Friday 3 December 2010

4 in the morning...

hmmm...... Feels like insomnia....aaahaaaa... feels like anaemia....... aaahahahohohokhokkk.... hahhaha:D i can't sleep nowadays.. urgh i wonder why.. i guess it's because i get to use the laptop without no one interfering?:)) or it's because i'm SOOOOO bored, i couldn't sleep, the boredom stick to u until u lie down and try to sleep... or is it because i'm kinda missing someone? to talk to, to fight to:], to adore, to day-dream with, to stare, and everything related and positive to's... :) school holidays does this to u, u know? people get bored, people get lonely, people get crazy at times:) getting scolded because u woke up late has become a routine... eating once a day became a habit... i guess it's hard living with just kids who only fusses about the chores that were given to them, i guess it's easy to laze around with nothing to do other than waiting time does it's work and wait for the upcoming show on TV:).. i guess that's the school holiday's characteristics.. when we get into school in a month or so, we get busy, almost no time at all to interact and relax.. that's a positive/boring teenage life i guess...:))

*Thanks for reading and receiving headaches:))*
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