Friday 17 December 2010


uuuwwwaaaahhhhH!!! It's been awhile since I posted something in here! well, ever since my bros are away, I've been reading fanfics ALL THE TIME!!! It's boring here! what else can i do?! ANYWAYS!!! I read the fanfics at (<-----CLICK!!) I read some good ones (and I mean GOOODDD!!!!) annndd some not so good ones (copycats=.='') AH! here some that I like! (I meant 'some' by A LOT:P)

* Obviously I read ones that contains Jonghyun in it! hahaha:D
If u guys are actually 'interested' to read, make sure to sign up first, and add me as friend kay?

(Edit : my username is Aisyah75 btw, :P forgot to tell u)
(Edit : and the list of fanfics-selected-to-be-read kept piling up:])


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