[fic021] Bipolar Boyfriend
Oh yeah.. again, I didn't have the time and energy to write in this week.. I bet u guys are pretty busy yourselves.. so, I kinda procrastinate the fic writing a bit (mian :P).. AAANYWAAYY.. Elyza was soooo 'lucky' to get featured in the fic.. I meant, lucky to get KISSED by ONEW.. xD okay2 she didn't really got kissed for real, but still she blushed a lot this week, and I wanted to let her suffer for a few weeks since I'll be putting up HER and DILLA's chapter after a few(?) chapters of Johan & Aisyah's.. so, watcha doing? GO AHEAD AND READ! :D
"call spe tdi?" my mom asked me.."Dilla.." I answered.."npe xcall Aisyah?""die xangkat phone.. lgipon dorg kt luar.."
"dorang gi mne?"
"Jeongbang waterfall.."
"oh.. yg dekat ngn laut tuh.. nk pegi nnt?"
"xpyah la.. tak nak kacau dorg pny aktiviti..besides, Johan nk gi O'sulloc Tea Museum tuh.""nnt nk beli ape?" she asked me.."teh le.. utk Aisyah.. :D""ohh.. teh buat minum je?" she handed over a plate of scrambled eggs to me.."tak de la.. aritu ade tgk video home made green tea ice cream nih.. terasa nk buat plak.. :P""hmm.. spend sometime with ur gf lah nih.."
"eh? cmne mama-....""of course la mama tau.. anak mama sendiri kan?""ehehe :P" I sipped some orange juice..
"so, don't u wanna tell me how did u 'propose'?""hmm.. that. I'll just keep it confidential.. sorry :) ""chh.. mentang dah berpunya... bukan main ye.."she made a sleazy look on her face."hehehe... :P"
Aisyah's POV
*in the bus*
we're on our way to a place call O'sulloc Tea House Museum.. I heard this was the place the famous O'sulloc Tea originated from.. so, I was excited to come here.. I saw some home made green tea ice cream video on YouTube before, and I wanted to make it for Johan :D so, on the way(in the bus) was kinda noisy.. Everybody was busy getting to know with each other.. I was, in the other hand, plugged in my earphones to my mp3 player, but the earphones didn't make any sound.. I plugged it in a few times, it still didn't produce any sound.. I decided to put it away, but then, Jonghyun saw me and said,
"what's wrong?" Jonghyun oppa asked me.."uh? it's nothing.. it's just the cheap earphones. they're making problems again.." I answered."hmm... wanna use mine then?"he handed me an earpiece from his earphone line."u sure u don't mind?" I asked before taking the earpiece to my ear.."it's okay.. :)"
so, we wore the earphone together.. that was sweet of him.. a pop song he played before just finished and then a ballad song was on.. the song had a sad feeling to it.. the singer was a woman.. I asked him who was the singer, he didn't answer.. Was my voice too soft? "uh, oppa? who's the singer?" I looked at him, he was looking ahead and didn't turn to me.. I waved my hand in front of his face, he snapped out and grabbed my waving hand..
"uh oppa? is there something wrong?" I said.. "oh? ahh nothing's wrong.. why? :]" he smiled fake-ly.."are u sure? because u looked .....sick.""am I? *placed one hand on my forehead and one on his'*I think I'm fine.. :)""are u sure, oppa?" then I placed my hand, 'checking his temperature'then I quickly and swiftly flicked my finger on his forehead, leaving a red mark.."YAH! what was that for?!" haha I made him cute-ly angry.."that's for spacing out on me, and for lying..""pfftt.. when did I- *looking anxious* when-did-I-lie?""eeii... then why are u nervous right now?"I rolled my eyes on him.."I-am-not!""oh stop it oppa, u always speak fast when u're nervous.. xD""and-how-would-u-know-that?""oppa, I'm a Shawol.. and as a Shawol, we know EVERYTHING! xD""hmm.. I guess u're right.."
"so, care to tell me what happened?"
"okay.. but make sure u keep this a secret from everybody..even Key himself.." he told me.
"okay.." I nodded my head in agreement."u heard the ballad song right?""yeah, I even asked who's the singer..""she was my first crush from middle school..""wow, that was.... *counting with fingers* a long time ago.."
