Thursday 19 April 2012

Mango-Apple Curd Pie

I went back to my mum's village last weekends, so we brought back mangoes. But after some while, it became too ripe, so I had to save it before it goes inedible. So, what I did was, I blended the mango flesh and saved it in the fridge. After two days, I made this!

Looks yummy doesn't it? Well, IT IS YUMMY! Warm and VERY crunchy on the outside and soft cool in the inside. Well, that's what I ate :D You can always alternate this method of cooking the pie :)

So, this is what you need first for the delicious 'pie' :
White bread (as much as you want)
2 ripe mangoes (peeled, de-seeded and blended smooth with a 1/3 cup of water)
2 green apples (peeled and diced finely)
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch
1 lime or lemon
Some water and a pinch of salt

How to cook it?
1. First of all, you need to dilute the cornstarch with around 5 tablespoonfuls of water in a cup. 
2. In a deep sauce-pan, sauté the apples with the sugar and 2 tbsp of water and stirring constantly with medium high heat.

3. When the apples goes slightly translucent on the outside, you can pour in the blended mango flesh in the pan. Before the mango purée goes hot, mix in the cornstarch water and stir constantly over low heat. 
4.  Stir until you get to something like this and then squeeze in the lime into the hot pie filling.

5. When you get to the stage where it has thickened (jam-like), turn off the stove and cool the filling in a large bowl for it to cool faster.
6. While waiting for it to cool, take the bread and cut off the crust.

7. Then press the bread down on the board - flat. A little something like this.

8. Place the bread aside and put your slightly cooled pie filling in the fridge. You can cover the filling with plastic so there's no skin forming on top of it, but I don't see the use of it much xD Come back to continue the cooking process after you wash your dishes.

Okay, I was kidding about the dishes. But seriously, if you do have dishes in your sink like how I did, wash it first! xD
9. After around 10-15 minutes, assemble your station for filling, crimping and fringing.

10. Put one teaspoon of filling into each piece of flattened bread and crimp the sides with your fingers like so.

...or even pressed with a fork to mimic the classic puff crust.

11. Finish all the process, and you'll get something like this.

12. Is it time to eat yet? NO. You'll have to deep fry it. No need too much oil. Just enough to cover half of the pie. 
13. Make sure the oil is not too hot nor too cold. Cold oil will be absorbed by the bread and you'll get yucky oil pie. Too hot, and you'll get burnt charcoal pie. So, be careful with the heat. Around medium-high would be great.
14. And alas! It's done when it's fried golden brown. Enjoy the crispy crunchy bread with the great mango-apple filling! YAY!

IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD. I mean really. That moment when warm met sweet and met rainy days. WAAAHH :D Before I knew it, it was gone already! 

Anyway, I hope you guys could give this awesome little thing I did a try and tell me how it went. OH you can always change up the recipe. Maybe you could bake it instead of frying it. Or maybe you could change apples with pineapples or pears or even .....sweet tart plums! Aww I'd like to make that one someday. :P

Oh yeah, I used Gardenia bread in here. You should use white bread that goes flat when pinched and does not bounce back like some other sandwich breads. If it doesn't stick together, try putting water around the edges and pinch it back. If it still doesn't work, JUST EAT IT the way it is!


1 comment:

Budak Kimchi said...

Grrr. I wish I could bake as brilliant as you. *Y U NO GIVE ME ONE?!*

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