I'm SO SO SO SO sorry for my very long absence. I've been in Raya mode for awhile now, and I did procrastinate a bit (well, I AM a teenager). well, AT LAST! I'm finished and I'm
NOT here presenting this chapter to you readers! Some of the girls are holding open houses and I'm going.. so.. see ya next week? :P
Aisyah's POV
A few minutes past after Elyza finished telling me the activities while I was gone and I was listening to my iPod while the stewardess brings my cup of water. Now I feel like I'm the KING. So, about Elyza, I felt like she's hiding something from me. I swear there's definitely something up between Onew oppa and her. I wonder if they really are seeing each other. I mean, REALLY seeing each other. HOHO Elyza will make into allkpop!
Anyway, there's some time before we touch down at Gimpo, so, I went to SHINee's seats and played around. I was being told off to sit down by the stewardess but I kept standing in the narrow-one-way-lane they used. In the end, Jonghyun oppa pulled mesuddenly to sit on his lap. I was kinda stunned by the quick action and a bit cautious of what other people might think. Onew oppa was like, "Smooth moves man!" and they high-fived. I was cautious that maybe some random Shawol might come up to us and take a picture any time now. Like how a Shawol took a picture of us at the waterfall tour two days before. Hmmm.... I wonder what happened to the girl and the photo now?
Taemin oppa brought some cards, which was hwatu, to play with, so I actually learnt playing the traditional Go-Stop with them. Onew oppa helped me A LOT in winning against Jonghyun and the others. The game, however, didn't involved money and I was able to play it. The stewards and stewardess saw us playing them, and they were amazed how fast I could catch on. Then after all of us lost to Onew oppa, Taemin oppa placed the cards away and everybody sat back normally at their places. I, however, was caught up with Jonghyun oppa, who was hugging me non-stop as I sat on top of him.
"Oppa, let me go. You do know that I'm already somebody else's right?" I asked Jonghyun as I tried to release myself from him."I do know that and I'm making sure I get all the chances I have left to be with u. Who knows, maybe the next time we see each other, u might have kids already!" he explained while placing his head in the corner of my neck." *smack* Oppa! I'm only 17! and FYI, if I get married before YOU, that means u are not hot any longer! muahaha >:D""oh? Hmm... *hugs me tighter* I might as well get u first, before Johan does, should I?" and he snuggled between the corners of my neck."Eii.. that can't be. There are thousands and millions of girls who wanted u to be their husband, and u are willing to grab me away from Johan? Wow. You sure like challenges." I smirked."Well, I AM Kim Jonghyun. It has been in my blood to be like this, take risks and WIN! :D" he smiled brightly. I can't help but smile after him.
Shortly after Jonghyun hugged me and snuggled my back of a few minutes, Elyza walks past us to go to the washroom. She reversed back and saw me sitting on Jonghyun's lap and she was like, "OMG, Raja... I'm SOOOO gonna tell Johan on you!" and she was pointing and shaking her fingers at me. I tried to stand up and stop her from telling, but Jonghyun won't let me go. Elyza walked fast pass us and to the washroom.
"Let her be. *snuggles* Johan would be nice enough to give me the last chance for me to be with you, right?" said him, looking at me right next to my face."But oppa, Johan might kick ur ass if he knows." I explained."Who cares... as long as I get my part of you. Besides, we missed a lot bonding time together.""psshh... u didn't even remembered of me when I was gone and u said we missed bonding time? =.=" I said pouting and puffing my cheeks."Awww.. Is our Aisyah mad? Aigoo... Why are u so cute when u're mad?" Jonghyun said while poking my cheek."Stop it. and I am NOT cute when I'm mad. You've never saw me get mad for real." I said frowning. Jonghyun imitated my frowning face and laughed at me."Still, u are cute :D" I hate you sometimes. Do u know that Kim Jonghyun? =.=
When it was lunch time, I went back to my seat and saw Elyza. She gave me a skeptic look and asked, "Seriously? On his lap? Really?" pulling one of her eyebrow up."What? He pulled me. I didn't want to." I shrugged."cchhtt yeah right.." She rolled her eyes and looked out of the window, supporting her chin on her left hand.When the steward came to our seat, he asked my order. I gave him my order and he gave my meal. Elyza didn't turn when I ordered my food, but when I tapped her shoulders and she turned, she looked stunned, just like when she first saw SHINee at the hotel cafe. I shook her to reality and she got her meal. She went back to her dreamland when the steward smiles at her. HAHAHA the steward was too handsome for her! xD
Somehow, SHINee wasn't sleeping on board and was finding a way to have fun. I saw them walk around to kill time and checking me and Elyza out. Onew was especially funny. He almost tripped when he tried to call out Elyza's name while holding a bottle of water. He looked WAAAYY to funny for me and Elyza to hold our laugh. SHINee also went to see other shawols, and willingly to give them a picture shoot and free autographs. Lucky them. Since I saw them(other shawols) getting their free autographs, I took out some SHINee albums, the latest one, and presented to SHINee to sign on. The albums were for the shawols back home; Nadia, Zaza, and Janah.