"yeah.. it was, but recently, I accidentally met her at a random restaurant somewhere around Apgujeong in Seoul..""heorrll... then what happened?""she was married.. and her husband.. *sigh* was my own bestfriend..""then, did they saw u?" I asked..
"I don't think so.. because I accidentally saw them when they were walking out of the restaurant.."Jonghyun oppa paused.. I just nodded listening to him.. then he continued, "she was holding her baby, and her husband was pushing a baby stroller..my own bestfriend... the one who I told I had a crush on her..she. is. his. wife. now. *sighs hard*""hmm... did u ever confessed to her?" I asked him.."I didn't...""what?! why didn't u?" I was flustered at his answer.."the day I was about to confess to her, I found out that she was already dating with someone..so, I refused to confess.. it was too late to go back anyway..since I was busy the next year, being a trainee for SME..""oh.. so, ever knew who was she dating?"I asked, curiously.."nope, I never got to know.. I changed schools after that.. just to be closer to the training building..""oh.. *slight pause* wow, u have such sad love story..""oh well, the past is the past.. now, I have u to keep me company,and I'd like to keep it that way.. right?""hmm.. :)" I smiled.. OMD, he doesn't know that I'm dating Johan already..I'm sorry oppa, but history is repeating itself again..
*O'sulloc Tea House Museum(click)*
We finally arrived at the museum.. I dropped off from the bus and walked away from it.. A step out of the bus, I could feel the fresh air, I saw the amazing view of the tea fields.. I also smelled wet grass.. ahh so refreshing! I've never been so alive! :D 
Everything I see was in green and blue.. the scenery, the entrance tea cup sculpture, the bright sky.. When all of us grouped together, we started to walk to the main building.. There were little people since it was still early in the morning and it was a workday.. I pushed the entrance door and walked in, excitedly.. As soon as we entered the building, the air smells like freshly roasted and grounded tea.. warm and cleansing.. I stopped my pace and look at my front.. jars of dried tea were neatly arranged on dark-coloured-wood shelves.. I look to my left(click).. Sets of old ancient Chinese tea sets were neatly displayed on opaque glasses imprinted with the tea sets' details and history..
"Aisyah-yah, are u ok?" Jonghyun oppa asked me,who was standing like a statue not far from the entrance door."heelllloooooo... Aisyah? never seen teas before?"Jonghyun oppa waved his hand in front of me.."oh? no.. of course I've seen teas before..just.. never this much.. waaahh.." I said in awe..
Jonghyun oppa smiled at my answer and pushed me to walk to the tea sets.. We walked in deeper and deeper to find a curved corridor, which was decorated with more tea sets on square wooden shelves behind transparent glasses.. the tea sets gave an ancient Chinese look to the building whereas the furnitures(shelves), lighting and glasses gives off a modern contemporary look.. The odd mixture of designs was absolutely stunning.. All of us looked at the displays carefully and walked in deeper into the building.. We studied the history of the famous tea, which was also displayed together with the tea sets and teas.. Every tea has its own flavours and came from different origins.. I leaned in to look at the tea set closer.. Jonghyun oppa did the same..
Johan's POV
I was walking around the Culture Hall with my mom, reading off the tea sets' histories, when I saw Aisyah across the corridor.. I smiled as I was surprised we went at the same place, around the same time.. I was about to walk to her and leave my mom alone until Jonghyun approached her.. almost hugging her from the back.. Wataffffuuuuuuu Aisyah... u didn't tell him yet? I thought u would start babbling about it already...! now I have to spy on them? GOD.. I have to do EVERYTHING, don't I? *sighs*
So, instead of approaching them, who were busy 'cuddling' each other, I decided to watch them from afar.. u know spying on my girlfriend.. just in case she cheats on me.. they were close.. VERY CLOSE.. I remember seeing Hello Baby, and Jonghyun said he likes skinship too much... nuh-uh that is NOT gonna happen here! I shook my head left to right to the thought of them hugging and being cuddly in front of my eyes.. urghh... no way I'm gonna let that happen!
so, I followed them till we got to this Roasting Tea area(click D & pic no.2).. Everyone was in couples.. Dilla was with Taemin, and Elyza was with Onew.. the girls with their guys were on the same roasting table.. while Key, Minho, Jonghyun AND Aisyah *URGH* were on a different roasting table.. I was crouching behind some counter not far from them.. Other people were watching me.. what? It's not my fault I have to spy on my girlfriend...! so, their eyes won't stop glancing at me, and their mouths won't stop saying "Is that HOT guy a pervert? OMG!" okay.. I approve of the HOT guy comment, but COME ON! pervert?! seriously! my ears were ringing with their comments.. so, I decided to stand up and walk away..
