Sunday 19 December 2010

Last night's dream! 4

ok! last night's dream was one of the most BIZARRE, was the 'SCARIEST' and was the most TRAUMATIZING dreams I've ever dreamt...! I dreamt I was in the showers, then suddenly some guy's voice came out from my back! I was of course, SHOCKED!! I wasn't wearing my glasses, so, I couldn't exactly see who's face is it(or it's because of the shower mists? i dunno)... but the only thing I remember is him saying, "I thought I was getting in(shower) first!" OH! and also an image of his half-naked body... surprisingly(plus, amazingly), he had six-packs :D a thin yet firm body(?) not as 'builded' like Rain's or Lee Joon's...

OK! I know it's weird dreaming of a guy's body in the shower (OMG!!!), but I'm just sharing from what I experience in my dreamland.. It's somehow amazing that I can actually remember my dreams when I'm taking my morning shower... like flashbacks repeating itself again & again.. I can't explain how I felt when 'retrieving' the dreams (while taking shower) but it just comes to me... and I can't forget about it until someone make me do something that requires deep focus, or just plainly I felt that I don't need to share it with anyone else or if it wasn't as significant to be forgotten..

I was having my braces appointment today, and I can't forget the 'thing'.. I was like, twitching my eyes while the dentist tweaking my braces... She thought I was in pain or something, and YES I was in pain, in pain that I couldn't forget the voice and the (HOT!!) body..

I wonder if this is some kind of effect from the fanfic reading? hmmm.. I guess so... ;P

thanks for reading:D
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