home :P


my Kuih LEMPANG (as in sepak lempang xD)

Some might already saw these on my facebook. But yeah. They were LOVELY :D Glad you became jealous :P I think I might be taking culinary courses after SPM if this goes on. Cooking is SO much fun than those researching work inside the lab and wearing only white coats, with our heads covered with plastic, feet in white boots, hands in white latex gloves, eyes with transparent goggles. Well, that's how I see when thinking about working in the REAL lab :D

1 comment:

Budak Kimchi said...

Raja oh raja~ Kau boleh tak buat tab yang ada koleksi resepi kau? Macam 'Home', 'Clouds Above' Owner' and many more. Pwetty please? I'd like to try your recipes ;D

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