Sunday, 21 August 2011

[fic026] Leaving Is Hard on Him

I'm back! Wow, these days I'm getting excited to update~ I was actually pretty depressed with the exams, so.. I decided to find something that'll keep me out of depression. So, updating this sure keeps me out of that depression range! ANYWAY, I promised Elyza I'd make a romantic scene between Onew and her, so.. I hope this is enough to fill your satisfaction, Elyza! ;]


Aisyah's POV

Johan and I are back in good terms again and we're okay. Except that I'm still slightly disappointed that my precious precious SHINee vacation was about to over. I mean it's a once in a life time chance that I can actually hang out with SHINee!! My all time favourite band EVER! *sigh* oh well, at least I get to meet them and mingle with them.. Even though it was a tiny part of it T^T
Anyway, Johan brought me after-dinner snacking around the hotel area. He said to try their ddeokbokki and jeon (Korean pancakes). The jeons were like those cucur udang batter but pan fried with spring onions and some seafood.

Friday, 19 August 2011

[fic025] Ice Cream To The Rescue!

U guys wanna know?!! My crush called my name this morning and I was like, all sparkly eyes and go, "yeeeeee?" and he was like, "oh.kay. I wanna ask about this....bla bla bla.." I was so into thinking that his right eyebrow was so cute, I didn't hear out his question. I had to ask him back what was the question he asked me. It was one of my most embarrassing moments EVER! (and YES I know I'm weird, thinking eyebrows are cute.. APPARENTLY, his' were cute!! ;D) OH YEAH! this WHOLE update is Johan's POV! :DD


We arrived at the hotel.. in silence.. We saw the whole group gathering at the lobby, going to the outdoor deck for dinner. Elyza wasn't with any of them. We walked in the lobby and they saw us coming in and the guys hugged Aisyah and asked her where she went and stayed. They apologized and promised to make up to her. She didn't speak, just smiled and went straight to the lift, going to her room.
"What's up with her? Did u guys fight?" Key asked us.

Monday, 15 August 2011

[fic024] To Forgive or Not?

So, Hairi was the knight in shining armour? I was getting ideas of some sort at the time, so, that happened. umm, sorry for the late update guys.. I had my PKS2 (exams =.= I HATE YOU, M'sia's education system) last week and I was "busy studying".. ANYWAY, I hope u guys enjoy reading this update!

Aisyah's POV

It was morning, and I was eating breakfast with Hairi.. While we were eating, Johan called me and scolded me over a small thing.. I mean, I didn't come home last night because I had my reasons. He didn't even stop and listen. He just kept scolding and scolding at me. He even cursed at me! I eventually had to raised my voice at him so, I can explain to him what REALLY happened. Well, after all the shouting in the MORNING, I cried. Like any other girlfriends would do if they were to fight with their boyfriends. I cried in the bathroom for about 2 hours and Hairi comforted me. He was nice enough to let me cry for some bit and let me come back on my own. He gave a tight comforting hug for me after I came out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, I cried even more. I'm those kind of people. Those kind where u can't be comforted, or u'll cry more. YUP, I am weak.

So, I was in Hairi's arms for some while now, and I believe we're in the living room. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV, he's making me calm down. I gradually got up and wiped my dried tears away.

"u okay now?" Hairi spoke.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

[fic023] Trust Is All We Need

so, last chapter was............... a LONG time ago right? I actually wonder if u guys actually read, and fully understand the story flow.. coz, some parts of the fiction is practically based on my daydreams.. so, some parts may become unclear to u readers.. I mean, some parts may be IN the fiction.. and some parts may NOT be in the fiction... and might become confusing... SO to avoid confusion, read the chapter detailed-ly.. :P heh my words are confusing enough isn't it? xD I'll just cut my crap and YOU readers, READ IT! (P/S: WARNING for harsh language)


Ok. Hairi and I were sitting on the bed side, flipping over an old photo album that Hairi found beside the bed while he was cleaning it up for me.. and guess what? I found a page full of pictures of him and ME playing around in the playground.. I MEAN SERIOUSLY! I was there with those curly hair of mine, in my red and dark-blue kindergarten uniform,
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