"Awww.. our girlfriends wants our autographs too.. :)" cooed Jonghyun to us and the other members."GIRLFRIEND?! Oppa, PUH-LEASE." I rolled my eyes."Oh come on, u just said that because u don't want the other fans hear what I just said. But in the inside *placing his hands on his chest* I know u love to hear that I called u girlfriend." He smiled, not feeling ashamed of what he said. OMG this man. =.="For the last time oppa, I'm Johan's. And I don't care if we have bonding time or not, I'm with Johan, and Johan is with me, OK?" I explained to Jonghyun oppa, slightly humiliating him because the other shawols were focusing at our conversation."Fine. Whatever." He signed the albums, sulkingly. *sigh* =.=
So, we arrived at Gimpo airport, but before we go out to the public, we stopped in the middle of the way to the arrival. The SHINee members hugged each of us and Onew was partially crying. He's so.....onew(soft). Jonghyun was still sulking, so, he did the hug half-heartedly. I was hurt by his action by the way. I mean, it's kinda rude, right? To treat your fan like that =.=
The girls and I are staying at Johan's villa for a night, THEN, we will go home. So, we were about to walk out of the arrival gate and towards the door. "SYA-yah!" I heard someone calling me from behind. When I looked back, Jonghyun was running towards me and pulled me to a real hug.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this but, I do take revenges and I do it VERY seriously." Jonghyun whispered and smirked behind my ear. Then he continued, "I LOVE the smell of your hair. It's just sweet and fresh. YUM." He was sniffing my head like he was high on drugs or something. I felt him smirked behind my head. I was, stunned, shocked, surprised, and ........stunned. The sound of camera flashes went crazy around Jonghyun and me. I was partially blinded by the huge flash beams they used. They as in the paparazzies.
Jonghyun left me standing like a statue in the middle of the way and swung his bag over his right shoulder, winking and waving me goodbye. I just blinked at the sight of seeing him leaving me. Did he just take his revenge on me because I slightly hurt his pride back in the plane? Are u for REAL?!
Johan's POV
Jonghyun just grabbed Aisyah and hugged her. I saw him smelling her hair like a dog and whispering something to her. I also saw him smirking. What the.....?! I don't feel right. Something is wrong here. Definitely. When Jonghyun left, waving and winking at her, I finished boarding the luggage in the car my mom prepared. I told the others to hop in the car while I grab Aisyah.
Aisyah was left in the middle of a pool of paparazzies. I mean, EVERYBODY was trying to get contact with her. Asking about her relationship with Jonghyun and where is she from and all those stupid baseless questions. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd and into the car. I slammed the door shut and drove off. I was mad. I was upset. I was angry. I'm sure Aisyah didn't set any of this up. I can see it in her face. She was shocked. No way she could've cheated me.
When she finally calmed down out of shock, the girls started to ask her things."What did Jonghyun do to you? You seemed stunned." asked Elyza."He just took his revenge on me. His stupid childish revenge." Aisyah answered."Revenge? What did u do to him?" asked Dilla."When he was giving signs earlier, he cooed I was his girlfriend and the other shawols were hearing. I insisted I was Johan's, so, I guess that hurt his pride. He's sooo going to get slapped back by karma.""What do you mean?" asked Elyza."He's going to get more antis again. *hard gasp* and I'm going to get antis too!! NOO!" she placed her hands to her cheeks. I smiled at her funny expression on her face. I calmed a bit seeing her like that :) thanks Aisyah. I love u for that.
When we arrive at my villa, I showed them around at they gasped at the house design. I co-designed it by the way. The villa just finished earlier this year and I'm pretty proud of it. They walked in some more and gasped again at the indoor pool. Yeah, my villa has an indoor pool.
