Sunday 25 July 2010


okay… my family said not to say a word ‘bout this.. but I just can’t stand it anymore!

It’s about my cousin… She’s having a critical mental problem… and this is SERIOUS! I’m being patient every time she gets close to me..(yesterday she spends a night at my house… currently in HKL..)

waa… how to explain it aaa? urmm.. like this, she had a bad childhood with her family.. about her dad insisted her to take the same course as her older sister.. ( biology? i dunno ) she didn’t want it and became insane?

she’s jealous of OUR family, because we live in happiness and cool-ness.. unlike her family…

she’s even jealous of us, siblings, bcoz we got to go to overseas [London (us), Bahrain&Dubai (abah) ]

like she takes every LITTLE2 things into such big commotion… so, technically she supposed to be put under psychiatry care [ (Tanjung Rambutan)well, that’s only what i thought.. ]

Umi said she is in critical condition,mentally, and she needs to be with her mother… since she hates her father, who gave bad memories to her, so.. it’s hard to send her back home( Kuala Kangsar, Perak )

What to do now? we can’t have her here(my house).. since she doesn’t get along with anyone around her… even in her work… (she got terminated coz she’s SICK) so… I dunno..

I just don’t want her close to me since she’s freaky…and I’m gonna have my PMR trials soon… I don’t want her to make me like her, as in, makes ME crazy like HER…

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