Wednesday 27 October 2010

Last night's dream! 2

this was actually from last week... so, i'm gonna tell anyways.. this was also a short-30-sec-dream..

it was somewhere in Seoul i guess.. a SHINee concert.. the strange thing is that, not many attended the concert.. as in even their fanatic fans.. so, it was like only me, Dilla, and a few other hidden fans.. since no one watched their concert, they made it a small 'fan-meeting'... it was at the back stage where it was held.... so, it was kinda dark, so we played like a game of SHINee members finding their own fan(s)... guess what? Jonghyun only had me as a fan there! (since the scandal thing, most of his fans became antis..) back to the story~ i was the only blingers there SO!! the game rule was to find and hug your fan(s).. SO!!!! Jjong saw me, saying "u with me?", runs toward me and HUGGED ME!!! in the game rule also included to tie a rope around our waists.. SO!!!!! aaaaaahhhh...*faints* he tied it as he was behind me, so, there's this back hugging thing going on~ !! i was pretty short compared to him, but my head is close enough to his lower head part(jaw?).. i was trembling *A LOT!* and then he whispered in my ear "be comfortable and relax*hugging me*, because I'm here*smiling sweetly*" KKYYYAAAAAA!!!! *fangirling!* (when all this happened, Dilla was with Taemin behind Minho's fans, Dilla had almost the same 'fate' as me..:P) i couldn't think anything when Jjong did that... aaahhh... then, just when the MC called to gather around, i woke up~ huuuhhhh.. POTONG AAA!!!! :( but it was a very pleasant dream! even though it was short, but enough to make me remember and giggle by myself.. :D

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