Later, I found some big newspaper like brochures on the info counter.. well, I took them, and went away sitting at a table across the girls and SHINee guys.. they were happily roasting the tea.. I looked at Aisyah.. Her eyes were glistening.. literally! she glistens.. :) back to them, they were roasting the tea.. Aisyah was putting her hands inside roasting wok with Jonghyun.. WTfffuuuuuu...! he was happily tossing the tea around and suddenly held Aisyah's hand and pulled it up in the air.. they were smiling at each other.. "haha caught u!" Jonghyun said like a kid.. Key and Minho was like, "Jonghyun hyung is such a flirt..".. "I know that, right?" Key said back to Minho..
Then, I saw them walk away from the roasting table and went to the tea class.. One of the tea instructors, a female, were teaching them how to hold a tea cup, traditionally, and drink it in a polite manner.. Aisyah was excellent even though it was her first time.. I guess.. I dunno.. the guys were holding it, like a man.. (A/N: do u guys watch simonandmartina's channel on YT? they're AWESOME! :D) ANYWAY, they walked again.. now to the tea house or the tea cafe.. they sat down at a table fitted for 4 persons.. I was again, with the brochure and sitting a bit far from them.. Key went to the desserts counter, Minho was to the beverages counter.. Aisyah and Jonghyun was sitting on the table alone, front to front.. they were chatting some things.. until I saw Jonghyun holding Aisyah's hand... like he is her boyfriend! ME! HER BOYFRIEND IS ME! WAYYY OVER HERE!
----------------------------------Aisyah's POV
I was sitting at the table in the tea house with Jonghyun oppa, alone.. Key oppa and Minho oppa went buying the desserts.. Jonghyun oppa came up with a conversation about scandals.. I was trying hard to listen to him since he speaks Korean too fast! I mean.. I'm a beginner in Korean.. and I have to say he speaks like a rapper! I was trying to put his words together in my mind.. then suddenly he took my hand and held it.. I was flustered by his action.. but I didn't made an obvious flustered face to him.. I still didn't know what he said.. and why he held my hand.. but I didn't let go.. u know just in case he just wanted some comfort about his secret earlier or something..
A few minutes later, Key oppa came back with a tray full of desserts.. I mean literally! I thought they can't eat desserts much since their faces will bloat up because of the sugar.. oh well, as long as I get my piece, I don't mind :P
So, he puts the tray down and looked at us.. Jonghyun & I were still holding hands.. I took mine away from Jonghyun oppa's.. Key smirked.. Minho came later with 8 bottles of mineral water.. u know, since we're eating SUGAR.. I asked Minho oppa,"wow, that's a lot of water.."
"the others will come together with us.." Minho oppa smiled as he speaks.."and where are they?""I dunno.. they must've still in the tea class..""hmm.. probably..." I shrugged my shoulders..
Elyza's POV
Dilla and Taemin, and Onew and I were walking to the tea house after 25 minutes of tea class.. Onew oppa accidentally spilled his tea on his shirt and he had to change.. he was so cute.. his sangtae(A/N: condition.. search up Onew Sangtae, non-Shawols!) was still stuck on him even after years! :DD Anyway! We were walking, holding hands.. which made me crazy.. I was partly alive and dead at the same time! he practically had to hold my hands because he said he's afraid of being lost by himself.. xD such an innocent kid!
So, we arrived at the tea house when I saw this guy, crouching behind some seat divider wall with a brochure in his hands, covering his face, half-ly.. I looked up at the 'thing' he was looking at.. Aisyah(who I call Raja)'s & SHINee's table? waitt.. he looked familiar.. I tilted my head to look at the person when we were ahead of him.. I WAS RIGHT! he IS familiar! I stopped Dilla and whispered to her.. "yah! tu bukan Johan ker?" Dilla asked back, "huh? mane? mane?" I pointed at Johan, without him knowing.. he was already sitting at some table few metres behind ours..