Aisyah's POV
We arrived at Johan's villa. The villa is just AMAZING. Everything is definitely modern looking and new. I asked Johan whether this finished years ago. He answered it just finished earlier this year. So, he got to experience living in it. Cool. When we walked in the front yard, I was like, WOW this is soo going to be very celebrity like.

We continued going inside the house. We took our shoes off and walked in to see the beautiful wall panel.

Johan showed us the indoor swimming pool,

the living room,
the kitchen,
the master bedroom and our bedroom,
Don't worry. The bedroom was big enough for the three of us to share. I also checked out the bathroom, it was also very........outstanding.
When the tour ended, Johan told us to wash up and he'll get dinner ready. I was the first to shower and it was very refreshing. Somehow, refreshing reminds me of Jonghyun. Damn. I accidentally forgot. He did something to me earlier. He's so going to get killed by his fans again. He just broke up with Sekyung for God's sake! His fans are being fooled by his charming looks and smile. Hey, don't blame me for saying that. I fell for him because of that too.
Anyway, I finished washing up and wore my comfortable sleep attire. After that, I went to see Johan's progress in the kitchen. From what I remember, Johan can't cook and trust me, he really CAN'T cook. Luckily when I arrived at the kitchen, there was a maid and a butler getting dinner ready. Then, I saw Johan by the kitchen counter, beating some eggs in a bowl. Hmm... reminds me of Hairi's pose when I was at Hairi house back in Jeju. I miss him already. His pan was heating up on the stove and finally he turned to me and called me over.
I sat at the counter and looked at him frying the egg mixture."What did u put in those eggs?" I asked."Some green onions, half a carrot, a bit of chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper. The normal things u taught me to put in my omelette :)""Good. My pupil is doing very well." I nodded and crossed my arms like a boss. Johan laughed at me. I smiled looking at him smiling.
The employees(maid and butler) was wiping the plates and cutleries, and saw us interacting. The maid, whom she told me to call Sanghee unnie, asked me,"Are u guys together? You look very fitting together." She smiled. Johan, who was flipping the omelette, explained to them,"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell u guys. Let me officially introduce her to u. Sanghee nuna, Kangmin hyung, this is Aisyah, my future-wife." Johan smiled at the word 'future-wife'."Hey. Stop it. We are no where near that, okay. I'm just his girlfriend. That's all so far." I explained to her."You guys are cute. I like how u interact with each other. Very cute. :)" Sanghee unnie praised us. I felt proud somehow."I can do better u know?" Kangmin oppa said, while wiping the glasses dry."If u could, why aren't u dating right now? You're already over the dating age by the way." Sanghee unnie backfired."I'm trying to save up some money to buy myself a car. After I get myself a car, THEN I'll start dating." Kangmin oppa smiled giddily. Sanghee unnie rolled her eyes and continued her work.
I helped them serve the dishes and called the girls to eat. The dining table was full of typical Korean dinner menu that I usually see in dramas. There's the seasoned spinach (shigumchee namul), rolled eggs (gyeran-mari), glass noodle stir fry (japchae), bean sprout soup (kongnamul gook), the fish, and of course the kimchi.
not to forget the freshly steamed rice.
Everybody was hungry. Since Johan was eating with us, we let Sanghee unnie and Kangmin oppa eat together with us. That way, we don't waste any water to wash the dishes later on. Dinner was very filling and I was full after I finished the whole bowl of rice. Who knew the small looking bowl was very filling.
Anyhow, I picked up my bowl and washed it first than others. I went back to my room and fetched my phone. I checked the phone and there was a missed call. It was Jonghyun. I was fighting with myself to call him or not. In the end, I did call him.
He told me he sent me a message containing an address to his house and told me to come. I was hesitating at first, but he said he wanted to explain about the situation and how to escape of being hated by the fans and such. So, I waited for the girls to come to the room. When they arrived, I told them I'll be going to Jonghyun's house, and DON'T tell Johan about this. He'll get mad and won't let me go later.
They agreed and I snuck out of the villa. Luckily the address he gave me wasn't far from the villa and it's reachable by bus. I waited for the bus and when the bus arrived, I boarded and sat on a seat. I thought what will happen in his house. I hope I come out safe and still a virgin. O_O
To Be Continued.... :DDDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^A/N: HEY! thanks for reading! :Dnext chapter -----> :DD
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