Saturday 23 October 2010

Last night's dream!

It was, so far, the most bizarre dream ever! even though, it was a short-30-sec-dream, it was REALLY WEIRD!!!!

U guys might be sick reading this, but... it was a scene where I was practically 'strangling' 'G.O's neck(sitting on a computer's chair) threatening him about something (don't remember) then he said something like, "because I LOVE(?) YOU!!"... Next to him, standing, was 'MIR', observing with a confused yet angry face on him.. I released 'G.O' from 'strangling', went to a isolated corner(crying?).. the scene was like I was in an old-dusty spacious closet (or an old empty room).. because there was a two-leafed door..

I told you didn't I? it was a really bizarre dream! I woke up as soon as 'MIR' opened the door(kicked?) and very-bright-white-light shone... wow... O.O'' *thinking* "did I die?"
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