Thursday, 19 April 2012

Mango-Apple Curd Pie

I went back to my mum's village last weekends, so we brought back mangoes. But after some while, it became too ripe, so I had to save it before it goes inedible. So, what I did was, I blended the mango flesh and saved it in the fridge. After two days, I made this!

Looks yummy doesn't it? Well, IT IS YUMMY! Warm and VERY crunchy on the outside and soft cool in the inside. Well, that's what I ate :D You can always alternate this method of cooking the pie :)

Friday, 6 April 2012

Hari Kualiti + this weekend

Umi came today for my Quality Day at school in the language lab. As always, I sat next to Umi and talked to the class teacher. The teacher would drag on and on about my grades. She would praise me for getting this and that and say I'm doing great and all. I noticed how the parents were a bit in a hurry from behind, I tried to break off the chat and such, but they kept talking. =.=

ANYWAY, after they finished talking, I start to sling my bag over my shoulder and stood up from my seat. As soon as I stood up, I saw him and his parents. He was in his baju melayu uniform, which I think looks best on him. I remembered his dad's shirt colour, which was maroon-ish, and his mom's beige veil, but I can't seem to remember his parents faces.
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