Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chewy Lemon Soft Cookies

If you love soft cookies, you're going to love this!

I had extra butter blocks in my fridge and some lemons my mum bought at the pasar. So, I thought I'd make some soft lemon cookies. This batch will make up to 2 dozens of cookies, depends on the size of your cookies. I did mine quite big, so, I got only around 1 dozen and a half :p Cooking time? 8-10 mins.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Triple Threat !

Someone requested the recipe for this YUMMY looking things over here :D
Click on the captions for the recipes :)
Carrot cupcake with orange cheese frosting
Red Velvet with cheese frosting
'Malaysianized' Japanese pancake "Okonomiyaki"
Happy Iftar, Muslims :)

Friday 3 August 2012

Butter Prawn Baskets (YUMMY!)

Click for larger view
YAY! Another recipe! It's been awhile since I've made something savoury. Sooo how about this? Don't they look scrumptious?! And they were scrumptious! The baskets are made up of grated potatoes and filled with goodies like butter sautéed prawns. Mine made up for about six small baskets. You can adapt the recipe to your own taste and portion :)

So, wanna make it with me? :D

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