Thursday 28 July 2011

I'm Back.........?


OK! I'm back! BUT not with the fiction..... I'm back .....with the crushing mode.... YES I admit.... I'm back in the "monkey-love" line.. how do I know this? well, the symptoms are as follow,
  1. I eat WAAAAYYYYY too much... even when I'm not hungry.. I eat FAR too much.. and YES I have to admit, I ate A LOT when I first liked Izzat before.. (YES! I FINALLY SAID HIS NAME WITH EASE! T_T) and I seem to be eating, pretty much, everything.. and I get hungry fast too =o="
  2. I become extra sensitive to young people... I mean.. even to kids.. they somehow get on my nerves ALL ~ THE ~ TIME... even though they didn't do anything to me.. (sorry kids.. T^T)
  3. I protest A LOT to my dad... I mean, his normal 'chores' for me to do become REEEAALLY annoying.. Those "chores" are like, make his coffee, iron his work shirts, massage his shoulders/ head/ legs/ back(everything apparently =o='') SO, every time he makes me do something, I'll get extremely lazy and I'll give out excuses to NOT do it... which I don't usually do.. :P
  4. I get VERY meticulous with my appearance (my face especially).. I mean, even when I get a very small zit on my forehead, I'll get the pimple prevention treatment going...
  5. I blush when I see couple scenes on dramas, movies and all those stuffs..
  6. I get EXTREEEMEELY sensitive when I hear his name..
  7. My heartbeat/breathing slows down when I see him..
  8. I'll be SOOOOO awkward when he's close.. (close.. as in even from 10 metres away)
  9. I smile all of a sudden when he walks past me..
  10. My mind goes blank when he makes eye contact with me..


Budak Kimchi said...

Hehe, aku pun sama. :P

ElyzaShazwani said...

yawww , welcome back ! HAHA . relaxla, kita chillax je ~ btw, jealous dowh dgn kau , ade crush balik huaaahuaaa bestnye !

Aisyah Zahira said...

urghh... this is TOTALLY exhausting me.. == stressed... tension.. heh

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