We were already sitting at the table the others sat at.. We pulled another table next to theirs.. and drank some mineral water Minho oppa bought.. When Raja was getting up from her seat to wash her hands.. I gave a sign to Dilla and tagged along.. We fought with each other to tell her at first.. but then we saw him.. obviously.. he was washing his hands next to her..
"A-Aisyah? hey! it is you! waahh what are the odds?"he looked awkwardly surprised.."hey Johan! u're here also?"she was too.."yeah.. I asked my mom to come here..""really? hmm.. so, where are they?""they here.. somewhere.. I left them afar..""well, that's...... um cool.."AWK..WARD........~!"yeah..so, u're with them?" Johan asked..
"yeah.. wanna tag along?" she offered.."naahh it's okay.. but I wanna ask u something.. this might be a bit private, so can u guys *pointing at Dilla and me* leave us alone for awhile?""uh sure.." Dilla and I nodded and we went away..
I didn't know what they talked about since I was already at the table, eating the desserts.. I was sharing the same plate with Onew oppa..! he kindly and romantically fed me spoons and spoons of yogurt ice cream.. which tastes better with him feeding me .. yum.. yumm.. :D
Aisyah's POV
I met Johan at the washing area.. Elyza and Dilla was with me at the time.. Johan talked to me like we haven't seen each other for years.. which was rather awkward.. then, he asked Elyza and Dilla to leave us to talk alone.. he then pulled me out to the terrace(click H).. we stopped at some tree around the area.."yah! having fun cheating on me?!" he yelled loud enough just for me to hear.."what?! cheating on you?!"I was shocked.. why is he suddenly like this?"YEAH! what's with the holding hands with Jonghyun?"whhhaaaaa? how did he know that?!
"I-..... I didn't know why he held my hand..! I swear!""yeah right! I saw u smiling and all, u think I'm that stupid to knowu actually enjoyed him holding ur hand?""but I swear I didn't know why he held my hand...! he was speaking way to fast..! and I didn't understand a word he said..!""even so, u should have pulled ur hand away earlier before Key came.."he sounded mad and jealous.. was he jealous of Jonghyun?"I was afraid.. in case I missed what he said that might be comforting to him.""what do u mean comforting for him?I WASN'T in COMFORT seeing my girlfriend holding hands withsome guy, who apparently brings scandals and Shawol chaos together!"I was in the verge of breaking down.. listening to him getting mad at me.."u know, u're already with me now..being with him earlier made u look like a real slut.."
That's it! I can't hold it any longer.. my tears fell when I heard him say that.. he's mad at me.. I didn't say a word after that.. I was speechless.. he's right.. I supposed I forgot I'm already with Johan and being with Jonghyun would've made me looked like a slut.. he was right.. I was wrong.. I was on the floor crying silently.. he continued,
"u know, at first I thought the ring might do some work,telling the people around u that u're already mine.. I guess it didn't have much effect on the people around u.."
I was still looking down at the floor.. crying.. I heard his foot steps getting closer to me.. he crouched down and sighed.. a few moments later, he pulled my chin up and wiped my tears..
"u are one big baby.." he said.."ssshhh.. people are watching.. aren't u ashamed?such a big age.. acting like a small kid.." he smiled..
Watahe- Johan is soo bipolar! he was mad at me before and now, he's like, nothing had happened before! I was sniffling my way to understand his actions.. seriously! I was deathly scared he might break up with me after just a few hours of being his second girlfriend in his life, and him being my first boyfriend.. He pulled me up on my feet and hugged me.. stroking my hair with his hand.. well, that calmed me down a bit.. but still.. I was still confused of him being mad at me and then being nice to me all of a sudden.. he is one weird dude.. o.O
To Be Continued.... :DDDP/S: I'm SOOO out of ideas for this.. sorry for the grammatical mistakes (if I do have any) and sorry for the late post.. :P I was busy relaxing this weekend.. it had been awhile since I spent my weekends at home.. :D OH also! please like and comment below! ^^next chapter -----> :DD
why second girlfriend?
coz, Johan's first gf was a girl back in his Korean school.. the one who ditched Johan for a gym-30-years-old-teacher xD
*check balik MIP chapter..(the FIRST FIRST chapter before the first chapter.. xD)
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