Saturday 25 February 2012

Happy New Year, Bloggy?

MY GOD. It's February already?! I'm pretty sure I just started 2012 with the same people in the same class like it was yesterday! I know, I know. SUPER late post about "new year" but who cares, like anyone reads this anyway, right?

You know, I've been having dreams lately and most of them has 'Johan' in it. 'Johan' as in, the 'real' one. Only some of my friends actually know the 'real' person. So, I'm gonna let the ones who didn't know, die of curiosity >:D

I've been wanting to write back about fictional Johan though. You know those days where I just daydream about him but never did write it in any reminding form.. as in my notebook or other sources so that I can refer back and type it in here or something.

Been feeling guilty that I left my loyal readers hanging with the fiction. Sorry guys.

Also been feeling the urge to continue the chapters, but I don't know to start fresh. I mean, I did left it hanging T^T

I'll probably start whenever I really do feel desperate to write okay? Again sorry for being so shitty. T__T

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