Monday, 28 February 2011
[fic004] Oh I'm SO Lucky~
This is >>
The Boy I Knew
Sunday, 27 February 2011
[fic003] A 'Date' At Clouds Above
This is >>
The Boy I Knew
Saturday, 26 February 2011
[fic002] New Kid In Class...
This is >>
The Boy I Knew
Friday, 25 February 2011
[fic001] The Day I Met ...Him
(At my new house in Desa Bestari)
I was washing my school shoes, suddenly a lorry comes in RIGHT in front of my house.. the driver parked it, so I asked him..
"oh. sori, silap rumah.. ni utk rumah sblah.." "ok... park betul2 eh, nnt bapak saya balik nak park kete depan rumah.." "okay2"
"Ni untuk ape?"
This is >>
The Boy I Knew
M.I.P (Mysterious Imaginary Person?)

This is >>
The Boy I Knew
Thursday, 24 February 2011
can I call it a DILEMMA?

Tuesday, 22 February 2011
yes, I've gone crazy~
well only because MBLAQ won over SHINee in's Bestsellers List!
Don't believe it?!

ooohhhh yyyeaaaahhhhhh!!!
but still, it's surprising that SHINee is still in the best-sellers list
they started selling their repackage album
since October 6th, 2010!
waaaaa..... then,
mission 1 - ACCOMPLISHED!
that is for MBLAQ to beat SHINee in a way...
no offence Shawols, I'm a Shawol too...=0=
(actually I'm a Blinger! :DD)
mission 2 - buy their album!
ever since they debuted, I never bought their album!
I wanted to buy BLAQ Style...
but since they came up with a repackaged album,

I wanted to buy this one!
because in it, contains a private DVD
which I think is the making-of their music video(s)...
I read it somewhere in ABM (MBLAQ's International fansite) :P
mission 3 - to see MBLAQ to have they second win..!
they only won ONCE!
so, as an A+ of course I wanted to see them
have their second win or MORE! :DDD
mission 4 (?) - not yet confirmed :P

Monday, 21 February 2011
Last night's dream! 5
haha it was rather short BUT gave quite an impact to my sleep =0=''
the dream goes like this...
there was us, angklung kids, in the music room..
everybody was getting ready with their own notes,
fighting who gets which notes,
people who held double notes wanted more,
the ones without any notes fought to gets their notes
(at least each person get one note...)
the fight resolved when Teacher Chuah
(I missed your classes!! TT0TT) came in,
then teacher said to me to give a slight briefing
about the attire for the performance,
as i said to them to bring their own
black vest, slack trousers and such,
suddenly 'MIR' came to me,
brushed my arm and said aegyo like,
I woke up(NO sit up straight!), shocked O.O, couldn't sleep well after that..
the effect?
today's class was hard.. i couldn't keep my eyelids open...
even though it's like 10:50p.m right now,
i'm SOOOOO sleepy....
i guess i better go to sleep now...
Nite nite.. :DD

This is >>
last night's dream
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Monday sucks..=0=''
aahhh..... tomorrow is a school day..
GOD I hate Monday mornings...
i wanted to do back the ice treatment for my eyebags,
but i SERIOUSLY have NO time to do it..
well, i just have to live with it, do i?
Allah made Monday for something right?
SEE YA TOMORROW~! with the eyebags... =0=''

The OWO I-Seem-To-Know said....
OWO is Only Wise One...
thus the title,
"The Only-Wise-One-I-Seem-To-Know said..."
the person I said to be wise is none other than Mr. Naim Muhammad...
like Naim said at his notes section in facebook :
ummm zaman skrg ni kalo nak awek2 ni blaja dlu la or kalo nak jgak kene ushaha dlu la sape2 je la kalau nak awek usaha dlu la dpt keje barulah bleh sume ni bagai kan nak seribu daye xnak seribu dalih.utk memberi isteri (sape2) senang bile da besar n dapat keje sblom nak buat sume2 ni. yg lain pon same jgn nak buat sume2 ni jehh. mcm ade $ ni sgt je duit parents pon yg tanggung nak sume ni. so ikotla ckp aq ni kalo (sape2) nak isteri (sape2) sng , kalo nak bermesra tu xyah ar sampai public brutal n kalo da xthn nak awek pon pendidikan diutamakan dlu ar bagi parents sejuk hati . sape trase makan cili dier la trase pedas nye.
come on u guys, you're still in school..
learn by the books first THEN learn love...
it kinda disgust me seeing my friends being all lovey dovey
uuwweekkkk =0=''
please please please find a way to 'repel' yourselves
from each other in public areas....
it sickens me.. SERIOUSLY....!

UWAH!! ^0^
hehehehe.. it's like 5:15a.m. right now...
and i just finished making my blog layout...
so? what do u think of it?
nice enough?
i like what i did, so
it doesn't really matter if YOU like it or not..
hope i can keep up with the posting~
getting busy at school..
with the 'new-facebook-monitoring rule' the school just made up,
i couldn't be as open there..
so, my beloved blog is the only existing option other than
wasting ink and write in my dusty diary.. :P

Friday, 11 February 2011
hahahaha:DD sorry~
it has been like a month(?) ever since the last post...
AND guess WHAT?!!
I actually made the account.. HAHA :DD
i made it right after i posted the last post! XDD
i know i'm a hypocrite~ :P
NO, i didn't write any fanfics
just read the ones that are good enough to read~
some.. are.. just... bleh
but some makes my heart thumps and jumps and ALL!
the suspension they made for the fics are AWESOME!!
and i said to myself, "wow, i can't make one up~" :P
SOO... it's just me, reading fanfics on the Net,
and improving my English..
(eventhough my Malay is going down the drain~ =.= sorry cikgu)
REALLY need someone to write a fanfic in Malay.. can i really find any of those? XD
or should i make one? booolleeehhhhh .......blah~
NO WAYYY i'm gonna do that..
with the school works mounting like Everest in front of me, making one fic is just crazy~
oh well... i just have to find newspapers to read
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